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Thursday, October 06, 2005

[NT] Kaspersky AntiVirus Buffer Overflow (CAB Files)

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Kaspersky AntiVirus Buffer Overflow (CAB Files)


" <> Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal
monitors all virus and spyware entry points leaving you with a clean and
safe machine."

A buffer overflow vulnerability in Kaspersky AntiVirus allows attackers to
cause the program execute arbitrary code using CAB archive file.


Vulnerable Systems:
* Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal version 5.0
* Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro version 5.0
* Kaspersky Anti-Virus version 5.0 for Windows Workstations,
* Kaspersky Anti-Virus version 5.0 for Windows File Servers
* Kaspersky Personal Security Suite version 1.1

Immune Systems:
* All of Kaspersky Lab's antivirus version 4.5

The Kaspersky Antivirus Library provides file format support for virus
analysis. During analysis of cab files Kaspersky is vulnerable to a heap
overflow allowing attackers complete control of the system(s) being
protected. This vulnerability can be exploited remotely without user
interaction in default configurations through common protocols such as

Successful exploitation of Kaspersky protected systems allows attackers
unauthorized control of data and related privileges. It also provides
leverage for further network compromise. Kaspersky Antivirus Library
implementations are likely vulnerable in their default configuration.

The vulnerable file format engine is responsible for parsing cab files.
Specifically, the vulnerability is the result of an improperly bounded
copy loop in a core processing function. This function is reachable while
processing records after the initial cab header. For many types of records
this function is passed a statically allocated heap buffer. By crafting a
cab file with large non-null records and particular header flags set, an
attacker can corrupt vtables to execute arbitrary machine instructions.

A reverse engineering of a disassembler result give the following out:
static int CAB_read_record(CAB_FILE__struct *cfs, BYTE *dst) {
BYTE tmp = 0;
int count = 0;
do {
cfs->CAB_fgetc(cfs, &tmp);
if(dst) {
*dst = tmp;
} while(tmp);
Return count;

The following code copy string until a user controlled value was found,
and not until destination size.

Vendor Status:
The vendor has released a patch available with regular program updates.


The information has been provided by <> rem0te.
The original article can be found at:


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