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Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Laughing Conservative

The Laughing Conservative

Ted Cruz sez...

Posted: 23 May 2015 06:28 PM PDT

"Since the administration has not been forthcoming with the information on both Iran's abysmal human rights record and military adventurism they are required by law to produce, Congress owes it to the nation to demand it before we can judge any nuclear deal President Obama may strike with Tehran." [ECS]

If Iraqi attitudes don't change, ISIS will triumph

Posted: 23 May 2015 04:44 PM PDT

If Iraqi attitudes don't change, the war against Islamic State is lost, writes Doyle McManus of  The LA Times. And Iraqi attitudes don't appear likely to change without more pressure from the United States — whether it comes from Obama or, 20 months from now, his unlucky successor. Read it all.  [BJS]

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