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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Mississippi Lawmaker Lynched Over Comments on Black Welfare Leeches

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 05:41 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 18, 2015

America: where basic common sense results in a lynching, every time.

America: where basic common sense results in a lynching, every time.

Mississippi State Rep. Gene Alday stands in opposition to increasing the amount of shekels thrown down the bottomless pit of the Black education system. Black schools in Mississippi already get more money than White schools, and yet they continue to do nothing but drop out to live on welfare and commit crimes.

He committed the ultimate sin when he mentioned that new funding would go disproportionately to Black schools, where the parents live on welfare and collect food stamps.

In modern America, it is a high crime to state obvious facts.

Huffington Post:

State Rep. Gene Alday, a Republican, told The Clarion-Ledger he was against increased funding for education, in particular funding to improve literacy. During his explanation, Alday said he comes "from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call 'welfare crazy checks.' They don't work."

Alday also told the newspaper about a time he visited an emergency room.

"I liked to died. I laid in there for hours because they (black people) were in there being treated for gunshots," Alday was quoted as saying.

Alday didn't deny the comments attributed to him. However, he said he was not a racist.

"I am definitely not a racist, at all," Alday told Mississippi News Now. "Because, I mean, I get along with everybody. And I've spent a lot of time helping people."

Alday also said he had no problem with African-Americans.

"Yes, it's true that most of the blacks in my hometown are on welfare," Alday told the newspaper. "But they're good people. I don't have anything against anybody. I'm a straight-up guy. In my little town they had little civil rights walks and I was with them. I'm with everybody."

Oh, Africa! The Prophecy of Nongqawuse

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 05:27 AM PST

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
February 18, 2015


Now that we are officially in Black History Month 2015, here's a timely excerpt from Martin Meredith's new book, The Fortunes of Africa:

"After eight frontier wars, Xhosa resistance against white colonial rule was nearly at an end. Often divided among themselves, the Xhosa had lost much of their ancestral land. But their plight was to become even worse. An outbreak of a lethal cattle disease, bovine pleuropheumonia, decimated their herds. Already humiliated by white conquest and now struck by the loss of much of their cattle wealth, they desperately sought a way out of calamity. In a mood of growing hysteria, they fell victim to the prophecy of a sixteen-year-old Gcaleka girl named Nongqawuse that if they sacrificed their remaining herds and destroyed their crops, their ancestral spirits would rise from the dead, drive the whites into the sea, and restore their fortunes. When the Gcaleka chief, Sarhili, decided the prophecy was authentic and called on his people to comply, other Xhosa chiefs followed suit; grain stocks were destroyed. The frenzy reached a peak at the new moon on 18 February 1857 when the prophecy was supposed to have been fulfilled.


The result was a devastating famine in which at least 40,000 Xhosa died; another 33,000 fled into the Cape Colony hoping to find work. The Xhosa population of British Kaffraria fell from 105,000 to 27,000. The colonial authorities provided emergency relief but also took advantage of the drop in population to make more land available for white settlement. In 1866, British Kaffraria was incorporated into the Cape Colony. Its new frontier was the Kei River."

Note: The Xhosa are the second largest black ethnic group in present day South Africa. Their homeland is in the southeastern part of the country in the Eastern Cape just to the south of Zululand.

Operation: Filthy Chink Rat – Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane Wants to End Free Speech, and We MUST Fight Back!

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 05:21 AM PST

Michael Slay
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2015


This is the smug, ugly rat-faced chink Tim Soutphommasane. He wants to shut down your Internets.

Tim Soutphommasane is Australia’s taxpayer-funded Race Discrimination Commissioner in the federal Australian Human Rights Commission. A subhuman invader from Laos, he’s the most pro-censorship, pro-multiculti, anti-White chink in Australia. His goal – given to him by his Jewish masters – is to turn Australia into a majority Asian country and to forcibly silence any Whites who speak out against it.

At one point, he posted an article which seriously argues that, if Australia’s federal “hate speech” laws are made slightly less strict, the country will turn into South Sudan. He’s voiced outrage at the idea of people being allowed to question the Holohoax and claims that making Australia’s Orwellian “hate speech” laws slightly less strict might – *gasp* – allow people to question it. He’s also voiced concern over Australians using social media to spread “racism” and he wants more censorship of the Internet.  He has called for a “national conversation” on “cyber racism”.

According to him, “genocide begins with words” and strict government censorship of speech and thoughts is the only thing preventing annudah showah.


Retarded Marxist chink Tim Soutphommasane genuinely believes that, if your speech isn’t censored, it will lead directly to a South Sudan-style war zone.

