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Monday, March 02, 2009

Tech crime blotter: February's top 15 stories; 5 Facebook Scams: Protect Your Profile

Microsoft's Conficker bounty, FBI's "swatting" warning and more
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Tech crime blotter: February's top 15 stories

Network World Staff By Network World Staff
A look back at the month's biggest technology stories involving alleged and actual crimes, including Microsoft putting a bounty on the head of the Conficker worm authors and the FBI warning about "swatting" Read full story

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5 Facebook Scams: Protect Your Profile Beny Rubinstein knows computer security. An employee of a Seattle-area tech giant with 20 years of IT experience under his belt, Rubinstein has seen a side of the industry that most people will never know. He holds a degree in computer engineering, and - oh yeah - he just got scammed out of $1100 on Facebook.

Most Oracle database shops don't mandate security patch use A continuing lack of corporate mandates to quickly install Oracle's security patches may be leaving many Oracle database installations exposed to vulnerabilities for extended periods of time, according to survey results released on Wednesday.

Exposed Web site a reminder for use of multiple passwords A Christian singles Web site called was infiltrated by hackers last weekend, reportedly absconding with the secret passwords of over 9,000 of its users.

Visa: New payment-processor data breach not so new after all Days after Visa Inc. seemingly confirmed that a data breach had taken place at a third payment processor, following on the recent breach disclosures by Heartland Payment Systems Inc. and RBS WorldPay Inc., the credit card company now is saying that there was no new security incident after all.

Stop Worms From Automatically Spreading, Easily One of the ways the Conficker worm and other, similar malware slimes its way from computer to computer is by taking advantage of the Autorun feature in Windows. If Conficker finds removable media (like a USB drive) on a PC it infects, it will infect that media in such a way that it will exploit Autorun to attempt to automatically infect a new computer when the drive is connected.

Hope for a New Cybersecurity Administration Politically, it seems to be a time to be full of hope. Despite the slumping economy and the challenges that lie before us, hope takes on two forms for me this year:

Adventures in data recovery Russian hackers hold a casino site hostage, a Venezuelan town mistakes disk drives for organ transfers and a Toronto hospital needs ER for RAID array. Three adventure tales from CBL Data Recovery.

Best of the Tests 2009
Best of the Tests 2009Out of the more than 150 products tested, a baker's dozen rise to the top of the list.

Fave Raves
2009 Fave RavesSix readers dish on their must-have network products, from desktop systems to wireless access points.

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The adoption of diskless server boot from SAN-based storage results in reduced power and cooling costs, improved reliability, rapid server provisioning, quick recovery from server failure, simplified disaster recovery, easier centralized management, and easy server repurposing.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Verizon Wireless takes aim at pesky 'Rabbit'
  2. Best Mac mod ever
  3. Cisco unleashes a dozen security updates
  4. Commerce chief faces five Internet emergencies
  5. $100 PS3 price drop coming by June 'at the latest'
  6. Turning 5,000 discarded cell phones into art
  7. Economic downturn not taking the fight out of Microsoft
  8. The 25 most dangerous cities for offshore outsourcing
  9. 40% of geeks surveyed really work fewer than ... say what?
  10. Obama's broadband stimulus: Will wireless fit the bill?
  11. Microsoft TechFest: Commute UX dialog system for in-car infotainment

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