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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Stormer Troll Operation Against Filthy Moslem Bitch Mariam Veiszadeh Draws Hilarious Outcry from Subhumans and Marxists

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 12:22 PM PST

Michael Slay
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2015

Stormer troll icon

In response to the Daily Stormer operation against vulgar Moslem whore Mariam Veiszadeh – who got a woman arrested for hurting her feelings on the Internet – a whole host of subhumans and their Marxist enablers have come out to voice sympathy and support for the worthless dune coon bitch, who is currently having her feelings hurt like never before.

The retarded hadji slut Mariam is absolutely furious that, as Americans protected by the First Amendment, there is absolutely nothing that she can do to us.  The subhumans and Marxists who support Mariam are, of course, outraged as well.

Almost all of the White people supporting Mariam are bleeding-heart emotional women, of course.  This is a perfect example of why giving women the right to vote was an absolutely terrible idea.  Women are very easily manipulated by appeals to “muh feelings”, and the Jews have used this very effectively over the years.  White women tend to see subhuman invaders the same way they see children.

Searching for our article on Twitter will net you a whole host of Tweets like these:


Mariam has also retweeted several of our Tweets, and her sympathizers are giving us tons of free publicity.  Mariam is a professional victim and she is simply unable to resist crying about this, so continue flooding her as much as possible.  This worked when we did it to Luciana Berger and it will continue to work on Mariam, since the only real difference between Jews and Moslems is that Moslems are much dumber and more savage.

Mariam ISIS supporting whore

Mariam will happily condemn “Australia – Love it or leave it” T-shirts, but she won’t condemn ISIS. #SandNiggerWhore #BackToAfghanistan

Keep Tweeting abuse at this filthy #SandNiggerWhore and keep telling her to go #BackToAfghanistan. Spread this operation as far and wide as you possibly can. Everyone hates Moslems, so enlist others to join the online crusade against Mariam. Even kosher “nationalists” like the Australian Defence League can assist us with this.  We need thousands of people to Tweet “racial and religious vilification” at this gross Moslem swine.

It would appear that the stupid subhuman sandnigger is also trying to start a hashtag campaign to support herself.  You really can’t get much more pretentious than that.


What an insufferable whore.

Flood the #IStandWithMariam hashtag with racial and religious abuse too.  The hashtag has actually gone viral, so it’s important for us to drown out the Marxists and assorted subhumans.

Sooner or later, the amount of abuse that she gets may very well drive Mariam right back to one of her savage sand dune countries.  At the very least, we may succeed at driving her off of Twitter.  We appear to have driven the fake “abo” prostitute Bindi Cole off of Twitter, and we weren’t even really trying to do that.  We need to flood Mariam until she breaks down in tears, begging Australian politicians (many of whom she’s friends with) to make the Stormer Troll Army disappear (they won’t be able to make us disappear, of course, since we’re an American website protected by the sacred First Amendment right to freedom of speech).

Mariam may like to pretend that our words don’t hurt her, but rest assured, brothers: our words hurt her more than you could possibly imagine.  She knows that she will never have any place in Australian society and she knows that, sooner or later, there will be a massive backlash against Moslem parasites as the Moslems continue to launch terrorist attacks on the West.  Keep reminding her of this, and also keep sending her insulting pictures of her pedophile Prophet Muhammed (Piss Be Upon Him).  Our campaign is clearly upsetting her quite a lot.  If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t have tried to start #IStandWithMariam just to get people to say nice things to her.


Muhammed: pedophile, rapist, torturer, murderer, and brutal warlord.

Gentlemen, we must continue the flood.  Create as many Twitter accounts as you possibly can and send the most racially and religiously offensive content you can possibly conceive of to @MariamVeiszadeh.  Her Twitter page can be found here:

Keep in mind that Australia is quite possibly the most politically correct and SJW country in the world, easily on par with Sweden.  The Jew-run Australian media will undoubtedly pick up on our operation after a while – and, when they do, it will be pure comedy gold.  The British media reported heavily on Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch, and the Australian media is roughly on par with the average high school newspaper.