Right now, Tim Soutphommasane serves as Australia’s federal Race Discrimination Commissioner, where taxpayer money pays his bills. His only job is to bash Whites and push more censorship. Before his career as a taxpayer-funded bureaucrat, the filthy gook was a columnist who pumped out anti-White drivel, bashing Whites and celebrating their dwindling numbers and influence.

He wrote for The Age, The Guardian, The Sydney Morning Herald, and many other Jewish cultural Marxist newspapers. In his articles, he repeatedly stated that the future of Australia is Asian, and that the country would be purged of Whites and replaced with soulless chinks such as himself.  Like any Jew puppet, Tim uses the mentally retarded subhuman abos as an excuse to have Australia be invaded by hordes of Asians, even though abos hate Asians FAR more than Whites do.

Tim Soutphommasane was not democratically elected to serve as Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner; he was chosen by his Jewish overlords, without any say whatsoever from the Australian public at large.  He contributes absolutely nothing whatsoever to Australian society, and his only “job” is to transition Australia from a majority-White country to a majority-Asian one.

This gook is in a position of power and his entire goal is to Asianize Australia while implementing increasingly stricter censorship legislation to prevent Whites from speaking out. He has openly stated his desire to filter the Internet to remove “hate speech” online, and he will block Australians from viewing this website as soon as he is able to. 

To deal with the rat-faced mongrel Tim Soutphommasane, we here at the Daily Stormer are launching a new operation. We are going to bombard his Twitter feed with racist content. As a result, he is going to cry and scream and demand that Twitter shut it down. He is going to make a national case out of his hurt feelings, and he’s going to use the opportunity to push more Internet censorship. The public will see that he is using his hurt feelings as an excuse to censor the Internet, and they will gradually turn against him. Remember: we have done this before, and it has always worked out in our favor.

This is Tim Soutphommasane’s Twitter page.

This is Tim Soutphommasane’s Facebook page.

We need to flood his feed with the most offensive racist content imaginable.  We need to “racially vilify” him.  We need to attack him with “extreme hate speech.”  We need to “incite racial hatred” against him. Most of all, we need to hurt his feelings.  The more abuse he takes on social media, the more he is going to demand a filter on the Internet.

It’s going to be VERY difficult for him to justify that sort of thing to the Australian public just because some people were mean to him online.  Most of all, he’s going to give us tons of free publicity in the Jew-run Australian media, which goes into a frenzy every single time a subhuman has their feelings hurt.


This is what you need to be doing. Use multiple accounts and flood this Marxist chink with racial abuse.

If you’re American, you have absolutely nothing to lose.  We still have freedom of speech here, and we still have the sacred right to call this communist chink a communist chink.  If you’re in Australia or another country with filthy Jewish “hate speech” laws, simply use proxies, VPNs, bouncing IP addresses, and so forth to create multiple troll accounts.

A good VPN service to use is Hola.  You can also use TOR. Remember: this filthy Marxist chink can’t control your Internet yet.  But he wants to.  And we need to stop him before he does. Tim Soutphommasane’s Australian Human Rights Commission has actually tried to pass “hate speech” laws that make people GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT and that outlaw any expression of religious belief if someone is “offended” by it. Is that what you want, White man? Then you need to stop these communist Jew puppets before it’s too late.

DON’T: Threaten this chink in any way.  The Daily Stormer does not condone violence or threats of violence.

DO: Flood him with racial abuse.  Call him a chink.  Call him a gook.  Call him a filthy slant-eyed Marxist parasite.  Call him a puppet of the Jews, and ask him how much his Jewish overlords are paying him to silence the goyim.  Tell him that we don’t want his kind in Australia, and that he should go right back to the third-world shithole that he crawled out of.  Use the hashtags #FilthyChinkRat and #BackToLaos on every Tweet that you send him. Send him these images over and over again: 0MJDSpk tgClCYh wxZyOmt TrEen7j biE0YiR U3dJOjs 8rvTBtr DFxAdFG lGZ6ZHG xqSMrBF

…and make sure to use the hashtags #FilthyChinkRat and #BackToLaos.

We need to make it abundantly clear to this invasive, parasitical, slant-eyed Marxist gook that he is absolutely not welcome anywhere in Australia.

TO THE AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, THE HUMAN RIGHTS LAW CENTRE, THE CASTAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS LAW, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA, AND OTHER MARXIST PARASITES IN AUSTRALIA: There is absolutely nothing – I repeat, nothing – that you can do to stop us. The Daily Stormer is an American website. Here in America, we have something called freedom of speech, as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

That means that we have the God-given right to say whatever we want about chinks, gooks, abos, kikes, wogs, niggers, spics, faggots, sandniggers, curryniggers, and every other breed of filthy subhuman in existence. Don’t like it? Good. Cry about it all you want. You will never take our First Amendment away from us, kikes. Gentlemen, we must flood this freedom-hating chink with “racial vilification.”

