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Friday, February 20, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Wacky ADL Rat Says White Supremacists Commit 95% of Murders in America

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 09:25 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

Oren Segal, a ratlike parasite who refuses to live in his own stupid desert country and instead stays in ours, sucking our blood, serves as the head of the Anti-Defamation League’s “Extremism Center.” On February 18th, he attended a White House Summit on countering violent extremism, and claimed that we really shouldn’t be worried about Moslems.

He then said that 95% of murders are committed by White supremacists.

Violent extremism is not a Muslim community problem. It's an American problem.

[Clapping of all rats on deck]

It's also a problem that's international.

If we take for example, the threat of white supremacists and right wing extremists and look at the amount of murders in this country in the past say 10 years, 95% of murders against Americans and that includes law enforcement have been caused at the hands of right-wing extremists. We have to remember that fact when we're coming up with strategists.

Though he literally did say “95% of murders,” in the context he was apparently talking about terrorism. But that number is still completely wrong.

The insane part is that Moslems actually do want to kill Jews, and do kill Jews, while we “White supremacists” don’t want to and generally don’t ever do it, and yet these rats will continually side with Moslems and try to push off the threat that is Islam onto us.

British Parliament Releases Report Saying the West has No Idea What It’s Doing in the Ukraine

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 08:57 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015


I don’t even know what to say at this point.

British lawmakers have released a report stating that the EU and Britain “sleepwalked” into this insane crisis in the Ukraine, having totally failed to grasp what was happening and how their actions effected it.

This is an obvious fact. The West has collectively sunk into such a deep state of depravity, that no one really even knows what’s going on, least of all a bunch of politicians who are too busy with fine dining and hookers to read Google News on their phones and have some idea what is happening in the world.


In their report, lawmakers from the upper house of Britain’s parliament heaped criticism on Moscow, which they said had been gradually turning away from Europe and had misread Ukraine’s appetite for a trade deal with the EU.

But the House of Lords’ EU Sub-Committee on External Affairs reserved some of its harshest criticism for the EU and Britain, saying they had made a series of errors in the run-up to the crisis and were partly to blame for the situation unravelling.

“There has been a strong element of ‘sleepwalking’ into the current crisis, with Member States being taken by surprise by events in Ukraine,” the report said, saying the EU’s absence of political oversight over trade talks with Kiev had been glaring.

A loss of collective analytical capacity has weakened Member States’ ability to read the political shifts in Russia and to offer an authoritative response,” it added, saying the EU had failed to appreciate “the exceptional nature” of Ukraine.

“A loss of collective analytical capacity” would be the exactly correct way to phrase what is happening here.

This is what always happens in governments with multiple parties. People who are good at arguing and not really anything else take power, everything is totally corrupt and everyone is incompetent on a level that is almost unimaginable.

In a one party system, you would have individuals being elected (solely by male property-owners, mind you) based on actual merit and political discussions would take place based on logic and debate rather than pointless arguing in circles. This current system amount to nothing more than a circus. The Jews love it.

Given the decadent and depraved nature of the current Western political order, some Jew like Victoria Nuland can come up with a plan to throw a revolution in the Ukraine, saying “yeah, you know, I think we can just take a huge part of Putin’s base away from him and he probably won’t even try to stop us or do anything.”

The time has finally come to do a democracy on the Ukraine.

The time has finally come to do a democracy on the Ukraine.


She can then get the funding necessary from the US taxpayer because for a complicated list of reasons they have huge budgets for this sort of thing, funnel it to her ethnic comrades in country, and cause a massive chaos rioting situation.

When we see a democracy coming into the rising, the time has come to reach out and grab it.  To grab the freedom by its throat.  Now is this time again.

When we see a democracy coming into the rising, the time has come to reach out and grab it. To grab the freedom by its thin neck. Now is this time again.

Then, the entire Western political establishment, having no idea what is actually going on or what the ramifications of it are, and not really caring, is just like “well, I guess we’d better support the freedom guys, those Jews with the army of Neo-Nazis – they seem like jolly good chaps.” And of course there are all these Jews whispering those positions into their ears while they’re feeding them cheese platters and underage hookers.

We will put a final end to the no freedoms in Ukraine because of the patriarchy into Russia.  Finally, Ukraine people can do a democracy.

We will put a final end to the no freedoms in Ukraine because of the patriarchy into Russia. Finally, Ukraine people can do a democracy.

