Daily Stormer |
- Hamas Makes Funny Comments on the Holohoax
- While Andrew Anglin is Permanently Banned from PayPal, ISIS Uses It to Funnel Shekels of Terror
- Joe Scarborough has Jewish Whine Attack Live on Air, Mourning the Suffering, the Endless Suffering
- Obama Outrages Jews by Calling Them “Random Folks,” Says US is Responsible for All Terrorism
- The Daily Race War Report: 02-10-15
- Obama to Ask Congress for War Against ISIS as USAID Worker Declared Dead
- Jobbik Sends Party Member to Live with Gypsies for Having Made a Racist Statement
- Is Obama’s Declaration of War on Russia a Done Deal?
- Chill Criticism: The Moral and Political Fraud of Anti-Semitic Theory
- Swedish Cultural Heritage Mansion was Converted Into Free Housing for Illegal “Asylum Seekers”
Hamas Makes Funny Comments on the Holohoax Posted: 10 Feb 2015 09:28 AM PST Andrew Anglin A Hamas MP made some funny comments Monday about the alleged Jew Holocaust, claiming that “conspiracies and treachery” by Jews caused it to happen. That would obviously be true if it had happened, but the fact is it didn’t happen, so these comments, while fun, are ultimately detrimental to the anti-Jew cause.
Iran seems to be the only Moslem country who is coming out and saying the facts: the Holocaust is a gigantic hoax. I am slightly confused as to why this is, as it isn’t like Hamas or Hezbollah or any of these other groups have anything to lose by telling it straight. I almost think that they just like the idea of a bunch of Jews getting gassed, and in this are nearly as attached to the fantasy as the Jews themselves. |
While Andrew Anglin is Permanently Banned from PayPal, ISIS Uses It to Funnel Shekels of Terror Posted: 10 Feb 2015 09:21 AM PST Andrew Anglin As the reader is likely aware, I, Andrew Anglin, have been permanently banned from using the internet banking monopoly PayPal due to my personal beliefs, which the company apparently takes moral issue with. Meanwhile, however, ISIS is using the service to funnel money to terrorist activities. AP:
Now, their obvious excuse is “well, we didn’t know they were doing it,” but how then were they able to find and convict me for using their service to fund a website with politically incorrect views? It required an investigation, obviously. And when they see hordes of cash being sent from American Moslems to a Syrian warzone, they don’t bother to investigate that as they investigated my dealings? My second account was deleted in two days. That account wasn’t even link to this website, it was meant for purely personal use. How closely they must have been watching me to figure this out so quickly. And yet – no time to stop the funding of terrorism. Because if there’s one thing more important that stopping American money funding terrorism, it’s stopping people from saying politically incorrect things on the internet, and also punishing for life anyone who dares engage in politically incorrect speech on the internet by permanently disallowing them from using a monopoly-system which is now a basic requirement of modern life. Supporting Me This is a good time to bring up the ongoing money situation. I was hit with another serious internet bill this month, which I am definitely struggling to pay for. The dream of living on donations appears to be pretty well dead, and I am going to have to find some alternate source of income. Thankfully, I live humbly. If you wish to support me personally, as the person that pays this site – not directly funding this site, you see – you can do so by clicking through my personal site. More information on that is here. So, though I cannot take PayPal donations – which was fantastic while it lasted – I can now take credit card. And you can, of course, send me cash or a check to the address linked above. I have devoted my life to this, and if you appreciate what we are doing here, and have the funds, do what you can. We will keep doing what we’re doing. Forever. Hail Victory. |
Joe Scarborough has Jewish Whine Attack Live on Air, Mourning the Suffering, the Endless Suffering Posted: 10 Feb 2015 08:55 AM PST Daily Stormer And now, your daily LOL. In all honesty, Joe (as either a Jew or a Judeophile) is right to be freaked out. The walls are definitely closing in on these people. They really should have thought this thing through a little bit better. I mean, in the 1990s, they were set to go. They had the world on a silver platter. And look at them now.
Correction: It is unclear if Joe is actually Jew. I was certain he was, but maybe he isn’t. I have altered the headline. Hard to believe a non-Jew could go into a fit like this, but who knows. Apparently, he’s a Baptist, and they sure do love them Jews. |
Obama Outrages Jews by Calling Them “Random Folks,” Says US is Responsible for All Terrorism Posted: 10 Feb 2015 08:47 AM PST Andrew Anglin In an interview with Vox, the Kenyan President of America, Barack Obama, outraged Jews when he referred to the dead Paris Jews as “a bunch of folks” who were randomly shot. Apparently, Jews don’t consider themselves folks. It is unknown if they would have been more comfortable with “a bunch of dudes” or “a bunch of bros,” but it is believed that they would have preferred to have been called “a bunch of Jews.” Obviously, they were also bothered by the “random” part, as that implies that they weren’t targeted specifically for their Jewiness by a person filled with baseless and sourceless racial hatred against them. You see, they like being Jews when they’re victims. When they’re robbing you, promoting faggotry or starting wars, they prefer being “a bunch of random folks.” Which is what Abe Foxman’s literal response is when people point out that Jews run Hollywood.
