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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Assad: Terrorism in Syria was Created by America and Supported by Israel

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 08:30 AM PST

The New Observer
February 19, 2015

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said that the al-Qaeda terrorist war being waged in his nation was created by the deliberate policies of the American government and is militarily and logistically supported by Israel as part of a larger plan to create greater instability in the Middle East.


Speaking in an interview with the Russian Izvestia newspaper, which was republished in English on the official Syrian state broadcaster's channel, al-Assad also said that the US government could never justify a physical intervention in Syria to its people because it would have to admit that it was directly supporting terrorism.

Asked by the interviewer why the Syrian government claimed a strong link between Israel and the terrorists when it is "commonly perceived that the extremist Islamists loathe Israel and become hysterical upon hearing its name," al-Assad replied as follows:

"If this was the case, why is it then that when we strike the terrorists at the frontier, Israel strikes at our forces to alleviate the pressure off of them?

"Why, when we blockade them into an area does Israel let them through their barricades so they can come round and re-attack from another direction?

"Why has Israel carried out direct strikes against the Syrian Army on more than one occasion in recent months?

"So clearly this perception is inaccurate. It is Israel who has publically declared its cooperation with these terrorists and treated them in Israeli hospitals.

"If these terrorist groups were indeed hostile to Israel and hysterical even on the mention of the word as you mention, why have they fought the Soviet Union, Syria and Egypt, whilst never carrying out a single strike against Israel?" he said, posing the question:

"Who originally created these terrorist groups? These groups were initially created in the early 80s by the United States and the West, with Saudi funding, to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. So logically speaking, how could such groups manufactured by the US and the West ever strike Israel!"

Asked by Izvestia what he would say to world leaders, "some who may currently be working against" the Syrian government, al-Assad's answer was as follows:

"Today there are many Western politicians, but very few statesmen. Some of these politicians do not read history or even learn from it, whilst others do not even remember recent events.

"Have these politicians learned any lessons from the past 50 years at least? Have they not realised that since the Vietnam War, all the wars their predecessors have waged have failed?

"Have they not learned that they have gained nothing from these wars but the destruction of the countries they fought, which has had a destabilising effect on the Middle East and other parts of the world?

"Have they not comprehended that all of these wars have not made people in the region appreciate them or believe in their policies?

"From another perspective, these politicians should know that terrorism is not a winning card you play when it suits you and keep it in your pocket when it doesn't.

"Terrorism is like a scorpion; it can unexpectedly sting you at any time. Therefore, you cannot support terrorism in Syria whilst fighting it in Mali; you cannot support terrorism in Chechnya and fight it in Afghanistan.

"To be very precise, I am referring to the West and not all world leaders, if these western leaders are looking to achieve their interests, they need to listen to their own constituents and to the people in this region rather than seeking to install 'puppet' leaders, in the hope that they would be able to deliver their objectives. In doing so, western policy may become more realistic in the region.

"Our message to the world is straightforward: Syria will never become a Western 'puppet' state. We are an independent country; we will fight terrorism and we will freely build relationships with countries in a way that best serves the interests of the Syrian people."

Al-Assad went on to point out that the terrorist movement in Syria was aggravated by the "influx of large amounts of terrorists from other countries—estimated in the tens of thousands at the very least."

He added that as "long as they [the terrorists] continue to receive financial and military aid, we will continue to strike them"—a reference to the fact that the US government in particular has been arming and financing these al-Qaeda linked fighters for over a year.

Al-Assad also dealt with a number of other pertinent issues, including the claim that the terrorists "control large parts of Syria."

In answer to this he said that "it's not a matter of labelling areas as controlled by terrorists or by the government; we are not dealing with a conventional occupation to allow us to contextualise it in this manner.

"We are fighting terrorists infiltrating particular regions, towns or peripheral city areas. They wreak havoc, vandalise, destroy infrastructure and kill innocent civilians simply because they denounce them. The army mobilises into these areas with the security forces and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the terrorists, those who survive relocate to other areas. Therefore, the essence of our action is striking terrorism.