We must flood him until he snaps and breaks down in tears, begging the Australian government and his pet “human rights” lobby to stop the Stormer Troll Army. In the future – when you are living in a White, Judenfrei nation – you can tell your grandkids how you fought the Jews and their goy puppets (in particular, this chink puppet of the Jews) online with your fellow pro-White trolls.

Hail Victory.

Age of Treason Radio: Gaslighting

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 02:15 AM PST

Age of Treason
February 18, 2015

gaslight-252x300I'd like to revisit and expand here on a point I made two weeks ago at the end of Pathology and Pathogen. The very last part of Andrew Joyce's article I quoted was:

Critics of Jews are equally concerned with developing an understanding not only of Jewish power and influence, but also of the pathology of Whites that has facilitated Jewish power and influence as well as the current disaster of displacement-level immigration and multiculturalism. The emphasis is on the identification of multiple sources and origins of the current societal malaise, and on evidence-based intellectual and scientific investigation of all aspects of the interactions between Jews and non-Jews in all locations and throughout historical time. This activity can in no way be seen as the seeking of simplistic answers.

This, as I said, is the problem. It is an acknowledgement that there is a problem and at the same time it is a misconstrual of the nature and source of the problem.

As Joyce's own description alludes, in the interactions between jews and non-jews in all locations and throughout historical time the sole common element is … the jews. Yet he also take pains to avoid this simple point – to emphasize that he, and other critics of jews seek "multiple sources and origins" which "can in no way be seen as the seeking of simplistic answers".

But the answer is simple. No pathogen, no pathology. Or to put it slightly less simply, the impact of jewish pathologization and manipulation is so enormous that it's difficult to imagine what problems would remain if they were removed.

At any rate, as the earlier portion of Joyce's article made clear, and as I can attest to myself, an objective critic of jews can dig into as many details and develop as complex an understanding of jews as they like. But from the beginning jews will pathologize them and their effort as "anti-semitism" – as a congenital mental disease which has nothing to do with the jews. My argument is that the simple answer to such single-minded hostility is, first of all, to recognize it as such. Second, to recognize that whatever appeal objectivity has to Whites, however inborn it may be, it is in this case part of the problem.

In the face of jewish aggression, Whites have historically capitulated and are now prostrate exactly because we have internalized the fundamental thrust of the jewish critique. Whites have blamed ourselves and our societies for not being tolerant or accomodating enough. The political term for this misguided belief is "liberalism". The simple answer is to steel ourselves and advise our collective to be less prone to tolerance and accomodation, to resist the urge to blame ourselves and our collective, and instead to recognize manipulative alien collectives, first and foremost the jews, as an endless source of threats and pathology from which we individuals who are aware of the situation have a responsibility to defend ourselves and our collective.

I must emphasize now, again, that I credit Joyce with at least connecting his own discussion of "white pathology" to the jews and jewish power. This connection is obvious and simple to make. Yet it is missing from the diagnosis provided by many other pundits who like to use terms like "white pathology". This is especially glaring for those pundits who insist on using terms like "white suicide" to push the suicide meme, as I discussed in Fear and Genocide. Pundits like the jew Lawrence Auster and the jewhadi Fjordman come immediately to mind.

I'm also thinking of pundits like Ricardo Duchesne and Jared Taylor, who more or less pretend the jews don't exist or are "white", and in either case the jews don't play a significant role in anything they have to say about "white pathology" or "white suicide". Duchesne and Taylor were among the handful of writers Kevin MacDonald asked to address the issue in late 2013, in Recently in The Occidental Quarterly: Special Sections on White Pathology.

MacDonald written about it himself. In an article from October of 2014, Psychopathology and Racial Self-Hate among Whites, he begins:

A prominent feature of the Frankfurt School was the ideology that ethnocentrism among Whites (but not Jews) was a psychopathology. This weapon was taken up by the organized Jewish community which claimed that pro-White and anti-Jewish attitudes were literally public health problems and popularized phrases like "virulent anti-Semitism," analogizing anti-Jewish attitudes to the spread of a virus.

This campaign has been incredibly successful among Whites. Whites who have internalized this pathogen naturally suppress such attitudes, and they do so despite their universality, and despite the reality that ethnic self-interest is eminently rational from an evolutionary perspective. And even despite the fact that many of those promoting this pathogen are proudly ethnocentric themselves.

But the campaign has been very effective: No one wants to publicly express attitudes that mark one as a psychiatric case.

