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Thursday, March 06, 2014

What we're doing on immigration, it's working

Organizing for Action
Joe --

We knew that passing comprehensive immigration reform wouldn't be quick and easy. That's why it's so important to take note whenever we make progress.

Ever since we rolled out our strategy for passing immigration reform, we put the spotlight on 34 members of Congress -- representatives we believe have the power to press House leadership to hold a vote.

In the last several weeks, four of those members of Congress have offered public support for reform. That's the power of organizing.

Let's share the good news with Speaker John Boehner -- tweet at the Speaker to tell him how glad you are that Reps. Jeff Denham (CA), David Valadao (CA), Mario Diaz-Balart (FL), and Pete King (NY) are saying the right things on immigration reform.

What we're doing is working -- and that's all the more reason to keep it up.

Rep. King committed to asking Speaker Boehner to bring immigration reform to a vote after one of our supporters in his New York district pressed him on comprehensive immigration reform at a town hall meeting. During the meeting he recognized that most unauthorized immigrants "are good people trying to advance themselves and their families" and said he would support a pathway to citizenship.

When Rep. Valadao from California recently penned an op-ed, publicly stating his support for reform, he used the same language OFA supporters have been using, saying that "the cost of inaction is far too great."

It's clear -- we're playing a big role here in building momentum for reform. Now, let's keep going.

Tweet at Speaker Boehner and tell him to listen to these House members -- and hold a vote:

Thanks -- more soon,


Pedro Morillas
Immigration Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

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