So then you end up with a war with Russia over something that makes no sense at all, and doesn’t really even benefit Jews as a group in any way – Jewish bankers benefit in the short term from the IMF loans, but all that giving out gigantic loans to a country you know will default does in the long term is hasten the collapse of the entire financial system and with it the dawn of the race war wherein a lot of Jews are going to get raped, killed and eaten along with the rest of us.

Because there is no central planning Jew group these days, all of these various elements come together to create total madness.

Then you have Putin, who is an actual leader, looking at these people like they are stupid children, like “what the hell are you guys even doing? What is the point of this?  Do you know we have trade deals with each other?  Also, do you know the Ukraine is basically a completely worthless country filled with nothing much else but drunks and prostitutes and is actually costing me money?  Why do you even want it?  What is wrong with you people?”

Yeah but why do you want Ukraine tho?  It's not even good.

Yeah but why do you want Ukraine tho? It’s not even good.

And the West is then just all like “we’re doing the freedom you patriarchal bastard!”

And Putin’s like “okay whatever I don’t know what that means but why?”



And then Obama is like “because the best freedom is the greatest of all freedoms ever to the democracy, we shall do a freedom against oppression of beliefs.”

The freedom is now.  And forever into democracy.

The freedom is now. And forever into democracy.

And then Merkel is like “well, I don’t know if I would go that far, but yes, the freedom is the best democracy freedom.”

It is like the escalation of a drunken bar fight.

Of course, a committee of people who actually read the news can be formed and be like “yeah, we flipped through some articles and we came to the conclusion that this is completely retarded and we have no idea why anyone got involved in it.  It actually looks like no one even thought about why they were doing it, let alone what would happen when they did it.”

I don’t make predictions about geopolitics anymore.  But maybe the publishing of this report is signalling a desire to just give in and let Putin have Donbass – they can always block these sorts of negative reports if they want.

The second Minsk agreement has already failed, apparently, and Merkel seems to be very uncomfortable with Obama’s apparent desire to send weapons to the Maidan.

I think the establishment of Europe is finally seeing the “far right” as the threat they are to the current order, and they are making the connection between the far right and Russia, and see the kind of fuel that would be given to Le Pen and Farage and the rising German resistance etc. if they continue to escalate this thing which is not only looking stupid and weird to everyone but is also costing money.

The next move is going to have to come soon. The West either needs to go all in or fold.  And either way, it’s good for us.  Either they show they are insane war-mongers or they show Putin is a leader of a quality beyond anything the West has seen in seven decades and capable of getting exactly what he wants, which is a quality intrinsically attractive to human beings, and will so lead to further support for the European right which has aligned itself with Putin.

I’m on the edge of my seat.


Venezuela: Jewy-Looking Mayor of Caracas Arrested for Part in Alleged US Coup

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 07:37 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

February 20, 2015

Antonio Ledezma

Antonio Ledezma, Jewish looking Mayor and alleged US-backed revolutionary

Happenings down south.


Venezuelan police have arrested Caracas mayor and opposition leader Antonio Ledezma, who the Venezuelan government has accused of helping plan what it says was a U.S.-backed coup against the socialist government.

Heavily armed security forces, outfitted in masks and camouflaged uniforms, on Thursday seized Ledezma after breaking down the doors of his office in the banking district and firing warning shots into the air.

President Nicolas Maduro accuses the 59-year-old mayor of being behind a coup, which he says also involved military aviation officers.

“On the orders of state prosecutors, [Mayor Ledezma] was captured and will be processed by the Venezuelan justice system for crimes committed against the peace of the country,” Maduro said.

The president said the plan was financed and directed by Washington. A State Department spokesman on Thursday called the accusations “baseless and false.”

It seems rather likely that the US was attempting a coup. They do this a lot. Lately, they haven’t been working out very well though.

Could just be a political power struggle blamed on the bogeyman.

Anyway, who really even cares?  Venezuela is not really a country which matters for any reason, and the US throwing a coup there would probably not have any effect on the lives of White people.  So why does the Daily Stormer even report this crap?

For what it’s worth, Ledezma definitely looks like a Jew, and as an opposition to Chavez was strongly opposed to the late leaders anti-Israel and pro-Iran stance. It is important to remember that in Latin America, as in Eastern Europe, people still hold open hostility toward the Jews so they do often stay crypto.

He has also been accused by high government officials of being a Mossad agent.