So far, so good. He even identified jews as the pathogen, or at least as the source of a pathogenic campaign. But then he seems to balk and backpedal, showing some signs that he too has internalized a bit of the pathogen he just described:

Given the rationality and the evolutionary imperative of ethnic interests, there is the opposite suggestion — that at least some of the Whites who express such attitudes are suffering from a psychopathology. After all, the great majority of humanity is, to varying degrees, ethnocentric. and proud of it. What's wrong with Whites?

This isn't the opposite suggestion. It's the same suggestion: There's something inherently and unfixably wrong with Whites, and it is not caused by the jews. That's the suggestion. The main example MacDonald focuses on is Pastor Renita Marie, who in response to the jewsmedia propaganda about Ferguson, wrote an article for the jewsmedia expressing guilt about her Whiteness. MacDonald describes her as a "genuine liberal", a term he says was used by the Frankfurt School. He then explains how the Frankfurt school pseudo-science was wrong, that they "create an upside-down world where ethnocentric Whites had parents who didn't love them". But the woman had an ethnocentric upbringing and still turned out to be a race traitor. Therefore, MacDonald seemed to be presenting this as a case of "white pathlogy", minus the jews. As he puts it:

Rev. Marie has dropped out of the White race and has become a crusader against it. Of course, that means a good career and lots of praise from elites in the contemporary environment. But it's pretty clear that her motivation is far deeper than merely taking advantage of all the opportunities available these days from hating Whites. A genuine race traitor. Noel Ignatiev would be proud.

But it isn't at all clear that Marie's motivation runs any deeper than the jewish pathogenic factors MacDonald himself describes. Instead it seems, as I previously discussed in the case of Joyce, that MacDonald simply doesn't wish to accept that it is that simple.

Another indication is that MacDonald links Noel Ignatiev's name to a search of his website. The first hit is an article of his from 2009 titled Promoting genocide of whites? Noel Ignatiev and the culture of Western suicide. He notes that:

the effort by a professor, Noel Ignatiev, and his journal, Race Traitor, to promote the "cultural and psychological genocide of whites."

Amazingly, MacDonald refuses to take this seriously and argues instead that Ignatiev's use of the word genocide and his anti-White arguments and activism are just so much hyperbole and nonsense. MacDonald describes how he sees Ignatiev and his allies:

Their hatred assumes a surface legitimacy because the hated "whites" are just a "social construct." It's not really about killing people, so where's the beef? The "genocide" of whites is not about homicide or suicide; it's only about getting white people to stop thinking that they are white.

Our interpretation is that Ignatiev's views are nothing more than ethnic competition. As a leftist Jew, he is part of a long tradition that has opposed white interests and identity — the culture of critique that has become the culture of Western suicide.

The culture of critique is a jewish construct, not a White construct. Jews deliberately attempting to induce Whites to stop thinking of themselves as White is genocide, not suicide. This should be obvious to someone who is actually explaining the role played by the jews.

So I have to say – never mind what's wrong with Whites, or what's wrong with Duchesne and Taylor – what's wrong with Joyce and MacDonald? Physicians, heal thyselves!

When I first discussed "white pathology" (in Pathology and Pathogen), I acknowledged that many Whites are clearly behaving pathologically. My point was that the pathogen, the jews, explains this. Furthermore, jewish psychological influence is visible even in Whites who are conscious of race and the jews, even in those who attempt to explain jewish psychological influence, like Joyce and, as I've just described, MacDonald.

The most negative response I've gotten was, "We know already what is wrong with the Jews … we should now ask ourselves what is wrong with us". This is precisely the suggestion Joyce and MacDonald have made and that I've taken issue with.

I consider it a problem that even White men as knowledgable about the jews and jewish power as MacDonald and Joyce are can, for fear of appearing simple-minded, come across instead as overeager to buy into the less plausible idea of a congenital "white pathology", independent of the jews. An idea which is primarily promoted by jews themselves and others who seem most interested to ignore or at least downplay the role of jews.

So far I've been reiterating and fleshing out of points and arguments I've already made. I'd like to add a new twist now, another way of seeing the relationship between Whites and jews that I think dovetails with this discussion. It also fits my previous suggestion that Whites need to confront the parasitic nature of that relationship, and not shy from taking the White side in it.

I first discussed Stockholm Syndrome in The Nature of Jewish Power – Part 3. It was trying to understand and explain the behavior of men like John Derbyshire (see John Derbyshire and The Suicide Thing), who is well aware of jewish power and the fear they induce, but who in spite of that, or rather because of it, minimizes the role of the jews and denounces braver and more honest men than himself who don't, men like Kevin MacDonald.

Stockholm syndrome:

or capture–bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.