"Our challenge, which has protracted the situation, is I can confirm that there has not been any instance where the Syrian Army has planned to enter a particular location and has not succeeded in eliminating the terrorists within it.

"There isn't an army in the world that can be present with its armament in every corner of any given country. The terrorists exploit this, and violate areas where the army is not present. They escape from one area to another, and we continue to eradicate them from these areas with great success. Therefore, I reiterate, the issue is not the size of the territories they infiltrate but the large influx of terrorists coming from abroad.

"The more significant criterion to evaluate success is—has the Syrian Army been able to enter any area infiltrated by terrorists and defeat them? Most certainly the answer is yes; the army has always succeeded in this and continues to do so. However, this takes time because these types of wars do not end suddenly, they protract for prolonged periods and as such carry a heavy price. Even when we have eradicated all the terrorists, we will have paid a hefty price."

Asked by the interviewer who exactly these terrorists are, al-Assad said that the "majority of those we are fighting are Takfiris, who adopt the al-Qaeda doctrine, combined with a coherent major force that seeks to destroy the security and stability in Syria and the whole Middle East.

"They have both traits. They are similar in that they all share the same extremist Takfiri doctrine of certain individuals such as Zawahiri; they also have similar or identical financial backing and military support. They differ on the ground in that they are incoherent and scattered with each group adhering to a separate leader and pursuing different agendas. Of course it is well known that countries, such as Saudi Arabia, who hold the purse strings can shape and manipulate them to suit their own interests.

"Ideologically, these countries mobilise them through direct or indirect means as extremist tools. If they declare that Muslims must pursue Jihad in Syria, thousands of fighters will respond. Financially, those who finance and arm such groups can instruct them to carry out acts of terrorism and spread anarchy. The influence over them is synergised when a country such as Saudi Arabia directs them through both the Wahhabi ideology and their financial means."

Saudi Arabia is, under its current leadership, a firm ally of the US government.

"It is now crystal clear to everybody that what is happening in Syria is not a popular revolution pushing for political reform, but targeted terrorism aimed at destroying the Syrian state. What will they say to their people when pushing for military intervention: we are intervening in Syria to support terrorism against the state?" al-Assad added.

Infowars Posts Video Against “F*cktard” Jew Crybabies

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 08:16 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Professional lunatic Paul Joseph Watson

Professional lunatic Paul Joseph Watson

As the reader is aware, Alex Jones’ INFOWARS operation has been in the process of perpetual collapse due to what used to be called “the truth movement” learning about the Holocaust hoax and through this, learning about the Jew problem in depth and, for the most part, eventually going full-Nazi.  Jones is incapable of keeping up because he has a Jew wife and Jew children and all his money comes from Jews through sponsorships and advertisement.

Jones’ strategy for dealing with this has mainly been to move toward the mainstream, to attempt to secure a position as the next Rush Limbaugh, as “alternative” audiences have little use for him and his filthy Jew lies about Hitler and the nature of the problem we are facing.  He is now endorsing the likes of Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin, claiming that these warmongering Jewpublicans will save America from the Illuminati.

He has ratcheted up his attacks on “White supremacists,” at one point attacking me personally and threatening to have my wife raped.

At the same time, he has tried to move slightly into our territory, doing some bits about racism against Whites and how the media is targeting Whites.  Not really a huge deal, since Fox News does the same thing now, as it is so obvious they have to talk about it.

Now, presumed homosexual Jew and left-hand man of Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson (he has a Chinese wife, though this is believed by many to be a “married the maid” situation), who does videos on the INFOWARS YouTube channel has come out with a video criticizing the “walking while Jew” video.

Firstly I want to note that I found it weird that Watson at least twice calls these Jews “fucktards.”  He also calls people “cunts,” which I guess is less offensive in Britain than it is in America.  I don’t really think the use of profanity on a YouTube video is that big of a deal, but this is a scripted newscast meant to imitate mainstream news reports.  So Watson had to sit down and write that he was going to call the Jews “fucktards” and “cunts.”  It clearly represents an editorial decision by Jones himself; as they didn’t used to use profanity on their YouTube broadcasts (at least not scripted profanity), Jones would have literally had to call Watson up and be like “hey, we need to get a bit more edgy – start dropping f-bombs and calling people cunts.” This, in my opinion, is weird.