From a 2009 in the Latin American Herald Tribune:

More seriously, former Vice-President Jose Vicente Rangel in his regular column under his "Marciano" byline wrote an article last week accusing opposition leaders Yon Goicochea, Antonio Ledezma and Henrique Capriles of being a "Satanic Trio" having the backing of Mossad and setting up an intelligence network to destabilize the Government with Mossad's help.

The Jews do so much damage to the world that sometimes they get blamed for things they didn’t actually do. But usually, you can just blame anything on Jews and be right.

UK: White Woman and Babies Threatened by Blacks for Living in Their Neighborhood

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 07:13 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

This is what true hatred looks like.

This is what true hatred looks like.

So a British mother and her kids are getting death threats for moving into a Black neighborhood.  They also smeared poop – presumably their own – across her front door.

I’m not in Britain to know how much the mainstream news there is covering this, but checking on Google News, there is almost nothing.

The Mirror covered it:

A mother has been become the victim of a racist campaign after her front door was covered with faeces and a letter posted through saying her home was “for black sisters and brothers”.

Sammie Sunter was staggered to find the note also had a drawing of a gun on it and a racial slur for a white person, while graffiti was also sprayed across her front door.

Miss Sunter, 24, made the shocking discovery just days after moving into her new flat in Willenhall, Coventry, with her two young boys.

According to the Coventry Telegraph , the note also states that “Willenhall is black so f*** off”, while the word “Oyinbo” which is Nigerian slang for a white person, was also written.

West Midlands Police is treating the attack as racially aggravated criminal damage and said the incident was being taken “very seriously”.

Housing association Whitefriars, which owns the flat, has confirmed there has also been a “previous incident” at the address.

Sammie, who lives with sons Harvey Anderson, two, and Oscar Rock, five, said: “I had to explain racism to my five-year-old.

“It’s just not acceptable.

“I said that it looked like whoever was responsible was African.

“He wanted to know why they hated us.

“He didn’t really understand.

“If we are equal what gives the person responsible the right to do that?

“I told him that whoever was responsible was going to get punished, but who knows if that will happen.”

Dear, it obviously will not happen, because punishing Black people for murder threats and poop-smearing is racist, just like it is racist to punish Pakis for screwing little kids.  Them’s just the facts of life.

She continued:

“You hold your head up high but it’s disgusting.

“Whitefriars were the first people I rang when this happened and when I spoke to someone they said they didn't think it would happen again.

“I think they have allowed this to happen.

“If it's happened before, and they have neglected to tell me, then they have put me and my children in danger.”

I don’t know what “Whitefriars” are, but if they are White British people in some position of authority, then yes, I would assume they allowed it to happen.  Because causing suffering to White families is one of the fundamental principles of “British values” or whatever.


Here’s here door:

It looks like that says

That’s poop on the left there.  It looks like that says “niggas rule” at the top and then something else about niggas below.  Isn’t it funny how African American culture dominates global African culture?  It almost seems purposeful.

And here are some of the notes:

Sammie-Sunter Sammie-Sunter

Is there anyone anywhere who denies that these people hate us?  It seems to be a fact that while not discussed is also not denied.  Liberals, when it is brought up, simply imply – or just say outright – that yes, of course they hate us, but we deserve it.

And right now, maybe it doesn’t matter to these people that they hate us, because it isn’t breaking down society totally.  The trains are still running. The Blacks can kill this woman and her kids, and it wouldn’t change anything about the way society works.  But what about as their numbers increase?  With this type of violent hatred, right there in our faces, and seeing the way they breed, and the numbers that are being brought in, how can anyone think this situation makes sense?

I mean, let’s put aside our own position as hate-filled evil Nazis for a second, and try to think from the perspective of a normal, uninformed person.  What exactly is the plan?  Do they believe that magically, they are going to stop hating us at some undetermined point in the future for no reason?  We aren’t even having a serious discussion about why they hate us, it is just a bunch of vague references to alleged historic oppression and present-day secret conspiracies to hurt their feelings.

This just demonstrates how ridiculous the whole thing is, how driven by womanly emotions the multicultural agenda is, how completely devoid of any form of basic logic or planning.  It is just “well, we’ll bring all these people into our country, and somehow it will all work out.”  But none of the issues which are coming up are being dealt with.  When Moslems in Europe murder people, the answer is to say that Islam is peaceful and then bomb the Middle East in retaliation.

None of it even makes sense.  It is important to realize that point.  We are not involved in a logical debate here.  We are not discussing ideas, we are not discussing potential outcomes of current decisions.  Anyone who attempts to bring up these topics is simply silenced based on a childlike appeal to ridiculous artificially manufactured emotions.