Finally, we must all remember that the only reason why savage hadji sand creatures like Mariam reside in Australia to begin with is because of the subversion of the Jews.  Jews single-handedly created the “multiculturalism” policy that is currently tearing Australia and other White nations apart.  But, rest assured, brothers: our day is coming.  There will be a civil war in the West soon, and the White man will doubtlessly be victorious against the worthless mud races.  As more and more Moslems attack the West – and as the Jew-run economic system continues to collapse – nationalists will continue to get more and more popular.  Just look no further than Greece, Hungary, and France, where hardcore nationalist parties are right on the precipices of victory.


Jews and Moslems work together to destroy White nations.

Even if you can’t help Golden Dawn, Jobbik, or Front National win elections in Europe (and they will win), you CAN participate in the online crusade against this vile sandnigger bitch.  So, get out your Twitter accounts and flood this towelhead whore with abuse.  Do it for your comrades in Australia and Britain, who are not allowed to speak out against the subhuman invasion of their countries.  Do it for the freedom of your White comrades in ZOG territory, who are currently being drowned in an ocean of racially-inferior vermin like Mariam.  Do it to fight back against the Jewish agenda of open borders and White genocide.  Do it right now, and do it with full force.


Our day is coming soon, brothers.

Hail Victory.

America: Probable Jew Judge Declares That Detention of Invading Monkey Hordes Now Forbidden

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 12:15 PM PST

Marcus Cicero
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2015

Does Judge James E. Boasberg deserve the yellow star of shame? The reader can decide.

Does Judge James E. Boasberg deserve the yellow Rodent Star of Shame? The reader can decide.

In what will likely prove to be yet another nail slammed into the coffin of the American nation, a federal judge, seemingly a Jew according to circumstantial evidence, has ruled that the just detention of sneaking rain-forest pygmies can no longer proceed along the Southern border of the country.

According to a brief issued by beady-eyed James E. Boasberg, an official based out of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, such practices constitute a violation of the “rights” of gross Central American apes, who are only meaning to seek “asylum” from the primitive conditions of their Third-World slums.

The decision comes after a lawsuit filed on the behalf of at least ten subhuman females, who for some reason were not arrested and deported upon entry into a courthouse, by the ACLU “Immigrants’ Rights Project,” headed by subversive Jewess rat Judy Rabinovitz.


A federal judge appointed by President Obama has blocked detainment of Central American women and children on the U.S.-Mexico border who allege they are seeking asylum. The judge enjoined the government "from detaining class members for the purpose of deterring future immigration to the United States and from considering deterrence of such immigration as a factor in such custody determinations."

The judge issued his preliminary injunction order on Friday, ruling that "[t]he policy causes irreparable harm to mothers and children seeking asylum." The judge, James E. Boasberg, serves on the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

A lawsuit was filed in December 2014 by ten mothers from Central America. They crossed the border in the fall of 2014. The women did not have documentation and were detained by agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The judge issued a 4o page opinion, which included a finding that this detainment was inappropriate and was done "to send a message that such immigrants, coming en masse, are unwelcome."

Well, they pretty much are unwelcome in any civilized White Western land, Mr. Boasberg, as they have proven time and time again unable to assimilate into proper roles, as well as being of a nature that is obviously incompatible with our society.

Just as invading non-White Moslems are on the road to turning much of Europe into a primeval cesspool complete with female genital mutilation, rampant rape, and veiled troll-women shuffling through ancient cobblestone streets, the hordes of the “Latrino” islands and jungles shall eventually, if numbers continue to exponentially increase, break the back of American infrastructure and European genetic stock.

But then again, the mentally-deranged mind of the parasite cares little for common sense and future projections, as we can see so blatantly in this turn of events.

Diversity now! Diversity wow! Look at these future Mars colonizers and potential husbands for your daughters, White American Man. Isn't the vibrancy overwhelming?

