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Monday, March 03, 2014

Here's what it takes to kick butt:

Organizing for Action
Joe --

Right now, you have a chance to make a donation that will be a real force multiplier.

OFA is training the latest class of organizing fellows. By April, more than 1,700 people will be trained up and ready to hit the front lines in the fight for change.

Your donation isn't just about these trainings -- this is an investment in the future of progressive organizing.

Chip in $5 or more today and help empower these and future organizers with the training it takes to kick butt.

It pays off in the short term, too.

These are the very organizers that are helping win the big fights this year -- from helping recruit volunteers for the final push on health care enrollment to keeping the pressure on John Boehner to hold a vote on immigration reform.

No matter what drives you to fight for progress, we need to invest to keep the ground game strong for years to come.

Support our fellows -- chip in $5 or more now:



Lindsay Siler
National Director of Issue Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

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