What this woman is experiencing is the microcosm of what is happening across the White world: death threats and smeared poop.  And it is a forshadowing of what we are all going to be dealing with very soon.  All of these different races are horrible and useless, and they all hate us, and their numbers are increasing by the hour, and we are doing nothing to stop it or even talking about what is going to happen.

I had a conversation with a British liberal not too long ago.  I’m good at talking to people, you know.  I got to the point where I asked him if he thought that maybe studies should be done about the long-term sociological effects of multiculturalism before we implement it on such a wide scale, and he said no.  I brought up the hostility that most Moslems hold toward White people, and said “what if it doesn’t work?”

He said “it has to work.”

And I said, “yeah, but what if it doesn’t.”

He paused a moment and I watched the wheels in his head turn before he said “if it doesn’t work, then there’s going to be a war.”

New Comic Envisions Superman as a Nazi

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 06:28 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

A new comic book will show what would have happened if the alien baby who became Superman had landed in Nazi Germany instead of Smallville, Kansas. It predicts that if this had been the case, Hitler would have won and that would have been somehow bad.

Just as I have never denied being a hardcore Nazi extremist, I have also never denied being a comic book nerd. Being a comic book nerd is something like being an alcoholic, in that you will always be drawn to comic books even when you haven’t read them in years, and you occasionally have relapses, where you binge-read comic books for weeks or months before getting back on the righteous path.  I have heard vidya addicts describe similar troubles.

DC Comics has always been the Pepsi to Marvel’s Coke, in my personal perception, as none of their characters are interesting in any way. Except Batman and some obscure ones like Doom Patrol. Recently, DC redid their entire universe in such a way as to make everything suck worse than it already did. I downloaded some of these comics via bittorrent (in a country where that is not illegal, of course – I am a law-abiding gentleman), and they were even crappier than you could have ever speculated. In the Batman book, Joker literally rips off his own face.

The New 52's Detective Comics #1 is widely believed to be one of the worst comics ever published.

The New 52’s Detective Comics #1 is widely believed to be one of the worst comics ever published.

It was apparently meant to be the most hardcore thing ever, but instead came across as weird, stupid and offensive.

This new Nazi universe is a similar attempt at edginess, no doubt.  The entirety of the Justice League will be present, but in this Nazi world they are the Mastermen, a group of White master-racers. Interestingly, in the original books they were all White as well, because in the forties and fifties when DC was creating these characters the idea of non-White people acting heroically was universally considered to be retarded. Even the Jews who worked on the comics wouldn’t have dared back then to suggest a Jewish or Negroid hero.

The cover definitely sucks.

The cover definitely sucks.

The series is written by Grant Morrison, who while being a liberal, I have always found to be a bright fellow.  In his early years, he wrote a comic called “The New Adventures of Hitler” wherein history’s greatest hero was not painted as evil. I suppose it was meant to be “ironic,” but still, it was in no way disrespectful, and he was accused of being a Nazi.

I always sort of suspected he wasn’t a total anti-Nazi, just as many people are secretly not total anti-Nazis, even if they are not secret full-Nazis.  He has written many “fascist” type of characters in a sympathetic light.  His Batman was basically a fascist, in that he was an authoritarian obsessive.

But in this new Supernazi book comic, we have open mockery of Hitler, which goes along with the cartoonish standards of the modern Jew entertainment culture.

Jews are constantly imagining new ways to insult Hitler, and possibly the only one which hadn't been done was drawing him on a toilet reading a comic book.  Now, as it has all been done, maybe we can move on.

Jews are constantly imagining new ways to insult Hitler, and possibly the only one which hadn’t been done was drawing him on a toilet reading a comic book. Now, as it has all been done, maybe we can move on.

I will not be paying five dollars for this comic book, but I probably will be downloading it from a prominent Swedish freedom site which recently came back online and giving you all a review of just what these people are up to.  Not that it really even matters, given that no one reads comic books anymore.


Giuliani Backs Out of Statements About Obama Hating America After Being Called a Racist

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 05:23 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

Liberal Jew media claims that Giuliani is so filled with racial hatred that "he wouldn't be willing to watch his daughter have sex with a Black man."

Liberal Jew media claims that Giuliani is so filled with racial hatred that he wouldn’t be willing to watch his daughter have sex with a Black man.  In Europe, refusing to witness your daughter engaging in intercourse with a Black man is punishable by up to twelve years in prison and a six million dollar fine.