Obama went on to do something he regularly does, and make insane statements no one can even grasp the meaning of: he blamed America for the terrorist attacks in Paris.
LOL @ saying the invasion of Iraq was a bad move he says as he is preparing another one. Man, this is all so surreal. Just gets weirder and weirder by the hour. |
The Daily Race War Report: 02-10-15 Posted: 10 Feb 2015 08:40 AM PST Daily Stormer A daily round up of the most instructional race war articles that we get here at the Daily Stormer, presented by Sven Longshanks. The news stories covered today were: Brutal Black Savage Beat Her White Friend to Death with Slow Cooker After Argument Over Politics Black Boyfriend Pretended to Discover White Girlfriend's Corpse After Stabbing Her to Death New Race War Reports are broadcast every week day at 12pm Eastern time/5pm British time on the Radio Stormer Network before being available for download. |
Obama to Ask Congress for War Against ISIS as USAID Worker Declared Dead Posted: 10 Feb 2015 08:28 AM PST Daily Stormer Busy planning a war against Russia, Obama is also working on a war against terrorists he funded. This is just what America needs: a third war in Iraq. Fox:
So, I guess we are literally on the verge of a third war with these desert monkeys. But as they say, the third time’s the charm. They are probably going to decide they now want a liberal Western democracy this time instead of the brutal dictatorship they prefer. How is it even possible we are going to do this a third time? And who’s paying for it? Not the Jews demanding it, I assure you. This news comes as the USAID worker who was an ISIS hostage is apparently confirmed to be dead. Fox:
The best way to avoid getting kidnapped by ISIS would have been to have not gone into ISIS territory. Somehow, that sort of logic escapes folks these days. |
Jobbik Sends Party Member to Live with Gypsies for Having Made a Racist Statement Posted: 10 Feb 2015 08:20 AM PST Andrew Anglin As the regular reader is aware, we have a policy of reporting both the good and bad about all things and persons, and this includes people we wish to support. Jobbik sometimes seems like a very serious and good nationalist group, other times it seems as though they are willing to compromise on core issues in an attempt to chase after popular support. The “far-right” party this week sent one of its politicians to spend three days living with a gypsy member of the party as penitence for having made racist statements against gypsies in 2011 and 2013. I don’t approve of this. AP:
Okay, so saying he wanted to kill Roma is going a bit far. But why are their Gypsy party members in the first place? Also, remember when a Jobbik member pulled out of Spencerfest and called Richard “an American racist”? |
Is Obama’s Declaration of War on Russia a Done Deal? Posted: 10 Feb 2015 08:05 AM PST Andrew Anglin Obama and the gaggle of Jew terrorists he rolls with have done quite a number on Russia. They have stolen her territories, they have slaughtered her people, they have shot down passenger jets and blamed it on her, they have funded social upheaval within her borders, they have sanctioned her to the point of total economic freefall, and yet all her Czar has done is make this face: The entire Russia vs. The West scenario is reminiscent of the basement scene in Fight Club (contains harsh language): It is not simply Putin, but the greater majority of Russia which is resolutely against the imperialism of the West. Even as the economy collapses around them, the people rally round their leader, who they accurately see as a manifestation of the popular consciousness. Obama, Merkel, Hollande and the rest of these snakes working for their Jew masters think they can bully Russia into submission with continual blows, but the resolve does not waver. With every step, we see shock from these people that Russia is not backing down. Instead of backing off, regrouping and developing a new strategy, they continue forward along this same path which has worked before, but won’t work with Russia. Because they don’t know where she’s been. The Final Phase Currently, there are more joke peace talks going on, with the West going to Russia and being like “look, here’s the deal Ivan, we want you to stop this and in exchange, we are going to give you absolutely nothing.” There is simply no chance it will work. The Minsk Protocol did not work, because the Kiev Jew Coup Maidan continued to slaughter civilians in the demilitarized zone. The idea of signing another similar agreement is, for obvious reasons, looked at as dumb by basically everyone in the world save Angela Merkel. So, there are two places this can go: A.) The West can surrender Donbass to the people who live there, or B.) the West can escalate this crisis to full-on war with Russia As option “A” has been declared off the table, point blank, it seems to me option “B” is inevitable. And yesterday, Obama came out and admitted as much. BBC:
And today Kerry is in Kiev, giving his Jew brethren shekels and presumably talking about plans for the coming escalation. RT:
What that means is that the US will not simply be sending futuristic weapons for the Maidan to use to slaughter civilians, but also contingencies of American special forces and Blackwater-types, ostensibly to train the Ukrainians how to use the weapons. In practical terms, these men will take control of the operation. In other words, we will have open war between the United States and Russia, over a small portion of a wholly worthless, desolate Eastern European country. How did We get Here? Clearly, the present situation was not part of the scenario envisioned by Victoria Nuland and her ethnic counterparts in the Ukraine. The plan was to throw a revolution, steal the Ukraine, and use it as a military base against Russia. Instead of backing down, however, Putin was like “you know what, I’m gonna go ahead and keep the best part of the country, because I like having control of the Black Sea.” And he just kept Crimea, making the entire West look like a bunch of feeble bitches. Then, a portion of the Eastern Ukraine said “you know, we don’t really want to be forced into debt slavery by a bunch of foreign Jewish terrorists and banks. We want that deal Crimea got.” And the West decided to draw a red line – or rather, attempt to draw one. It had more to do with saving face than anything else. Now, they have pushed it so far that it is impossible to back down without demonstrating that the power center of the world basically has lost the ability to assert itself in the world. That’s why they can’t say “okay, we’re gonna draw the border at Donetsk airport, and then we’re gonna build military bases all along that border. We’re walking away with three quarters of your base.” Next Phase If Putin was going to back down, he would have already. So, it is just a fact that if the US escalates, he’s going to escalate to meet them. Then, no one knows what happens. I’m not going to predict a nuclear war or anything like that, and I don’t think there is very much chance at all it will happen. What we will probably have instead is a more obvious version of what we have now, which is a series of proxy wars between Russia and the Jew-controlled West. Putin will probably up the support for Shiite Moslems in the Middle East, because an Assad victory would be a Putin victory. As I have said, I also predict that any time a situation could pop up in Moldovia. Putin is playing the long game, and everyone with any sense knows the West is collapsing internally, due to the abandonment of the values that Russia still embodies. And that has, of course, led to extreme economic instability. Putin has taken the path of supporting “far-right” political parties across Europe, and this creates a whole other dimension to the conflict. If Le Pen takes France, we are no longer going to be hearing about “Franco-German” run alliances against Russia. Nigel Farage has also expressed some form of sympathy for Putin, and is definitely opposed to these wars, so his rising influence will also continue to cause problems for the West and their attempt at creating a monolithic alliance against the Big Bad Bear. Everything That Happens Happens Because of Money Economics is what drives all global happenings. And this war is costing everyone money. Russia’s currency is half of what it was when this began, and the Ukraine’s currency was recently halved (which is obviously going to cause the people in the West of the Ukraine to be less enthusiastic about the terrorist actions of their Jewish government). It is also costing the West a lot of money. AFP:
If it becomes more obvious that this insane operation is causing economic turmoil for Europeans, it will be that much more difficult for the West to convince people this is somehow a good idea, and it will also further drive support toward the right-wing parties opposed to these operations (note that left-wing alternative parties are also largely against this, with both Greece’s Syriza and the Spanish equivalent speaking against it). Strange Days No one knows where this is going to go, but it has finally gotten serious. I have been, and will continue to be, favoring Putin as a representative of European values against the Western system of death and decay, despite his perceived and real flaws as a leader. And I hope that God holds the same position, for the Age of Greatest Turmoil is now upon us. |
Chill Criticism: The Moral and Political Fraud of Anti-Semitic Theory Posted: 10 Feb 2015 06:24 AM PST Mark Green Jewish gatekeepers are concerned. And for good reason. Anti-Semitism is once again 'on the rise'. Even new strains of anti-Semitism are threatening to break loose. This is where the scientific study of anti-Semitism comes in. One scholar that's devoted to this subject is Dr. Charles Ascher Small, founder and director of the New York based Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism and Policy (ISGAP). ISGAP now has offices on college campuses in Canada, Europe and the US. Recently, the Jerusalem Post interviewed Dr. Small who, not surprisingly, sees himself an expert on this subject. Small offered these provocative insights: [Anti-Semitism] is inherently genocidal, because when the dominant way of perceiving reality was through the lens of religion, the Jews were the wrong religion and they were blinded by evil for not accepting the Christian notion of the messiah, so in order for the individual Jew to redeemed he or she had to accept the Christian version of the messiah. Small, like virtually all of the world's 'experts' on anti-Semitism (including the bizarre Dr. Theodore Isaac Rubin whose profundities were recently reviewed in TOO by Andrew Joyce), happens to be Jewish. Acknowledging that Muslims and atheists can also be 'anti-Semitic', Dr. Small nuances his analysis by saying that other groups mistakenly tar the Jews unfairly by viewing them through the lens of racial (impurity) or other xenophobic avenues.