Also, who uses the term “fucktard”?  What year is this?  And how old is Paul Joseph Watson?  That is a word that 13-year-olds called each other while playing Pokemon card games in 2004.  This is a complete failure at an attempt to be edgy and instead comes off as bizarre and confusing.

Next point: while apparently complaining about Jewish crybabism, he repeatedly mentions the Holocaust and evil Nazis.  Criticizing Jews is not really worth much if you are just going to confirm their stupid hoax, as really, as long as the hoax stands, they are going to maintain unlimited ability to complain about how everyone supposedly wants to gas them.

This having been said, it is a good sign that Infowars is having to address Jewish whining, as it shows that we are taking over the narrative, and Jones is having to address issues he doesn’t want to address in order to attempt to remain relevant.

I Have Absolutely No Comment on This Vox Headline

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 07:28 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015



I a being 100% real with you when I tell you that I simply have no words for this.

Thanks for clearing that up, Saeed.

Thanks for clearing that up, Saeed.

Ezra Klein, founder and editor of Vox.  Like most liberal SJWs forcefully pushing new weird forms of homosexuality on the people, he is Chinese.

Ezra Klein, founder and editor of Vox. Like most liberal SJWs forcefully pushing new weird forms of homosexuality on the people, he is Chinese.

Sweden: Radio Network Apologizes for Asking a Jew if Maybe People Dislike Jews Because of Their Behavior

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 07:15 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

It is an uncontested scientific fact that the only reason Jews are disliked is because of mysterious hatred which exists for no reason.

It is an uncontested scientific fact that the only reason Jews are disliked is because of mysterious hatred which exists for no reason.

One thing must never be done: making a connection between the behavior of Jews and the fact that most people in the world hate Jews.

The Local:

Sweden’s public broadcaster Sveriges Radio has apologised after a presenter questioned the Israeli ambassador about the responsibility of Jews for anti-Semitism, in the wake of the shooting of a Jewish man in Copenhagen this weekend.

On Tuesday, a journalist for Sveriges Radio (SR) asked ambassador Isaac Bachman on air: “Are Jews themselves responsible for the progression of anti-Semitism?”

The ambassador appeared shocked by the suggestion, and replied: “I purely and simply reject the question.”

When the journalist asked “Why?”, Bachman said: “There was no reason to ask this question.”

The station removed the programme from its online archive and issued a full apology.

“We offer our fullest apologies for this question. It was misleading and put blame on individuals and on a vilified group,” SR’s senior management said in a statement on its website.

“The Jewish community has suffered a horrible act of terror and has all our sympathy,” the statement added.

How dare he even ask such a question? We know based on dozens of eye-witness testimonies that the only reason anyone has ever hated a Jew is because of irrational hatred based on nothing. The very suggestion that their own behavior could be related to people hating them amounts to nothing less than the promotion of a new Holocaust.

Faggot Rights Group Gets “VIP Treatment” at the Vatican

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 07:08 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Is this what you wanted?

Is this what you wanted?

And now, your daily reminder of why you killed Adolf Hitler.


A prominent American Catholic gay rights group was given VIP treatment for the first time at an audience with Pope Francis on Wednesday, a move members saw as a sign of change in the Roman Catholic Church.

“This is a sign of movement that’s due to the Francis effect,” said Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry, which ministers to homosexual Catholics and promotes gay rights in the 1.2 billion-member Church.

Gramick and executive director Francis DeBernardo led a pilgrimage of 50 homosexual Catholics to the audience in St. Peter’s Square.

They told Reuters in an interview afterwards that when the group came to Rome on Catholic pilgrimages during the papacies of Francis’s predecessors John Paul and Benedict, “they just ignored us”.

This time, a U.S. bishop and a top Vatican official backed their request and they sat in a front section with dignitaries and special Catholic groups. As the pope passed, they sang “All Are Welcome,” a hymn symbolizing their desire for a more inclusive Church.

LOL: Nicki Minaj’s Tour People Stabbed

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 06:57 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Hey is it just me or does Nicki Minaj look creepily like one of those lifelike Japanese sex dolls?