The insolent wop Rudy Giuliani had the nerve to state the obvious fact that Obama hates America, and was accurately condemned as a horrible and unbelievable racist bastard.

Washington Post:

"I do not believe — and I know this is a horrible thing to say — but I do not believe that the president loves America," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Wednesday night at a private dinner in New York intended to boost Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), a 2016 presidential contender. "He doesn't love you. And he doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

A day after Politico reported that statement, Democrats criticized Giuliani for questioning the president's patriotism. Some said Giuliani's rhetoric was racist, that it implied the president's background made him different from other Americans.

After he was confronted on his hateful statements of obvious fact, he backtracked into sensitive lies, giving statements to all media to apologize without directly apologizing but apologizing enough to show he loves Negroes of all colors.

He told Fox:

"First of all, I'm not questioning his patriotism. He's a patriot, I'm sure. What I'm saying is, in his rhetoric I very rarely hear the things that I used to hear Ronald Reagan say, the things that I used to hear Bill Clinton say about how much he loves America. … I do hear him criticize America much more often than other American presidents. And when it's not in the context of an overwhelming number of statements about the exceptionalism of America, it sounds like he's more of a critic than he is a supporter."

He told Bloomberg:

"What I mean is he doesn't express it. I shouldn't say that the president does or does not love anything. I don't know, I'm not a psychiatrist, and he doesn't have one and he doesn't need one."

He told NYT:

"I'm happy for him to give a speech where he talks about what's good about America and doesn't include all the criticism. … Some people thought it was racist — I thought that was a joke, since he was brought up by a white mother, a white grandfather, went to white schools, and most of this he learned from white people. This isn't racism. This is socialism or possibly anti-colonialism."

And to CNN:

"There's a real attempt to make it a racial criticism. It has nothing to do with race … he was brought up by the way by a white mother and white grandparents."

He’s still an African, Judy, you know it and I know it.  But thanks for reminding us you are a sickening snake just as soon as we thought you were going to come out with some super-hardcore racism.

Zuckerberg Vows to Crush All Opposition to His Mexican Invasion Plot

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 04:57 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015



The owner of Facebook, an organization commonly referred to as “the Walmart of the internet,” and prominent international Jewish terrorist Mark Zuckerberg is at it again, vowing to crush any and all opposition to an invasion of America by Mexican primitives.


After a federal judge issued a temporary injunction against President Barack Obama's executive amnesty this week, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg's pro-amnesty lobbying group vowed it would not give up on the fight for executive amnesty and work permits for illegal immigrants and a comprehensive amnesty bill. declared that it was "confident that this injunction won't last long" and encouraged "eligible immigrants to continue to prepare for the deferred action programs."

The organization promised to "continue to fight for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in our country to be able to contribute fully to our communities and our economy, and work toward the permanent legislative solution to our broken immigration system that our country so desperately needs."

"We will continue sharing the message that eligible immigrants should prepare for the deferred action programs that will provide millions of immigrants and their families the chance to live and work free from the fear of deportation," the organization declared. "Reform advocates have worked tirelessly for this victory, and we are not going to give up because of this temporary injunction."

As a Jew, you see, Marky understands that Whites resisting a massive ground invasion by a hostile alien population is pure and diabolical evil.  As he has mentioned many times, his entire family was turned into lampshades by Adolf Hitler.  All four of his grandparents were lampshaded, and it is believed to be a miracle of science that they were able to produce children.

“Scientists are baffled by the concept of two lampshades having sex with each other,” Zuckerberg said at a recent conference on human rights for drunk-driving Mexican gang-members, “but if it is impossible, than how am I standing here talking to you right now?”

Abe Foxman recently called for anyone who questions the ability of lampshades to have sex with each other and produce children to be fired by their boss and arrested by the police.

Obongo Again Claims America is a Moslem Country, Moslems Invented America

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 04:41 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

"We dun be did dat pressensie, nah be botta doo da muffuggen jihad on yall craggas." -Barack Obama.

“We dun be did dat blagg pressensie, nah be botta doo blagg pressenc da seguel: da muffuggen jihad on yall craggas.” -Barack Obama.

You just can’t even believe the stuff that comes out of this guy’s mouth.


It is increasingly looking like all of his speech writers are trolls from /pol/.

CNS News:

We hear a lot about the United States’ Judeo-Christian heritage, but according to President Obama, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

That’s what the president told a White House conference on “countering violent extremism” on Wednesday.