Dr. Small has given the world a very concise and multi-purpose theory. It reveals a lot. Mostly, it reveals the self-serving mission of Jewish theories of Anti-Semitism. Dr.Small's familiar storyline goes this way: Jews are continuously persecuted but always blameless. This is because 'anti-Semitism' is a disease. And for murky reasons, Jews are the only target of this unique sickness. Key axioms baked into anti-Semitic theory include: (1) Jewish innocence, and (2) eternal and unjustified outside hostility which Small says is 'irrational'. How shall we explain this to the Palestinians? Not to worry. Palestinian troublemakers are pretty much categorized as 'terrorists' these days, not anti-Semites — though there is, apparently, a virulent strain of anti-Semitism afflicting even Arabs, who are a Semitic people. So the inmates in Gaza are not off the hook by any means. And let's not forget the dark history of Christian anti-Semitism either. After all, Jewish people have been intermittently expelled from dozens of areas over the past two millennium. The reason? 'Anti-Semitism'. Any questions? Like all apostles of anti-Semitic theory, Small and his contingent spend little time publicly debating their ideas and conclusions, since anti-Semitic theory (AST) is essentially a closed Jewish discipline. It's deeply affected however by 'in-group/out-group' thinking. Thus, one hears all about anti-Semites, but not from them. There's no equal time clause for the bad guys in this field of study. It is an agenda-driven branch of knowledge. But now Dr. Small has ratcheted up standard anti-Semitic theory yet another notch. Not content to merely tar critics of Israel or organized Jewry with the usual litany of denunciations, Small wants us to believe that the Goyish disease-carriers who dare to 'defame' the Jewish people are 'irrational' enemies of all Jews, and that these anti-Semites are ultimately intent on committing genocide! Just hearing this malarkey makes me want to punch him in the nose. Small's scholarly observations get increasingly provocative — if not altogether unhinged — in the degree to which they gradually defy reality. Wikipedia quotes Dr. Small saying, "The people [anti-Semites] who believe anti-Israel mythologies [tend] to believe that Jews are not honest in business [never!], have dual loyalties [absurd!], control government [impossible!] and the economy [ridiculous!], and the like". Is he kidding? There are in fact mountains of evidence which do give more than a little credence to many of these so-called 'anti-Semitic' myths, as the links above reveal. But ideologues like Small dismiss counter-proofs as 'anti-Semitic canards'. Tellingly, the term itself is something of a canard since most people even don't even know what the word canard means. Small seeks nothing less than to conflate criticism of Jewish conduct (or Israel's money-inhaling relationship with the American taxpayer) with stuffing Jews into gas chambers. This is, of course, mendacious fallacy. But it's used all the same to legitimize the coercive muzzling of non-violent satire and opposition. As for Small's 'research', how can strongly self-identified Jews 'study' their enemies without having their own intense biases affect their scholarship? Are they kidding? It's not possible. Yet Small and his beehive of experts fanatically believe otherwise. And their Jewish support network keeps funneling them money and cheering them on! Might this be an expression of mass psychosis? What we have here then, emanating from these all-kosher cliques are not 'studies' at all, but the emergence of more Jewish think tanks, spy operations, and on-campus propaganda mills. Anti-Semitic Theory (AST) is the one conspiracy theory that we're required to believe: the conspiracy against Jews. But AST maligns millions of otherwise honest, responsible and law-abiding people who see organized Jewry doing harm and want to stop it. The unstated mission of AST is to keep these critics quiet and guilt-ridden via anti-Semitic taboos. Failing that, hate speech and hate crime laws have been crafted, many of which impose criminal penalties. Controlling speech — even specific words — goes a long way towards managing political discourse. Public opinion follows. It's a delicate operation but the payoff is huge. This soft control allows dominant voices to establish a ruling narrative that might not otherwise emerge. Consolidation of media ownership by like-minded people helps push this process forward. And to help shore up certain important lessons even more, there's the never-ending drumbeat about dead Nazis (cinematic dramatizations, educational courses, books, TV shows, and documentaries), The Holocaust (ceremonies, museums, news programs, educational curricula, field trips, and media references), not to mention the ever-expanding US 'War on Terror'. But the hysterical buzz over 'terrorism' is somewhat misplaced when one does an actual body count. Indeed, both 'terrorism' and 'anti-Semitism' are highly charged terms, although their meanings (and moral underpinnings) remain fuzzy in the average mind. What's significant however is that these words identify the bad guys. Meanwhile, US media not only describes Apartheid Israel as 'democratic', but reminds the average consumer of processed news that the US and the Jewish State are one another's 'closest allies'. Israel's regional enemies on the