Diversity now! Diversity wow! Look at these future Mars colonizers and potential husbands for your daughters, White American Man. Isn’t the vibrancy overwhelming?

Sick Paki Global Warming Captain Accused of Sex Attacking

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 06:09 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 22, 2015

"Bitch I be botta change da climate of yo ass." -R.K. Pachauri, Nobel Prize winner

“Bitch I be botta change da climate of yo ass.” -R.K. Pachauri, Nobel Prize winner

A filthy Paki named Rajendra Kumar Pachauri is the chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and an apparent pervert. It was actually apparent by just looking at his ratlike face, but he’s now accused of sex harassment.

He’s cancelling his engagements amid the troubles.

One India:

Days after a female employee at TERI has alleged sexual harassment by Nobel laureate R.K. Pachauri, media reports say that the IPCC chairperson won’t attend the committee’s plenary session next week in Nairobi.

According to media reports, the 75-year-old has informed IPCC he will be unable to chair the plenary session of the IPCC in Nairobi next week (beginning February 24) because of “issues demanding his attention in India”.

The statement issued on Saturday by the IPCC reads that it “will have no further comment on the issues demanding Dr Pachauri’s attention”.

Pachauri is the world’s top climate change official and chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is also the Director General of The Energy and Resources Institute ( TERI).

A few days ago, a woman who worked at the TERI alleged that Pachuri had been sexually assaulting her since she joined the organization in September 2013. She further accused that professor used to send obnoxious messages through emails.

The Police have registered a case under various section of IPCs related with offence of outraging modesty of a woman.

Earlier, the Delhi High Court lifted its order restraining publication of reports on the alleged harassment complaint by a woman research analyst to Delhi police against Rajendra K. Pachauri.

Which is the bigger hoax? Global warming or the idea that this Paki has something to offer Western civilization? Interestingly, in this situation, those hoaxes have united.

Denmark: Moslems Gather to Mourn Terrorist Shooter

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 05:47 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 22, 2015


Hundreds of people on Friday attended the Islamic burial of the gunman who killed two people in twin shootings in Copenhagen last weekend.

Omar El-Hussein, 22, was placed in an unmarked grave in the Muslim cemetery in Broendby, on the outskirts of Copenhagen, watched by around 500 people, mostly young men wearing thick black jackets against the cold and rain, an AFP reporter said.

El-Hussein, a Danish citizen of Palestinian origin, has been identified by police as the gunman who shot dead two people — a filmmaker and a volunteer Jewish security guard — in the Danish capital last weekend.

Before the burial, a short ceremony was held at a Copenhagen mosque following Friday prayers.

A man of east African origin, who refused to give his name, told AFP about the ceremony: “There were a lot of young people that you don’t normally see there… because they knew Omar. Some of them were gang members.

“They are my brothers too because they believe in Allah and the Prophet Mohammed, but their lifestyle doesn’t have a lot to do with Islam,” he said.

What exactly more do you need to know about the nature of Moslem immigration into Europe?

This is a war.  And we are losing.  We are being invaded, and we are being conquered.

If there is a way this whole thing could be more obvious, I have no idea what it is.

Norway: Moslem Monkeys Protect Their Rat Masters

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 05:42 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2015

Moslems and Jews, sitting in a tree...

Moslems and Jews, sitting in a tree…

In a situation as weird as it is stupid, Moslems in Norway surrounded a Jew synagogue in a show of solidarity with their ratlike benefactors.

The Local:

Norwegian Muslims organized a peace vigil in Oslo Saturday in a show of solidarity with Jews a week after fatal shootings in Copenhagen targeted a synagogue and free speech seminar.

As the small mainly elderly Jewish congregation filed out of the synagogue after Shabbat prayers, a group of young Muslims, many of them teenage girls wearing headscarves, formed a symbolic ring outside the building to roaring applause from a crowd of more than 1,000 people.

“This shows that there are many more peacemakers than war-makers,” 37-year-old Zeeshan Abdullah, one of the organizers told the crowd.