Obama has said similar things in the past:

“I also know that Islam has always been a part of America's story," Obama said in a June 2009 speech in Cairo, Egypt. “Islam has always been part of America,” he said in a 2010 statement marking the start of Ramadan. And in a 2014 statement marking Eid, Obama said the holiday “also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

In his speech on Wednesday, Obama was making the point that Western nations must show that they “welcome people of all faiths,” at a time when “extremists” are saying that Western nations are “hostile to Muslims.”

“Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding. Generations — (applause) — Generations of Muslim immigrants came here and went to work as farmers and merchants and factory workers, helped to lay railroads and to build up America.

“The first Islamic center in New York City was founded in the 1890s. America’s first mosque, this was an interesting fact, was in North Dakota.” (It was established in 1929).

Next he’ll start saying America was conceived by time-travelling robots invented by Blacks on a moon-base.

Moslem Whore Mariam Veiszadeh Gets a Woman Arrested for Hurting Her Feelings Online – Stormer Troll Army, You Know What Must Be Done

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 04:33 AM PST

[Editor's Note: I believe it is important to note here that it is the policy of the Daily Stormer that free speech should never be violated, and the response to attempts to ban freedom of speech through "hate speech" legislation should be responded to with the most ridiculous conceivable hateful speech.  This proved very effective with the offensive against Luciana Berger, who went into a rage and reported to parliament on multiple occasions that people were hurting her feelings.  The reaction of the British public was that she needed to man-up or quit being a politician.  The goal of these operations is to purposefully enrage the target, so as to escalate the situation to the level of media attention, and the method for doing that is through the most extreme speech possible.  This forces a discussion about whether or not people should be locked up for hurting people's feelings, and once that discussion is started, it is found that the vast majority of White people do not think name-calling should be an imprisonable offense.  So, do your worst. -Andrew Anglin]

Michael Slay
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015


Ugly Moslem subhuman bitch Mariam Veiszadeh, who has also campaigned to have “Australia – Love it or leave it” shirts banned.

In Australia, the vile subhuman invader Mariam Veiszadeh – a parasitic economic migrant (she moved to Australia WAY before the ZOG war in Afghanistan happened, back when Afghanistan was still relatively stable) with the nerve to call herself a “refugee” – is having a British woman sent to jail for hurting her feelings on Twitter.

The stinking Afghan whore is currently celebrating her “victory” over freedom of speech.

Sunshine Coast Daily:

A 22-year-old Ipswich woman will face court next month, after she allegedly delivered a racist tirade against Human rights activist Mariam Veiszadeh on Facebook.

The Canberra lawyer is a “Muslim Australian woman who proudly wears her hijab daily”, reports Fairfax.

Ms Veiszadeh became a target of abuse after she rallied against a Woolworths supermarket in Cairns selling a singlet with the Australian flag and the slogan, “Love it or leave”.

When an anti-Islam group, the Australian Defence League, re-posted her comments to their 5000 followers on Facebook, a torrent of racism, crude taunts and swearing followed.

The Ipswich woman allegedly found a Facebook post by Ms Veiszadeh that was not locked to her friends only, and went on the attack.

Fairfax reports the comments – under the Ipswich woman’s name – were “riddled with expletives, referred to Ms Veiszadeh as a whore, a prostitute and a rag-head and urged her to return to her ‘sand-dune country’.”

Ms Veiszadeh said while Australia often proved itself to be a nation of tolerance – including through the #illridewithyou social media campaign following the Sydney Siege – this woman was a part of the community fanning flames of bigotry.

“This person was happy to abuse me, using her real identity, which more than holds her accountable,” she alleged of the Ipswich woman.

Ms Veiszdeh said she also blames the Australian Defence League for inciting hatred against her.

Fairfax reports the Ipswich woman has now been charged with using the internet to harass or menace, but not for religious or racial abuse.

The woman is to face Ipswich Magistrates Court on March 11

Gentlemen, I think we all know what needs to be done here. Get out your Twitter accounts – make as many as you can. We need to flood this towelhead subhuman vermin with as much racial and religious abuse as we possibly can.  We need to be as hurtful as possible when abusing her, and we need to offend her Moslem sensibilities too (make sure to send her insulting pictures of the pedophile Muhammed).

Here is the parasite’s Twitter page.

Her Twitter handle is @MariamVeiszadeh.

