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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wow. Michael Brown's Family Issued This Legal Threat to Officer Wilson and more...

Wow. Michael Brown’s Family Issued This Legal Threat to Officer Wilson

Last night, the St. Louis County grand jury decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson over the shooting death of Mike Brown, based on their review of the evidence. Immediately afterward, the city burned at the hands of angry protestors, rioters, and looters. Although Officer Wilson may escape criminal charges in this instance, he still


VIDEO: Fiery Megyn Kelly Reveals the Massive “Smoking Gun” That Exposes Obama’s Lies

An arrogant liberal elitist was heavily involved in the crafting and selling of Obamacare. And he could actually prove to be the downfall of the horrible healthcare reform law. Justice sometimes has a delightful sense of irony. Jonathan Gruber, an MIT economist and architect of Obamacare, was caught on tape numerous times arrogantly explaining to


Liberals Freak Out After Ted Nugent’s Epic Response to Ferguson Riots [READ FULL]

While the left argues that the lessons of Ferguson, Mo., have to do with racial injustice, inequality before the law, and the use of deadly force by law enforcement, conservative rocker Ted Nugent took a very different message from the violence. Like a good conservative, Nugent said that everything from Brown’s death to the ensuing


Mike Rowe Gets Attacked for Voting Republican… His Response Was Perfect

Former “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe was just made the target of a dirty attack… but the way he handled it is going viral. Recently, a person named Jim Green decided to go after Rowe for being conservative. In a long-winded post to Rowe’s Facebook page, Green challenged him about his political views. "Why on


URGENT: Leaked File Shows Obama Admin Wants to Take Down Fox News

One of the first major scandals of the Obama administration was Operation Fast and Furious. It was a gun-walking scheme by the DOJ and ATF that deliberately allowed firearms to cross the border into the hands of the Mexican cartels. And it just won’t go away, no matter how hard the administration tries to cover it up.


Teen Girl Converted to Islam for Her Muslim Boyfriend… It Didn’t Turn Out as She Planned

A teenage girl sought comfort from a much older Muslim man after the death of her parents but got much more than she bargained for. Mohammed Rafiq, was charged with conspiring to wound his 19-year-old girlfriend, Vikki Horsman, after talking two others into throwing acid into her face. Horsman reportedly converted to the “religion of peace” last


The T-Shirt Michael Brown’s Dad Wore Says Everything You Need to Know About Him [PICTURE]

Michael Brown’s parents need to pull themselves out of the limelight and take some time to grieve over the loss of their son. Instead, they appear eager to insert themselves into the public eye as often as possible. And their motives for so doing are increasingly coming into question. Yes, they have publicly called for peace in


URGENT: Black Panthers Caught in This Major Domestic Terror Plot in Ferguson

Two men, both members of the New Black Panther Party out of St. Louis, Mo., were recently arrested by FBI agents. The arrests were related to a bomb buying sting stemming from a straw purchase of firearms, which is illegal in the state. The two domestic terrorists were planning on detonating the pipe bombs during protests


Woman Defies and Confronts Radical Muslim Mob in Front of Their Own Mosque [VIDEO]

Whatever else one might say about her, Jayda Fransen is a young woman with courage. Fransen recently ran for election to the British Parliament as a member of the Britain First party. Britain First is dedicated to the protection of British national sovereignty against the encroachment of immigrants who refuse to assimilate into traditional British culture —


WOW. What Obama Just Said About Trayvon Martin Will Make You Sick [VIDEO]

As America slogs through a difficult period of racial tension, the divider-in-chief has weighed in. And, unsurprisingly, his comments will outrage you. Yes, President Obama took to ABCNews’ This Week with George Stephanopoulos to talk about the crisis in Ferguson, Mo. [H/T Gateway Pundit.] Not only did he say the wrong things about the Ferguson case, he brought


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