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Monday, March 02, 2009

IPV over an IP-VPN

What are the challenges of adding video to an IP VPN that is already set up for data and voice?
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IPV over an IP-VPN

Steve Taylor By Steve Taylor and Larry Hettick
Following our recent newsletter focus on IP Video, we heard from one of our readers with some excellent questions about IPV over an IP-VPN. He asked, "What would you say were the challenges inherent in adding video to an IP VPN that is already set up for data and voice? Some ISPs offer VoIP convergence with data over an IP VPN but not many offer video too. I would have thought that many industries would welcome the addition of video conferencing over their VPN as a way of saving time and money going to meetings. Is there a reason why this is not being offered as an add-on service?" Read full story

Steve Taylor is president of Distributed Networking Associates and publisher/editor-in-chief of Webtorials. Larry Hettick is a principal analyst at Current Analysis.

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