other are treated as if they are an imminent threat to Western civilization. This media-induced worldview excites average Americans into embracing the next Mideast war. It's become a pattern. Adding fuel to the fire, many pro-Zionist pundits now accuse Obama of (secretly) being a Muslim. If only it was true! The US then might have a more balanced foreign policy. But even Obama, despite his feud with Benjamin Netanyahu, cannot possibly get much outside the Zionist straightjacket. America and Israel are now joined at the hip. But the cooked-up rumor about Obama being a Muslim is actually code. What Obama's critics really hate is his lack of hawkishness towards the usual Mideast suspects, as well as even Russia, which is aligned with Iran and Syria. Israel relies on US bellicosity to maintain its fierce hegemony. Although America is a wealthy, powerful, dynamic, secular, multi-racial, military titan with a core population of European-derived Christians (none of whom are — or will ever be — eligible for Israeli citizenship), the Jewish State has successfully enlisted US support since Truman, and indeed, far earlier. This support has evolved to be virtually unconditional. This fact alone is astonishing. Israeli power in America is a reminder of rising Jewish power worldwide. And it's in a class by itself. As for honestly exploring the impact of organized Jewry on the non-Jewish world, Small and his fellow-travelers suffer from a deep intellectual, political and emotional conflict-of-interest. This bias renders them unable to see themselves (and judge their conduct) as others do. Peddlers of AST even refuse to acknowledge that Jewish aspirations, Jewish myths, Jewish competition, Jewish power, and Jewish self-segregation almost-inevitably clash with the cultural and political interests of whatever host their culture Jews find themselves in. Don't they get it? Or are they just pretending not to? This syndrome (some call it 'Jewish blinders') afflicts countless academics, intellectuals and activists. Jews commonly establish extensive ethnic networks wherever they dwell. Even some 'progressive', Jewish-led, US-based protest groups that claim to want to pressure Israel to change its ways, nevertheless create soft barriers to limit non-Jewish participation. The hypocrisy is stunning. Jewish-Americans have famously promoted racial integration (in America), 'secularism' (marginalization of Christianity), as well as displacement-level Third World immigration here. One big, happy, inclusive family, right? But the Jewish State is aggressively pursuing an opposite agenda for itself, as it strategically marginalizes and pushes out its native, non-Jewish inhabitants. Jews are a very brilliant people. They are also a transformative people. Their extraordinary effectiveness in advancing political change requires cohesion, purposefulness, intelligence, aggression, planning and tenacity. This rare combination of traits and abilities allows organized Jewish groups to effect radical change. These actions however often create intense discord. No collection of self-serving theories from Small and his cronies can explain this away. 'Anti-Semitism' then should be seen as a cultural defense mechanism. Of course, precisely what 'anti-Semitism' is, nobody can say. How it functions in reverse however is revealing. And its impact can be devastating. Activists like Small and his associates at ISGAP, for instance, grant themselves the liberty to impugn the character — if not the sanity — of their adversaries with complete license, without any effort at all to ascertain the rational basis of anti-Jewish attitudes. This is tyranny. AST conveys rare privilege: the right to defame and damage your opponents while basking in permanent victim status. AST is designed to delegitimize opposition or even rational discussion. Dual Loyalty as an Example of a Rationally Based 'Anti-Semitic Charge' For example, consider the 'anti-Semitic charge' that Jews have 'dual loyalties.' Of course, many American Jews have dual loyalties. This is where Small's serial denials really start to go off the deep end. Indeed, scores of prominent Jewish-Americans alternate between working for the US government and working for pro-Israel activist think tanks; many are duel US-Israeli citizens or have family and close personal ties to Israelis, and some have served with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) or have family members who have served. One prominent Jewish-American, Chicago Mayor and former Obama White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, became a civilian 'volunteer' for the IDF during America's first war against Iraq in 1991. And like countless US-based Zionists, Emmanuel has never served so much as one day fighting alongside US troops. Check out this stunning list of America's most well-known, US-Israeli dual citizens who 'work for the American People'. America's news media is similarly affected. Indeed, when one looks for Israel-leaning, American journalists (and media moguls) they're everywhere. Yet Small and others would have us believe that this eye-popping over-representation of the world's most important victims in dominant areas of American news, entertainment, governance and war-planning poses no particular risks to anyone anywhere. Shall we check with the Iraqis on this? This situation would be funny if not for the fact that it's so