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Friday, January 16, 2015

How sales department benefits from Marketing Automation implementation

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Prepared for:
Aamir Memon

How sales department benefits from Marketing Automation implementation  
According to last year report by Gertner Research, about 45% of users visiting WWW page are likely to make a purchase. If for some reason they don’t, it is estimated that within 12 months the same persons will take advantage of the competition services and about 75% of them will make a purchase directly, from the first salesperson that contacts them. So how to engage client with Marketing Automation and don’t let him go to competition? We have a few tips for you. Read more >>

How to increase e-mail marketing effectiveness with social media
Perhaps none of the marketers like situation, when the content he or she created doesn’t result in large number of downloads, isn’t shared or doesn’t give rise to relevant discussion or in the worst scenario lands in spam. How to avoid such situations? It’s known for long now that the basis for action is providing the value. Created content should significantly increase potential clients’ knowledge and prompt best solutions when facing difficulties.

5 signs proving your business is ready to implement Marketing Automation
Taking advantage of Marketing Automation systems has become more and more popular. Till December 2013 alone, almost 60% of world leading companies invested in automation of their marketing and 2/3 of western firms aim to implement such system in 2015. Entrepreneurship boost, greater awareness of running own businesses and receptive market are only in favor of making such decisions. At some point, manual data input or pursuing sales – marketing activities becomes hardly possible. This can be a high sign it’s time to consider Marketing Automation system. But which signs exactly should focus your attention?

The long-awaited by many, new SALESmanago interface is live!
We’d like to apologize to all those, who liked the old interface. We’d like to thank those who used to moan and lament but stayed with us and we promise it’s not our last word on the matter. And those who would like to contract for SALESmanago just because it looks so good – be warned, the system is still as advanced and sophisticated as it used to be and it takes some time and skills to bite into it. However, with this UI transition, we launch the strategy to enhance and simplify our system service.

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