We have way more than 5000 followers.  We are, according to Alexa, one of the most-visited websites in Australia.  We need to use our power to make this gross Afghan whore feel the mega-heat.

Just like we did when martyr Garron Helm was imprisoned by the British ZOG for identifying filthy Jew bitch Luciana Berger as a Jewess on Twitter, we must avenge this British woman, who is being dragged through the Jew-dicial system and charged with thought crimes for daring to speak out against worthless subhuman sand creatures like Mariam.

What Mariam doesn’t realize is that, by having this woman imprisoned, she is merely creating more resentment against subhuman Moslems, and she is also turning this woman into a martyr while ensuring that far more people will see the “offensive” comments that the woman made.  The more these Moslem subhumans try to censor people, the more people will hate them.

You don’t change people’s minds when you send them to prison for thought crimes.  You just make them even angrier, and you also make other people angrier.  If anything, having people prosecuted for “hate speech” just makes our movement even stronger.  The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) was prosecuted for “hate speech” numerous times in Weimar Germany.  This helped them in every conceivable way, turning them into martyrs, giving them tons of free publicity, and giving them a platform to spread their ideology through the courts.  Eventually, the NSDAP took over.  The very same thing is happening in Europe right now, as “hate speech” laws drum up support for parties like Golden Dawn and Front National by turning them into martyrs in the eyes of the public and also giving their views much more publicity every time they’re prosecuted.

In order to make this camel jockey Afghan mongrel feel the mega-heat, we must bombard her with the exact same kind of “racial and religious vilification” that got this British woman arrested.


Enjoy the “relief” while you still can, you disgusting raghead.

Be as vulgar, hateful, hurtful, extreme and offensive as possible. As Americans, we still have freedom of speech and we still have the sacred right to call this creature exactly what she is: an ugly, worthless, disgusting, parasitical, rat-faced hadji piece of subhuman sewage who needs to be immediately deported right back to Afghanistan with the rest of her fellow dune coon mongrels.  Mariam is not a human being.  She is a cockroach at best, and how do we deal with cockroaches?  We step on them.  Gentlemen, let’s all step on this Moslem cockroach – virtually, of course.

Again, her Twitter handle is @MariamVeiszadeh.  Copy and paste this if necessary.  It’s important that you don’t make any typos with her name.  We need to make sure that she receives our messages.

Let this Moslem bitch know what you think about her and her lifelong attempts to turn Australia into a Moslem country.  Let her know what you think of her campaigns to have “Islamophobia” made a federal crime in Australia, and her campaigns to have “Australia – Love it or leave it” shirts banned from the country that was generous enough to host her.  Let her know what you think of her incessant agitating to have Australia’s borders completely opened so that millions and millions of inferior subhuman parasites just like her can flood into the country and turn it into an exact replica of Afghanistan.



Mariam tweeted this during the Sydney siege, when Moslem savages were terrorizing humans in Australia. Like Jews, Moslems are parasites who all stick together.

We White Americans need to defend the freedom of our Australian and British comrades.  We need to “racially and religiously vilify” this disgusting Afghan whore, and we need to do it with full force.  We need to make sure this filthy parasite knows that she is a racially inferior mongrel with inferior mongrel blood and that the only reason she is able to live a comfortable lifestyle is because of the White man’s endless generosity.  In any Moslem country, this stupid bitch would be nothing more than a slave, if even that.

While we don’t normally use terms like “sandnigger” here on the Daily Stormer, this is a special occasion.  We need to be extreme here, because our basic freedom is being attacked by these inferior subhuman invaders.

Mariam Twitter

Tweet at this filthy Moslem whore.

Mariam disgusting sandnigger

This is what you need to be doing.

Remember: we still have freedom of speech here in America. We are protected by the First Amendment.  There is absolutely nothing that this vile sandnigger bitch can do to us. The Australian Human Rights Commission is absolutely powerless against us.  America is the last White country that still has freedom of speech, and Mariam is powerless to stop us.  Mariam cannot have any of us arrested for “racial vilification,” because our First Amendment protects freedom of speech, including speech that hurts the feelings of subhuman cockroaches like Mariam.  

Freedom of speech is the most universal American value in existence, and Mariam will find zero support from Americans in her crusade to have people arrested for hurting her feelings.  Even die-hard leftists in America firmly support our right to call this sandnigger whore a sandnigger whore.  There really isn’t much of anyone in America who actually thinks that “hate speech” (or “vilification”, or “incitement to hatred”) should be against the law.  Even the Marxist Jew terrorist Malcolm “The Hammer” Harris said that he didn’t think the state should prosecute people for “hate speech.”