dangerously real. As it turns out, one mini-scandal involving media did erupt recently when it was leaked that the US-born son of prominent New York Times columnist, David Brooks, had enlisted the in IDF. This was another one of those OMG moments when an established media authority figure, who's often hailed as your quintessential 'moderate American conservative' and who is otherwise described as 'fair' even by many establishment liberals (mostly Jewish), gets caught red-handed in the act of being maybe just a bit too personally involved in matters involving Israel and US war policies. Brooks and the Times were saddled with a sudden and glaring problem involving the appearance of bias and with it, a loss of credibility. It's worth noting that most Jewish journalists as well as most Jewish politicians generally assume a calm but firm demeanor when publicly discussing matters involving Israel or the 'Jewish community.' Brooks is no exception. He's a class act. But it was Former US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, who perfected this posture. Kissinger, it turns out, now holds both American and Israeli passports. Who would have imagined? And now Brooks' son quietly jumps aboard the IDF war wagon. Interesting! Brooks' sudden exposure became a hot topic and a somewhat embarrassing one at that, since it definitely does matter when an influential and 'trusted' Pundit of Zion gets caught with one foot in the Zionist battlefield. And 'moderate' Mr. Brooks has entered these political waters many, many times. But Brooks somehow forgot to mention that his own son is putting his life on the line for a foreign power (Israel) as Daddy Brooks plays the role of a 'unbiased' All-American news analyst. This unexpected turn of events caught Brooks with his pants down. And it did not look very good for either Brooks or his esteemed employer. Of course, Brooks — like hundreds of other Jewish-American opinion-makers — has gotten away with these itty bitty deceptions and omission for decades. Nevertheless, the inescapable issue of dual loyalties could not be ignored. Was Brooks' career as a hasbara operative over? Nope. Not even close. Fortunately for Mr. Brooks, the dominant media dropped the whole subject as suddenly as it appeared. Hey, c'mon. He's a really good guy. Sure enough, the Times gave Brooks ample editorial space to explain his heartfelt views and he, in turn, expressed pride in his son's decision to participate in Israel's ongoing Gaza beatdown. It was a touching moment. Brooks is now back analyzing the Israel-Palestine conflict with the same detached authority that made him a tenured Times stalwart neoconservative in the first place. Of course, the very idea that duel US-Israeli 'citizens' can impartially legislate or advocate for American interests with the same uniform focus as Americans who have only one national loyalty and one national identity is more than a bit unrealistic. After all, sovereign states do inevitably have diverging national interests. Plus, not only is Israel constantly at war or threatening war (often with countries that America trades with) but the Jewish State has been on the US dole for decades. Israel is a geographically tiny, very distant, newly-minted nation that is all about Jews and their security. The US population is 97% non-Jewish. This doesn't matter? With that in mind, contrast David Brooks' treatment by the Times with what happened to two prominent, non-Jewish journalists who recently committed speech infractions against the usual suspects. CNN's Jim Clancy — an anchor at CNN for some 34 years — apparently tweeted something 'offensive' about Israel's US-based, propaganda machine. CNN's Rick Sanchez meanwhile made accurate 'but inappropriate' references to the extraordinary media influence enjoyed by you-know-who. Sanchez got so uppity that he even called Jewish TV funnyman, Jon Stewart, a "bigot'. So what? Big deal. But when these two Goy-based mini-scandals erupted, the ax fell immediately on the TV careers of both Jim Clancy and Rick Sanchez. Kaput. Eradicating the irrational scourge of anti-Semitism is an endless task, wouldn't you say, Dr. Small? Fortunately for Israel, this 'dual loyalties' brouhaha is pretty much a sideshow since many Jewish-Americans don't suffer so much from loyalty that's divided equally between two states, but rather, a devotion to Israel that supersedes their affinity for their host country. Massive and uninterrupted Jewish-Israeli espionage against the US, for instance, highlights this under-reported phenomena. (Recently Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan were implicated in FBI documents in a successful scheme to obtain nuclear technology on behalf of Israel.) Therefore, 'dual loyalties' allegations may in fact understate the problem. The broad and entrenched base of Jewish/Israeli activism that now permeates Washington and US culture in general is both unprecedented and lethal, as the US wars on Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere prove. 