Hey is it just me or does Nicki Minaj look creepily like one of those lifelike Japanese sex dolls?

Like this one.  For those interested, these can be purchased at the infowars store.

Like this one. For those interested, these can be purchased at the ALEX JONES INFOWARS STORE along with the SUPER MALE VITALITY you will need to get warmed-up.  They are only sixteen cents a day and can be used by up to twenty member of your family.

Black singer Nicki Minaj who is famous for her huge ass and also because she is a neo-Nazi for some reason, has announced that two members of her tour were stabbed in Philadelphia


Minaj wrote Wednesday on Twitter that the two had flown into Philadelphia for rehearsals two days ago.

Philadelphia police say two men, ages 29 and 26, were stabbed early Wednesday outside a bar.

They say the 29-year-old was killed and the younger man critically wounded.

Minaj posted a link to a TV report on the bar stabbings.

Police say a man started arguing with the victims inside the bar at about 2 a.m. and pulled a knife once they got outside.

Minaj says the stabbings are “another senseless act of violence that took the life of a great guy. “

Yes, senseless act of violence.


All Black people do is kill each other. They do that, because they evolved to do that, having grown up in a habitat where constant warfare was necessary for survival. It doesn’t matter what social status they reach, they will continue to behave this way.


California: Foreign Superbug Released, 179 People Exposed, at Least 7 Infected

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 06:40 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Stay calm.  There is no troubles.

Stay calm. There is no troubles.

Diversity isn’t free, goyim.  If you want to enjoy all of the ulimited and infinite benefits of enrichment, you are just going to have to learn to deal with incurable viruses.


UCLA reported Wednesday that nearly 180 patients were exposed to a potentially deadly “superbug” on contaminated medical instruments that infected seven patients and may have contributed to two deaths.

A total of 179 patients at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center were exposed to antibiotic-resistant carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, during endoscopic procedures between October and January, the university said in a statement. The patients who may have been infected are being sent home-testing kits, which the university will analyze.

Similar outbreaks of CRE have been reported around the nation. They are difficult to treat because some varieties are resistant to most known antibiotics. By one estimate, CRE can contribute to death in up to half of seriously infected patients, according to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The bacteria can cause infections of the bladder or lungs, leading to coughing, fever or chills. CRE infections have been reported in every state except Idaho, Alaska and Maine, according to the CDC.

UCLA said infections may have been transmitted through specialized endoscopes used during the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic and bile-duct problems. The instruments are inserted into the patients’ throats. The outbreak was discovered late last month during tests on a patient.

So do you guys think a infectious virus apocalypse is going to happen before the race war apocalypse and/or WWIII?  It is fun to think about how civilization will finally end.

I’d say that the odds of an incurable and highly-infectious virus decimating large portions of the world in the next decade are probably about 10-20%.  Meaning it is probably mostly just fear-mongering.  Still, I don’t think we should bring all of these new diseases into our country.

Congress Says Bringing in Thousands of Syrian Refugees/Terrorists May be Stupid/Insane

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 06:13 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Syrian refugees arriving O'Hare International.

Syrian refugees arriving O’Hare International.

The racist Republican-led House Committee on Homeland Security has told Obama to wait a “cotton-pickin’ minute” before allowing thousands of random Syrians into our base, implying that Obama would do well to pick cotton, because he is Black.

The Committee made the statements while dressed in white robes and burning a cross on the lawn of the White House.


In a letter sent to the White House, Michael McCaul, who chairs the Homeland Security Committee and Peter King and Candice Miller, who chair subcommittees, said the administration’s plan “raises serious national security concerns.”

The letter, dated Wednesday, said the United States lacks the resources to fully investigate the backgrounds of refugees from Syria, a base for Islamic State militants, before they are admitted to the country.

Anne Richard, an Assistant Secretary of State, said on Dec. 9 that the United States resettled nearly 70,000 refugees from nearly 70 countries in 2013 and that the administration’s refugee plans would lead to “resettling Syrians as well.”