At the time I quoted a portion of an article describing the Symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome, which I'll quote again here, because it can be seen as a metaphor for the broader mainstream media and political zeitgeist, well beyond Derbyshire and MacDonald:

Included in these traits are the prisoner's belief (correct or incorrect, it doesn't matter) that he or she cannot escape, which means that survival must occur within the rules set by the all-powerful captor; and the prisoner's isolation from people not being held by the captors, which prohibits any outside view of the captors from infringing on the psychological processes that lead to Stockholm syndrome.

In the current zeitgeist the White "prisoners", or hosts, dare not question their jew "captors", the parasites, who quite literally dictate and diligently enforce the rules of "proper" discourse. This is popularly referred to as political correctness, though the term semitic correctness is more fitting.

The crux of capture-bonding is that the "prisoners" don't see their "captors" as wrong-doers, but out of ignorance or pity come over time to sympathize and make excuses for them instead.

There is a related psychological phenomenon whose symptoms are just as much or more relevant to the relationship between Whites and jews, and specifically the discussion of "anti-semitism" and "white pathology". It's called gaslighting:

Gaslighting or gas-lighting[1] is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted/spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception and sanity.[2] Instances may range simply from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

The term owes its origin to the play Gas Light and its film adaptations, after which it was coined popularly.

Sociopaths frequently use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws, and exploit others, but typically, are also charming and convincing liars who consistently deny wrongdoing. Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their perceptions.

The obvious analogy is that the jews and their psychoanalytic theories of "anti-semitism" are the mental abusers, the sociopathic liars who deny any wrongdoing, and Whites are the victims of their mental abuse, and exhibit "white pathology" as a result of it.

Another definition of the term explains in more detail:

Gaslighting – The practice of brainwashing or convincing a mentally healthy individual that they are going insane or that their understanding of reality is mistaken or false. The term "Gaslighting" is based on the 1944 MGM movie "Gaslight".

Casting You as the Crazy One

In the classic suspense thriller, Gaslight, Paula (Ingrid Bergman) marries the villainous Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer), not realizing that he is the one who murdered her aunt and is now searching for her missing jewels.

To cover up his treachery, he tries to persuade Paula that she is going mad, so he can search the attic for the jewels without her interference. He plants missing objects on her person in order to make her believe that she has no recollection of reality.

Essentially, it describes forms of manipulation which are designed to make the victim lose their grip on the truth or doubt their perception of reality.

Among the examples of what it looks like that fit the jews:

A person acts threateningly and then accuses you of abuse when you react in self-defense.

How it Feels

Gaslighting can be a terrifying experience. It can quickly put you on the defensive – trying to justify your own actions or behaviors – when you started out by challenging someone else's questionable behavior.

A gaslighting perpetrator's fabrications may be presented so convincingly and with such conviction you begin to question yourself and your own memories and judgment.

Among a list of points advising what NOT to do:

Don't waste your time trying to convince someone who has already made up their mind about you that they should reconsider.

In other words, don't bother arguing with jews or other true-believer anti-Whites.

Don't blame yourself for what the other person is feeling or how they are behaving. Don't look for ways to change yourself to try to fix another person. As the OOTF 3 C's mantra says: "You didn't cause it, you can't cure it and you can't control it." You are only responsible for your own words and actions.

In other words, don't go searching for "white pathology" when the effort jews make to create it is staring you right in the face. If you do, then you are responsible for that.

I'll emphasize again right here that I'm drawing an analogy. It's not a perfect fit. For one thing, gaslighting ordinarily describes a relationship between two individuals, whereas the analog I'm making is for the relationship between Whites and jews collectively, even though within those collectives there are a broad spectrum of individual motives and attitudes.

I do think however that the analogy is useful because it fits the most relevant and important aspect of the relationship between Whites and jews, the relatively conscious and lopsided relationship between White and jew elites.

Another description from a blog called Narcissists Suck:

Gaslighting occurs when a person you trust to tell you the truth about reality, is, in fact, bending reality with lies. When this happens consistently over a period of time it causes you to question your sanity.

This is important. For whatever reason one participant in the gaslighting relationship trusts the other. They do not expect and cannot accept that the other could lie to them. The other participant, in contrast, is deliberately manipulating and exploiting that trust.

Driving the victim insane may not be their main intent, as it is described elsewhere, but can instead be seen as a long-term result of the primary ingredient, the unrequited love, the one-sided abuse and deceit.

If you find yourself often questioning your own sanity you need to suspect you are being gaslighted. In the absence of any who will support what you are seeing, hearing, and knowing, please give yourself permission to believe yourself. Gaslighting is a deliberate and evil tactic. So when you've determined that someone is doing this to you, it is past time to remove yourself from this person's sphere of influence.