'Dual loyalties'? If only it were so! Indeed, the sheer number of Jewish/Israeli clubs, lobbies, agencies, caucuses, congresses, committees, conferences, pageants, festivals, award ceremonies, fundraisers, federations, lobbies, symposiums, organizations and so on, speaks volumes about Jewish insularity and hyper-energetic Jewish activism. At the same time, Jewish Americans still enjoy not only unfettered freedom throughout the Western world, but unrivaled influence as well. This includes the sphere of American public education too, where mandatory Holocaust education is also 'on the rise'. The Special Status of Jews in the West It's fair to say that the Jewish agenda in America today is to lower the curtain on public expressions of Christianity, but elevate certain official views of Jewish behavior and of the history of 'anti-Semitism' to a status where they cannot be questioned without legal consequences. Europe is already on this Zionist-friendly fast track, and in even more advanced stages. In addition to the existing European laws that outlaw 'Holocaust denial' and 'group libel', legislation is now being crafted within the EU to further criminalize non-violent and even comic manifestations of 'anti-Semitism'. So despite the showy demonstrations in support of Free Speech that appeared everywhere after the lethal Charlie Hebdo and kosher market attacks in Paris recently, pro-censorship laws specifically designed to shield the Jewish community in France (but not the Muslim one) were in place long before these massacres took place and they remain in force now. Free Speech and 'artistic freedom' may be priceless. And their value may even produce huge marches. However, when push comes to shove, these cherished 'rights' inevitably take a back seat to Jewish sensitivities. On the other hand, immigrant Muslims — many of whom are refugees from catastrophic wars initiated by the West — are routinely subjected to derision and fear-mongering via media and government war policies. Unlike the West's established, savvy, and well-connected Jewish community, Muslims are neither protected from Western-initiated wars (that's putting it mildly) or defended from Western ridicule. Most Muslim-immigrants in the West are of relatively low education, low income, and low on political sophistication. Ideally, these people should be repatriated to their native countries. Then left alone. But neither the people of Europe nor the people of America have the power to accomplish this popular objective. The US war lobby and the US multi-racial lobby are far too strong. And they often work in unison. In any case, the Western world's one-sided laws, taboos and policies — coupled with ceaseless Western airstrikes against Muslim targets — inevitably added fuel to the rage that sparked the Muslim attacks in Paris. How could they not? Ironically, many of these unwelcome immigrants are victims, too. Fortunately, AST is starting to feel some heat. Jewish hypocrisy and Zionist malfeasance can no longer be swept under the rug. After all, Zionized America's serial warfare has come at a staggering cost. Though estimates vary widely, in Iraq and Afghanistan alone there are probably well over 600,000 dead (and millions more displaced) since Washington initiated its nation-building missions in the region following 911. Interestingly, specific war plans targeting Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran and other entities (all of which are historic enemies of Israel) were well underway in Washington long before the three buildings in NYC fell. It's also worth remembering that not only did powerful, pro-Israel lobbies in Washington help engineer all of America's modern wars against Muslim-majority nations and targets, but some even helped write legislation that imposes crippling economic sanctions on another besieged Israeli foe, Iran. US sanctions against Iran are so all-encompassing that even European multinationals that do business with Iran have been blasted for violating these Zionist-friendly prohibitions. One French company (BNP Paribas) was recently hit with fines approaching nine billion dollars for conducting business with Iran. It must be remembered that Zionized Washington routinely bombs or sanctions Middle East countries to counter military threats that do not exist (Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran) and to preemptively stop the possible spread of nuclear weapons (Israel not included). The process is entirely politicized. After all, the US is not threatened by any of these puny states. These policies then, constitute a kind of political corruption since they result from the pressure exerted by an ethnic lobby that is indifferent to national interests. Worse still, a military first strike — especially in the face of UN opposition — is illegal under numerous international laws and treaties. Bad things sometimes happen when Israel and Washington hold hands. It's also worth noting that the decades-long commitment by Washington to a 'Two-State' solution in Israel/Palestine is now dead, killed in no small part by interminable negotiations and other Israeli obstacles. The Zionist plan for the indefinite subjugation of Palestine however remains very much alive. Why is it that the Israelis and Palestinians have never achieved a lasting 'peace agreement'? It is because the Israelis don't want and don't expect a negotiated settlement, as it would necessitate a meaningful compromise. The Israelis figure that they can get it all if they simply wait it out and use military force as needed to keep life miserable for the natives while they slowly cleanse the area of non-Jews. And no one — not even Washington — can stop them. This process will likely take decades longer. But the Israelis are determined