“There is still hope for humanity, for peace and love across religious differences and background,” he added, before a traditional Shabbat ceremony was held in the open air with many demonstrators adding their voices to the Hebrew chants.

Norway’s chief rabbi appeared visibly moved when he said it was the first time the ceremony had taken place outdoors with so many people.

The obvious subtext of this is that they are uniting against White Norway.  Not against terrorism, which Jews obviously support or they wouldn’t have brought all of these terrorists into Europe in the first place.

Never forget: all non-Whites will put aside whatever antagonism exists between them in order to go up against us.

Oliver Stone Says Ukraine Crisis is a Result of an “Ideological Crusade” Against Russia

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 05:26 AM PST

Daily Stormer
February 22, 2015

He's aged well.

He’s aged well.

Oliver Stone is a half-Jew (father’s side), but he does come out with some agreeable statements every now and then.  One time he even defended Hitler.

Anyway, what he is saying here is just basic fact.


In response to those who took exception with his claims that the Ukrainian crisis involved "outside agitators," Oliver Stone took to social media to advance his argument, saying that Ukrainians are the victims of a US strategy akin to Cold War 2.0.

This week, Stone stirred a political firestorm with his views on what he believed sparked the Ukrainian crisis, following a private interview with Viktor Yanukovich, the former Ukrainian president who was ousted in the February 2014 coup.

“It seems clear that the so-called 'shooters' who killed 14 policemen, wounded some 85 and killed 45 protesting civilians, were outside, third-party agitators," Stone said, following his four-hour conversation with Yanukovich in Moscow. "Many witnesses, including Yanukovich and police officials, believe these foreign elements were introduced by pro-Western factions – with CIA fingerprints on it."

According to the American-born filmmaker and writer, Ukraine is just the latest country in a long list to fall prey to "America's soft power technique called 'Regime Change 101.'"

For five years, according to Stone, the CIA was parachuting Ukrainian infiltrators into the country.

Stone implored his audience to see the "big picture," which is that the United States "has never given up on using Ukraine as a launching pad to the underbelly of the Soviet Union, now a reduced Russia."

"This Cold War 2.0 policy continues in a most deadly fashion, and whether they know it or not, the Ukrainian civilian population in the middle has suffered greatly from this ideological crusade," Stone said.

Charges Upgraded Against Black Driver After 10-Year-Old White Girl Dies

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 04:05 AM PST

February 22, 2015


Aubrey Clark was driven over by a Black driver who then left the scene of the crash.

Ocoee police said Friday they will not re-arrest a driver who struck two children who were riding their bikes home from school, even though the man’s charges were just upgraded because one of the victims died.

Lastevie Howard was taken into custody last month, but he was only charged with leaving the scene of a crash with injuries and was able to quickly bond out.

Channel 9 learned Friday Howard is facing an additional charge of leaving the scene of a crash with death after one of the victims, Aubrey Clark, 10, later died from her injuries after her family took her off life support.

“Although these are more serious charges, the problem is there’s no indication that this defendant is not going to appear for trial, and if that’s so, you can’t just arbitrarily raise the bond,” said WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer.


Thanks to Lastevie Howard a White child is now dead.

The additional charge of vehicular homicide comes days after Aubrey was laid to rest. Howard is also facing another charge of leaving the scene of an accident with great bodily injury.

“All that could add up to more prison time,” said Sheaffer.

The crash happened in Ocoee as Aubrey and a friend were riding their bikes at North Clark and Silver Star roads on their way home from Citrus Elementary School.

Witnesses said Howard's car flew over the curb and struck the two as they were on the sidewalk. Police reports show he did not have alcohol in his system at the time of the crash.

Ocoee police said Howard then drove more than a half-mile before returning to the scene.

Non-White Racist Thug who Butchered White Schoolboy Launches Human Rights Appeal

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 03:51 AM PST

February 22, 2015


Kriss Donald was kidnapped and butchered by a gang of filthy Pakis, most of whom then escaped back to their own country afterwards.