I found a description connecting narcissism, gaslighting and Stockholm Syndrome. Once again, there are some obvious parallels to the relationship between elite Whites and jews – in particular the description of narcissists fits the jews.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disease (DSM) – 5 2013 Changes:

Narcissistic Victim Syndrome (NVS)

Is the result of the damages that occur to a person who is closely connected or involved with or works with a Narcissist. A narcissist is someone who needs total control and believes the world revolves around them and them only. The narcissist craves constant praise, admiration, honor and respect, even when they do not deserve it. They will use any means within which to obtain this constant control including the following: intimidation, abuse (physical, sexual, emotional and more), isolation, deprivation, financial/economic control and anything else that they can use to keep the victim under their thumb and control. One of their best tools is Gaslighting or the denigrating of the victim so they believe they are crazy and that only the Narcissist is capable of taking care of them or being with them. The narcissist is also always right and the perfect person, thus they could never possibly be wrong. This lends well with the theory of Gaslighting as the Narcissist will have the victim believe that they are too weak, or crazy, or delusional and more. They will actually cause the victim to distrust their own selves and ability to think for themselves. Narcissists are about total and complete submission of control to them. They do not recognize any boundaries or borders between them and others. They are the border control

Some of the signs and symptoms of NVS include:

A victim of NVS can exhibit Stockholm syndrome or cult-like behavior joining up with the aggressor. They will defend and protect the narcissist for fear of not being loved or part of their inner circle. The victim's self-esteem is so torn down by the Gaslighting and other crazy making behaviors of the Narcissist that it is just easier for them to follow along. They often are so emotionally beaten down they do not realize what is even happening to them, just that they are angry or sad all the time, and feel like they have no persona or sense of self.

They will/can show signs of Cognitive Dissonance, which basically means that they know that the situation they are in is no good, but they continue to stay it, using false rational. Yet, they are angry, scared, confused, lost and do not know where to turn to. They fear things that never happened or even exist but because the Narcissist says they did, the Victim is programmed to believe it is so. [calls to mind "RAMPANT ANTI-SEMITISM!" and "THE HOLOCAUST!" -T] Their ability to think clearly has been disrupted and taken over by the Narcissist.

There's much more I could say about this analogy, but as with what I had to say about parasitism, the main point is that it is not only more explanative than some vague "white pathology", but prescriptive as well.

When You Love Your Abuser: Stockholm Syndrome and Trauma Bonds, for example, offers some further advice:

the only way to escape this dangerous dependency upon a psychopath is to remove yourself permanently from his influence. Any contact with him keeps you trapped in his web of manipulation and deceit. In some respects, however, this is a circular proposition. If you have the strength to leave a psychopath and the lucidity to reconsider your relationship with him, then you're probably not suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

As we recall, psychopaths establish control of their victims BITE by BITE, like emotional vampires. Once again, "BITE" stands for "behavior, information, thoughts and emotions." Psychopaths attempt to control all aspects of their partners' experience of reality.

To counteract their dangerous influence, you need to BITE back. Give the victim a true perception of reality and real emotional support.

Whites need to produce our own media, which offers a true perception of reality and real emotional support. Explain what the jews are doing, and how they are doing it. Counter the lie that they're just an odd kind of "white" people who are, or could ever be, on the same side. Point out that the jews are gaslighting Whites – that their anti-White narrative about "racism", "anti-semitism", "blood libel", "the holocaust", and more is manipulative, abusive. Whites shouldn't put up with this because it obviously isn't good for Whites.


Black Suspect Arrested for Armed Robbery and Beating of White Restaurant Owner

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 02:12 AM PST

Fox 4 KC
February 18, 2015


Franco Cupini on the left of this picture, was left beaten and bruised after an encounter with an armed Negro thief.

The suspect allegedly responsible for putting a Midtown restaurant owner in the hospital last December has been arrested.

Edward K. Thomas, 53, has been charged with three counts of first-degree robbery and three counts of armed criminal action.

Thomas is allegedly connected to the Dec. 23 robbery of Cupini's in Westport, which resulted in the owner  being battered and bruised.

According to the probable cause statement, Thomas used his teeth to remove a thick rubber band that surrounded the wallet he allegedly took from the owner of Cupini's. The DNA ultimately led to his arrest.


Edward K. Thomas stands accused of committing two other robberies besides this one.

Thomas reportedly entered the restaurant, waved a pistol and then pointed it at the restaurant's owner.

According to prosecutors, Thomas hit the victim and made him fall. Thomas then kicked the man multiple times and exchanged his pistol for a large  knife, according to the probable cause document. Thomas also allegedly threatened to kill the man and demanded money.

The victim, who feared for his life, claimed that he had money in his wallet and pulled it out to give to Thomas, according to the probable cause statement.