You have nothing to lose, so make as many Twitter accounts as possible and “vilify” this subhuman piece of filth.  We need to “offend, insult, humiliate, and intimidate” this goat-loving wench.  We need to “incite hatred” against this worthless towelhead, and, most of all, we need to hurt her feelings.  Let this bitch know that she is not human.  Let her know that she is an inbred sandnigger parasite with absolutely no place in Western society.  Let her know that she is not welcome in Australia, and that she needs to be immediately deported right back to the Moslem hell-hole that she crawled out of.  Send her insulting pictures of her pedophile Prophet Muhammed.  Most of all, let her know that the day when all Moslems in the West are rounded up and deported draws nearer and nearer as more and more Moslems continue to launch attacks on the West due to their inferior inbred genes and biological predetermination for savage violence.


If Mariam had been around back in Muhammad’s day, her beloved pedophile Prophet (Piss Be Upon Him) would have undoubtedly raped and tortured her to death, just like he did to countless other women.

Back when we were targeting the filthy Jew bitch Luciana Berger, Berger received thousands of abusive Tweets a day.  We made it to the Parliament floor, and the Electronic Frontiers Foundation came out in defense of us as we relentlessly bombarded the parasite Jew bitch with racial abuse.  We need to do the same thing to Mariam.  Spread this page to as many nationalists as you possibly can.  We need thousands of people telling this vulgar Moslem whore that she is not welcome in OUR lands.


Mariam has connections with top Australian politicians.

Brothers, the time has come to wage yet another online battle against the enemies of freedom.  Do it for your martyred comrades in Britain and Australia. Do it to fight against the subhuman invasion of our White lands with disgusting trash like Mariam. Do it for freedom.

Here are some images that you can send to raghead whore Mariam Veiszadeh:




Since Mariam hates “racist” Australia so much, we should all remind her of what would happen to her in a Moslem country. Moslem savages definitely don’t take kindly to “independent women”.


When tweeting to Mariam, use the hashtags #SandNiggerWhore and #BackToAfghanistan.

It is absolutely CRUCIAL that we use our sacred American right to freedom of speech in order to defend our White comrades in countries where they do not have this basic freedom.  They cannot speak out against the sandnigger plague that is destroying their once-proud countries, but we can, and we must.


It’s time to make this filthy Moslem whore feel the mega-heat.

It’s time to wage a full-blown online war against these subhuman parasites.  Eventually, the online war will become a real war.  Nationalists are already gaining huge support all over Europe.  But the war against the subhumans must start with small battles, and this is one of those small battles.  It’s time to take this filthy Moslem bitch down.  Start sending abuse to Mariam right now, and don’t stop until the glorious day when she is deported right back to Afghanistan.

Stormer Troll Army… assemble!

Hail Victory.

Jew ‘Experts’ Allege That Antisemitism is Fashionable

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 03:48 AM PST

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

Antisemitism is surely fashionable here at the Daily Stormer.

Antisemitism is certainly fashionable here at the Daily Stormer.

We know better than to automatically take what the Jew says at face value. This instance applies as well.

In an apparent response to the growing Antisemitism throughout the West, some Jew ‘experts’ have claimed that Antisemitism is ‘fashionable’ nowadays.

Times of Israel:

"Unfortunately anti-Semitism has become fashionable again," Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, executive vice president for the New York Board of Rabbis, told The Times of Israel. "It's not a big deal to hate the Jews. The first group that gets attacked is the Jews."

"The world is witnessing an alarming rise in acts of anti-Semitism, and we must all do what we can to respond to this growing threat," said Eric S. Goldstein, CEO of the UJA-Federation of New York. "History has shown us the ramifications of silence."

C’mon now. If it were truly fashionable to be Antisemitic, everybody would be voicing their opposition to Israel and the Jewish grapple on the West. That’s obviously not the case, as not even many people understand the true nature of Jewish hegemony.

Though the Daily Stormer is adamant that any promotion or act of violence is not to be tolerated by the pro-White community, it is clear that there is somewhat of an Antisemitic spirit in the air. The Jew is not only reaping what he sowed—a mudslide of third-world immigration into the West—but more of our kin are awakening to the scourge of Jewry.

Keep sharing and fighting for our worldview, fellow Fascists. And soon we will be basking in the glory of victory.

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