THE racist ringleader of the gang that murdered schoolboy Kriss Donald yesterday launched a fresh bid to win thousands of pounds in damages for being locked in solitary confinement.

Imran "Baldy" Shahid, 38, was jailed for life after he was found guilty of the racially aggravated murder of Glasgow teenager Kriss in 2006.

Four years ago, the Court of Session rejected the thug's bid to sue taxpayers for £6,000 over "degrading" treatment in prison.

Shahid launched a taxpayer-funded appeal yesterday against the decision at the Supreme Court in London.

Excluding yesterday's case, the tax- paying public has been forced to foot a legal aid bill of £42,548 for Shahid to bring his human rights claim to court.

He claims he was "stressed" during four years and eight months spent in segregation.


Imran Shahid is appealing for damages after being sent to solitary confinement in prison.

Shahid listed "hearing voices" and being prohibited from attending communal prayers during Ramadan among his gripes about being kept in solitary confinement. But the Court of Session ruled that segregation was necessary for safety reasons.


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Black Brute Abandons Bid for New Trial Over Slaying of White Social Worker

Posted: 22 Feb 2015 02:19 AM PST

Chicago Tribune
February 22, 2015


Marilyn Bethell was dragged out of her house and shot in the head by the Black predator.

More than nine years after an Aurora woman was found shot to death along a hiking path, the man who originally pleaded guilty to her murder in 2009 abandoned his bid Friday for a new trial.

In a Kane County court hearing, Garang Deng, 23, again entered a guilty plea to the 2005 murder of Marilyn Bethell. Deng’s conviction had been overturned on appeal last year, but after exploring legal options, he opted to accept the terms of the original plea deal — 35 years in prison for first-degree murder.

I’m glad it’s finally done,” Bethell’s sister, Pauline O’Neill, said after the hearing.

Authorities say Deng, then 14, broke into Bethell’s home on the far north side of Aurora on Oct. 30, 2005. Bethell’s body was found in late December near the Illinois Prairie Path in Kane County. The substance abuse counselor had been killed by a single gunshot to the head.


Garang Deng accepted the original plea-deal offered him.

Deng was charged with murder in 2007, with police saying they had found his DNA in Bethell’s house, along with his bicycle outside. Police later recovered a Russian-made handgun in Deng’s house that they said was a partial match to the bullet that killed Bethell.


His mother had been trying to get him tried as a juvenile for the murder.

Read More

Blacks Plan To Protest Oscars After Lack Of Black Nominees Caused Hurt Feelings

Posted: 21 Feb 2015 08:10 PM PST

Daily Slave
February 22, 2015


yo dawg deez oskar awardz be racest n sheet wear dem blak peeple att

These Black protests are getting increasingly ridiculous and absurd.  Due to the fact that there wasn't a single Black actor or actress nominated for an Oscar, a bunch of retarded apes are planning to protest this year's Oscar awards.

They are basically saying that Blacks should be nominated just because they are Black and not if they actually earned a nomination based on merit.  That and it is all the fault of the White man even though Hollywood is run by a bunch of Jews.  Doubtful any of these retarded monkeys will be mentioning anything about the Jews that run the industry.  Nope, they'll just complain about White people oppressing them because of slavery and segregated bathrooms or something.


African-American civil rights groups plan to protest outside Sunday's Oscars show, where every single one of this year's 20 acting nominees is white.

However small, the demonstration will revive debate about diversity at the Oscars-awarding Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, whose voting members are overwhelmingly white and with an average age in their 60s.

"The goal of the protest is to send a message to the Academy, send a message to Hollywood, send a message to the film industry," said Earl Ofari Hutchinson, head of the LA Urban Policy Roundtable group.

"And the message is very simple: you don't reflect America, your industry doesn't reflect America. Women, Hispanics, African-Americans, people of color (are) invisible in Hollywood."

If there's any good news it is that these protests will fit right with the degenerate piece of art that recently appeared on Hollywood Blvd. depicting an Oscar statue snorting cocaine.

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