Black Boyfriend Hands Himself in After Killing White Girlfriend and Kid

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 01:59 AM PST

Detroit CBS Local
February 18, 2015

Untitled 1

Authorities say a person of interest has turned himself in after his 29-year-old girlfriend and their 13-month-old daughter were found dead in Eastpointe.

Police were called around 9 p.m. Thursday after the woman's father found the bodies inside of a home in the 23000 block of Normandy, in a neighborhood just north of 9 Mile Road between Gratiot Avenue and I-94.

Police haven't yet said how the mother, identified as Monique Rakowski, and daughter might have died — but they are investigating the case as a double homicide. According to reports, both were stabbed multiple times.

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Monique’s mother says the Black boyfriend was always jealous of her and suspicious and had beaten her up before.

The person of interest is described as Rakowski's boyfriend and the child's father. He reportedly turned himself in to Dearborn police Friday morning.

Investigators are still trying to locate Rakowski's vehicle, a dark blue 2007 Chevy Impala with Michigan license plate "1 HXJ 18."

Ricky Gutes lives just two doors down from the crime scene. He said Rakowski moved into the home with a few other people about a year ago.

"They were quiet, kept to themselves. We maybe said hi one or two times," Gutes told WWJ's Laura Bonnell. "I'm just extremely surprised. I got home last night a little after midnight and everything was taped off and yeah, it was kind of creepy."

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Detroit: Basketball American Stabs Two Because They Aren’t Moslems

Posted: 18 Feb 2015 12:19 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2015

Thomas Terrence Lavaron

Thomas Terrence Lavaron

A basketball American approached to people at a bus stop in Southfield, Detroit and asked them if they were Moslems. When the pair responded in the negative, he got all stabby on them.

Detroit Free Press:

A 52-year-old Detroit man was stabbed five times; once in the face, once in the neck and three times in the back, Southfield Police Chief Eric Hawkins said. A 51-year-old Detroit man who tried to intervene was stabbed in the hand. The incident happened at about 10:30 p.m. near Northland Mall at 21500 Northwestern Highway.

Minutes later and a few blocks away, police arrested Terrence Lavaron Thomas, 39, of Detroit, who’s accused of stabbing the two men. He was carrying two knives and some marijuana, and he told police he was a Muslim,according to Southfield Police Department.

“We are getting indications through my officers that the suspect was somewhat incoherent afterward, and so there’s a question about his stability,” Hawkins said.

Thomas was arraigned today in 46th District Court on two counts of assault with intent to murder, one count of carrying a dangerous weapon with unlawful intent and possession of a controlled substance.

Magistrate Jajonie-Daman set bond at $1 million cash/surety. A preliminary examination is scheduled for March 4.

Police have contacted the FBI, which is also investigating the incident to see whether hate-crime laws were violated, according to a news release Tuesday from Southfield Police Department.

“The victims in this case said that the suspect asked them if they were Muslim,” Hawkins said. “They responded that they were not, and then there was some back-and-forth between the victims and the suspect.”

So, is it a terrorist attack, or is it a normal stupid Black murder? I guess it is both, but it will of course go down as just another stupid Black murder.

As we have said, Islam appears to appear to all collectivist-minded non-Whites on a fundamental, primitive level. A goofy Black guy in Detroit has no real connection whatsoever to Islam, and yet somewhere he picks it up, and goes out and uses it as an excuse to do the one thing Blacks love most: murder.

This is notable, as it demonstrates that Islam is not an ideological problem, it is a racial problem. At the same time, it is fair to talk about a “Moslem problem,” as what you are actually talking about is a conglomeration of various low-level non-Whites.

Kenya President Flipping Out After Texas Judge Thwarts Invasion Plot

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 08:12 PM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2015

When America looks like Mexico, then we will finally be free of hatred.

When America looks like Mexico, then we will finally be free of hatred.

The Kenyan President of the United States has had his evil Negro scheme to destroy the White race in America thwarted by a federal judge in Texas.

The alien ruler of our country has been forced to stop his illegal behaviors for the time being.

But how long shall this time being be?

Probably not very long.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson announced that the Obama administration has put off for now the first step in implementing the program, expanding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals initiative that has granted a temporary reprieve from deportation for nearly 600,000 young people. The administration had been scheduled to begin accepting applications for the expansion Wednesday.

Johnson said the administration was also putting on hold plans for a much larger program, known as Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, which could apply to around 4 million adult immigrants.
"The Department of Justice will appeal that temporary injunction," Johnson said in a statement, referring to the judge's order. "In the meantime, we recognize we must comply with it. We fully expect to ultimately prevail in the courts, and we will be prepared to implement DAPA and expanded DACA once we do."