Richard said the United States was already reviewing around 9,000 Syrian refugee cases referred by a United Nations agency and was receiving “roughly a thousand new ones each month.”

Ned Price, a National Security Council spokesman, said all refugees including those from Syria would be rigorously screened.

“Our screening protocols for refugees are rigorous, continually refined, and build on years of experience vetting individuals coming to the United States from around the world,” he said in an e-mailed statement. “They permit us to proceed in a way that seeks to both safeguard public safety and serve our mission of providing refuge to some of the world’s most vulnerable people.”

If the Republicans were not Jewpublicans, they could simply say “let’s not allow any of our enemies into our base.” Instead they have to bicker endlessly about “well maybe they’re not all terrorists, we can check first.”

The fact is, no one wants these people in our country, and following all of the high-profile slaughter going on in Europe, it would be very easy to ban them outright. But the Jewpublicans instead use the stupid argument that they have questions about the quality of the screening process.

Obama Writes Op-Ed Against Terrorism, Says Main Problem is White People Not Loving Moslems Enough

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 05:27 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Yep.  LA Times.

Yep. LA Times.

Baruch Osama, the terrorist African ruler of America, published a pretentious op-ed in the LA Times.  You read that right.  It was not the New York Times, as would have been normal, but the LA Times.  How edgy?

After explaining to the masses of idiot White racists who elected him President of their country that Islam has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism, writing "Groups like al Qaeda and ISIL promote a twisted interpretation of religion that is rejected by the overwhelming majority of the world’s Muslims," he goes on to explain that the real problem is White Americans not making the murderers feel welcome among us.

He then implied old Glenn Miller finally losing it after 70 years of dealing with this crap is the same thing as ISIS.

Seriously, look at this crap:

Finally — with al Qaeda and ISIL peddling the lie that the United States is at war with Islam — all of us have a role to play by upholding the pluralistic values that define us as Americans. This week, we’ll be joined by people of many faiths, including Muslim Americans who make extraordinary contributions to our country every day. It’s a reminder that America is successful because we welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds.

That pluralism has at times been threatened by hateful ideologies and individuals from various religions. We’ve seen tragic killings at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012 and at a Jewish community center in Kansas last year.

We do not yet know why three young people, who were Muslim Americans, were brutally killed in Chapel Hill, N.C. But we know that many Muslim Americans across our country are worried and afraid. Americans of all faiths and backgrounds must continue to stand united with a community in mourning and insist that no one should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship.

That is his closing point.  His bottom line.

You know what Osama? I’m fed-up with this crap. I don’t want to live with Moslems, and that doesn’t mean I want to murder them.

Why are we responsible for these people? Why are we not allowed to simply live our lives, without dealing with this? What exactly is the justification for forcing diversity on the American people, and then blaming them for not doing a good enough job at dealing with it?

This is stupid.

“You Might be Mike Brown If…”

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 03:45 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Hero and probable future President of America Same Hyde made his triumphant return to stand-up recently with a bit entitled, “you might be Mike Brown if…”

YouTube description:

Really great energy from this crowd, glad to see everyone turn out and get it pumped up, glad to see MC tell me to get off the stage after 1.5 minutes because I said naughtyThought… Nice to see people getting together and taking a joke and not being touchy little bitches. Did I mention being White is so awkward? Ugh, man, I’m just like, so unsexy and bad at sports! Ah Denzel is so cool.

Interesting fact: I had decided that this routine was too ‘edgy’ and ‘shocking’ and also ‘dumb’ and a ‘low-blow’ but the kid who performed before me was a black guy talking about how the “Mike” Brown situation caused him to have hate sex with his white girlfriend (I bet she’s cute and not a pig!) That was when I decided that the audience was trash and not worth the extra urine I left on the floor of the bathroom.

Co-written by Michael Harms (a black man! who by the way has given me permission to use racial slurs and certain bad words!)

It is a known fact that MDE never dies.  However, many of us had wondered if they were completely and totally dead.  So we are happy to have our fears dis-confirmed.

Last year, Sam did a fantastic stand-up routine where he was mocking the homosexuals as a form of praising them, which you may recall resulted in even more walk-outs than these Michael Brown jokes.

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