and Washington hasn't the power to force a compromise. This situation bolsters the case that it is Israel — not America — that is now the world's foremost superpower. After all, who runs Washington? Sadly, even though most low-information American voters couldn't care less about Palestine one way or another, they should. A Zionist victory over the beleaguered souls in Gaza not only boosts Israeli triumphalism, but it also increases the likelihood of greater Zionist hegemony elsewhere, including Washington and American culture in general. And if Zionists succeed in using the US to crush the alliance between Russia, Syria and Iran, watch their oversized global footprint harden even further — and with it, the artificial centrality of Israel in American life. As for discussing these hot topics, people should be free to be 'pro-Jewish' (or pro-Zionist) and those who oppose them should be permitted to take the position of being 'anti-Jewish', 'anti-Zionist' or 'anti-Israel', without stigma. Do you approve of Israeli conduct and behavior? I don't. But reform is possible. In the meantime, everyone should be free to discuss these issues and advocate their position on a level playing field. Keep it fair. Keep it accurate. Count the bodies. Follow the money. Perhaps someday the various opposing teams can find common ground, devise a solution, cut a deal, and make the necessary compromises. It's possible. But 'anti-Semitism' and 'anti-Semite' are Jewish-manufactured buzz words that give one side in this dispute an undue advantage. Loaded and prejudicial terms like 'anti-Semite' then, should be retired altogether, just as words like 'nigger' and 'kike' have been driven out of respectable conversation. If Small was honest, he and his coterie would claim that so-and-so hates Jews unfairly. That's legitimate. But in Small's narrow world, Jews may not be shunned or mistrusted or hated for any reason whatsoever. You must instead feel guilt for any and all criticisms of Jews, no matter how factually based. As for Israel's Muslim problem, that too is a Zionist canard. Just ask any of the tens of thousands of Palestinian Christians who have unhappily fled the Middle East's 'only true democracy' since its founding. All native non-Jews are second class citizens in Israel. Sad but true. But religious distinctions between native Christians and native Muslims in Israel are an unimportant distraction designed primarily for low-information US voters. Fortunately for the Israelis, the number of low-information US voters is huge and growing. Fortunately for us critics, Israeli conduct itself is undermining anti-Semitic theory. A very powerful, very wealthy (and heavily subsidized) rising power cannot behave ruthlessly and get away with it forever. Also, Israel is not the Western-style 'democracy' it pretends to be. For example, ethno-religious discrimination that is outlawed in the US and Europe is as kosher as matzo ball soup in the Jewish State. Even 'inter-faith' marriages in Israel cannot be performed if one party is Jewish. Housing and education there is also deeply segregated. Many restrictive laws and customs in Israel are in place to maintain Jewish separateness and to protect the Jewish gene pool. This is one unacknowledged reason why Israel wants to get rid of the native Arabs. It's not really about 'security' in the military sense of the word, since the war has been won. Israel is now basically militarily invincible in any war against other Middle Eastern countries. Many Jews there however privately fear Jewish intermarriage and miscegenation in the event that Jews and Arabs co-exist peacefully. Jewish leaders want to keep Jewish blood pure. This necessitates permanent separation which is aided by permanent conflict. Ironically, this is why even 'peace' threatens the Jewish State. In any case, Israeli apartheid is doing just fine, thank you. But saying 'apartheid' and 'Israel' in the same sentence can incite a Zionist backlash of thermonuclear proportions. Managing all political speech remains a top Jewish priority. Is Israel a 'racist' state? Sure. But it wouldn't really matter if not for (1) the prolonged and needlessly cruel treatment of its native, non-Jewish subjects, and (2) the unscrupulous harnessing of Western power — by duplicitous means — to achieve the transformation of Israel into a nuclear and political superpower. Shouldn't this concern Americans? It should and it does. Only not so much where it matters — in Washington, Hollywood, and US newsrooms. Is saying this 'anti-Semitic'? You bet it is! |
Swedish Cultural Heritage Mansion was Converted Into Free Housing for Illegal “Asylum Seekers” Posted: 10 Feb 2015 05:31 AM PST Michael Slay This article is from way back in 2013, but it seems it was never translated into English. This practice of converting heritage sites into homes for savages has continued, and is an ongoing program. Sweden actually appears to be running out of such sites. It’s hard to think of a better metaphor for what Sweden is doing to itself than this.
This once-beautiful mansion has become a festering cesspool of filth and decay once the subhuman hordes take it over – much like what will happen to Europe itself unless YOU stop it, White man. Maybe someone can give an update on what the mansion looks like now, having had Arabs living in it for a year. |
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