Late Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Hanen in Texas issued an order siding with those states and blocking the plan for now. The White House has said it will appeal, and likely will request an emergency stay of Hanen's decision at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

"The DHS secretary is not just rewriting the laws," Hanen wrote in a 123-page opinion. "He is creating them from scratch."

"The genie would be impossible to put back into the bottle," he wrote, adding that he agreed with the states that legalizing the presence of millions of people is a "virtually irreversible" action.

The plot by the Planet of the Apes occupation to completely destroy America forever is extremely unpopular with Americans across America.

But what the haters refuse to acknowledge is that these monkeys only come to America for a better life. Why do White people want to make them suffer?

Why are you so filled with hatred for the color of the skin?

Texas Judge (pictured) said that he likes to see Mexicans suffer because he hates the color of their skin.

Texas Judge (pictured) said that he likes to see Mexicans suffer because he hates the color of their skin.

Famous French Artist Makes “Coexist” Painting to Promote “Religious Tolerance”, Gets Attacked by Moslem Savages for It

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 07:54 PM PST

Michael Slay
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2015


Left-wing French artist Combo was culturally enriched by four Moslems for this pro-Moslem painting.

A left-wing French artist who goes by the name of Combo created a “Coexist” painting to promote tolerance, diversity, multiculturalism, and all the other bleeding-heart crap that the Jews who populate the art community love. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t seem to consider the fact that Islam cannot “coexist” with anyone else, so four Moslems culturally enriched him for his painting.

Oh, the irony.

Conservative Headlines:

A French street artist was severely beaten by four Muslim men for refusing to remove a "Coexist" painting. The artist, who goes by Combo, was left with bruises and a dislocated shoulder,

The painting includes a self-portrait of Combo dressed in Arab garb and the word Coexist spelled with a cross, half moon, and six pointed star. Combo had painted the image on the east side of Paris near an immigrant Ghetto.

Combo was adamant that the beating has not swayed his left-wing ideology.

On Facebook he wrote "I am deliberately being vague about the description of these cowards and where it all happened. To me, it doesn't matter where they come from, what color their skin is, what their religion or their political ideas are. In this context, all they represent is stupidity and ignorance."

Combo has received international media coverage in the past for street art in Paris, Hong Kong and at the former site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster,

This just goes to show that no amount of reality is ever going to wake up these Marxists from their utopian delusions. They could be personally beheaded by Moslem savages and, with their last dying breath, they would vow their support for multiculturalism.

These people are truly lost and there is absolutely no hope for them whatsoever. However, they can serve a purpose as a warning to people who aren’t so entirely brainwashed yet. Do YOU want to be like this Jewified faggot, vowing your support for the subhuman hordes even as they brutally assault you? Of course not. Nobody with an ounce of strength in their body would want to be like this cultural Marxist wimp.  And, if you don’t want to be a self-hating pansy like Combo, then your only real choice is to join our side and work to expel these filthy savages from Europe.

Dumb Black Killer on Death Row for Atrocity Commited Against White Family Declines to Present Any Evidence

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 07:31 PM PST

February 18, 2015

bilde (3)

The retarded ape-creature had a one-week hearing booked, where he was supposed to be representing himself.

After fighting for more than a year to represent himself in court, death row inmate Renaldo McGirth ended what was supposed to be a week-long post-conviction hearing after just a few minutes Monday morning when he declined to present any evidence or call any of his 21 witnesses to testify.

The decision essentially ended any hope McGirth had of arguing to the judge that he received an unfair trial and should be given some relief.

Instead, McGirth said he wanted to appeal several motions that were denied by a judge last week in lieu of presenting more evidence.

McGirth, now 26, was sentenced to death row for the July 2006 killing of Diana Miller, 63, of The Villages, during a robbery. Miller’s husband, James, also suffered injuries during the incident. McGirth is believed to have been the triggerman.

Co-defendant Jarrod Roberts, 28, is currently serving a life prison term for his role and co-defendant Theodore Houston, 25, is serving a 20-year prison sentence.

"Do you want to say anything as to why you’re doing this?" presiding judge Brian Lambert asked McGirth on Monday.

"No," McGirth responded.

Standby attorney David Gemmer of the Capital Collateral Regional Counsel office told Lambert that McGirth’s decision was against his advice.

Had the week-long hearing been held, McGirth could have presented any evidence in support of his argument that he did not receive a fair trial. Instead, he indicated that he would appeal Lambert’s rulings from Friday, when the judge denied four separate defense motions: to disqualify the trial judge; appoint co-counsel; continue; and appoint a conflict-free counsel.


Renaldo McGirth and Jarrord Roberts are shown at a previous hearing, for the slaying of a White woman and shooting her husband in the head. Both creatures were ‘friends’ of the White couple’s daughter.

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