A summit on violent extremism was recently held at the White House, and its purpose was supposedly to deal with terrorism and other radical violence. However, an expert on national security just revealed that Barack Obama’s summit may have had the opposite effect, and actually helped Islamic extremists instead of the United States. Dr. Sebastian Gorka Unions such as United Autoworkers have been a source of Democrat votes for decades… but that is now changing. Workers are realizing that leftist organizations and policies have helped cripple the economies of once-proud places such as Detroit, and they’re standing up against unions. That’s exactly what just happened at a major automotive company in Alabama. Workers at NTN-Bower Chris Kyle may not be around to defend himself, but it looks like justice will at least be served against his alleged murderer. The man who is accused of fatally shooting the Navy SEAL and author of “American Sniper” has been trying to plead not guilty by reason of insanity — however, that plan may Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has recently become rather critical of President Barack Obama, calling him out over his failed foreign policies and lack of leadership skills. Just this past week, Giuliani provoked an avalanche of liberal insanity by claiming that he didn’t believe Obama truly loves America, at least not in the There are people who hold an irrational fear of firearms, and they are known as “hoplophobes.” These anti-gun hoplophobes, far more often than not, end up being progressive liberals who promote gun control, as they seek to ban that which they do not like nor understand. One such person who apparently can’t stand the sight Leaders in a growing number of European countries are accepting the fact that radical Islam is spreading like a terrible plague and beside direct military action, the best way to confront the problem is to acknowledge it publicly and speak the truth. That’s exactly what the mayor of the Netherlands second-largest city did recently in Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle was known as the most lethal sniper in American history, as he has the most confirmed kills coming from four combat tours in Iraq. His story was turned into a book, which subsequently became the movie “American Sniper” made by Clint Eastwood and starring Bradley Cooper. Sadly, Chris Kyle, along “America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani has never been one to back down from a fight, especially with liberals. After saying that Present Obama doesn’t “love America” he is now asking the people of the United States to take an honest look at the president’s association with communists. “From the time he was 9 years old, he Syrian refugees are fleeing by the millions from their war-torn, Islamic State group-occupied country. Where they’re headed should be of great concern to citizens of the United States and other Western countries. The U.S. State Department initially planned on receiving several thousand Syrian refugees, but recent reports indicate that Obama is on the verge of When state legislators begin talking about banning Shariah law, Islamic groups come out of the woodwork in an effort to dampen or completely stop it from happening — especially groups like the Council on Islamic-American Relations. Their primary argument is always the same — “Islamophobia.” That’s the same argument used when conservative media reports terrorist | | | |
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