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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 02/11/2015

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White House reconsidering pace of Afghanistan withdrawal — again
2/11/2015 10:31:00 AM  Ed Morrissey
In the rush to declare the war in Afghanistan over, the White House has made the uncomfortable discovery that … it isn’t. According to the Washington Post’s Missy Ryan, the plans for a full withdrawal from the theater has hit enough

Obama: Saying I misled you all on gay marriage "isn't quite accurate"
2/11/2015 10:01:35 AM  Jazz Shaw
Noah first brought up the stunning (by which I mean completely not stunning) news from David Axelrod’s new book in which the former senior advisor claims that Obama basically lied about his position on gay marriage to appease religious voters.

Obama sends AUMF proposal for ISIS fight to Congress
2/11/2015 9:31:53 AM  Ed Morrissey
The Obama administration has conducted its reluctant and late-developing fight against ISIS since last fall under the auspice of the 2002 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that allowed George W. Bush to invade and then occupy Iraq.

Grotesque: Self-professed 'anti-theist' kills three young Muslims in Chapel Hill; Update: Parking? Really?
2/11/2015 9:01:57 AM  Noah Rothman
Three young college students are dead today, gunned down in a horrific act of terroristic violence. Their killer, Craig Stephen Hicks, turned himself into police shortly after he claims he committed the murders. His victims all shared one trait in

Abandon ship: West retreats from Yemen
2/11/2015 8:31:34 AM  Ed Morrissey
Last month, I wrote that the hasty evac has become the hallmark of a Barack Obama foreign-policy “success.” That was specific to Yemen, where the Arab Spring policies that turned Libya, Syria, and Iraq into failed states and nearly did the

Jon Stewart calls it quits on the Daily Show
2/11/2015 8:01:42 AM  Jazz Shaw
Did anybody see this coming? I don’t mean eventually, but right at this moment. Jon Stewart went before his studio audience last night and, essentially out of nowhere, announced that he would be retiring later this year. Jon Stewart, the host of

Quotes of the day
2/10/2015 10:01:33 PM  Allahpundit
President Obama called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to agree to a diplomatic solution to the escalating Ukrainian conflict Tuesday, telling Putin in a phone call that “the costs for Russia will rise” if its aggression continues. In a

Sigh: French graffiti artist reports attack by gang over Coexist artwork
2/10/2015 9:21:43 PM  Mary Katharine Ham
Combo is a French street artist known for Banksy-style graffiti mostly in France, but around the world as well. He was born to a Lebanese Christian father and a Moroccan Muslim mother, according to The Guardian, and as such is a symbol of French

Breaking: Williams suspended for 6 mos without pay by NBC; Update: "Dossier of apparent Williams lies"
2/10/2015 8:16:46 PM  Ed Morrissey
The wages of journalistic sin, at least in the case of Brian Williams, are six months without wages — and without an office. Per an e-mail from NBC Universal, Williams will come back in late September, while Lester Holt fills in as anchor: All, We

FEC latest front in Democrats' multi-pronged assault on internet freedom
2/10/2015 8:01:25 PM  Noah Rothman
The internet is under assault. At the Federal Communications Commission, regulators are hard at work crafting a plan that would turn the internet into a taxable utility. In Congress, lawmakers are determining whether and how best to tax the sales that

Rejoice. Bradley Chelsea Manning will be an opinion writer for the Guardian
2/10/2015 7:21:45 PM  Jazz Shaw
The news broke on Twitter. I know you are all simply breathless with antici….. pation. Delighted to announce: Chelsea Manning joins @GuardianUS as a contributing opinion writer, writing on war, gender, freedom of information — Katharine

Pew: Republicans slightly more likely than Democrats to say measles vaccine is safe
2/10/2015 6:41:42 PM  Allahpundit
A little something for your bookmarks folder, so that you have it handy the next time someone in the media assures you that vaccine skepticism is a “Republican problem.” Wait a sec. Haven’t we seen other polls recently claiming that

Video: Are you ready for the, um … CNN anchorman quiz show?
2/10/2015 6:01:43 PM  Allahpundit
To cleanse the palate, via Mediaite, I feel about this the way I feel about the Brian Williams saga. Whenever I cringe and feel tempted to accuse the media of squandering its credibility, I catch myself and think: Listen to what you’re saying, man.

Higher Education: School worksheet says GOP thinks poor are a waste of money
2/10/2015 5:21:26 PM  Jazz Shaw
In case you were worried about the next generation and the future of the nation, save yourself some time. All is lost. A Wisconsin mother claims her 16-year-old son’s classroom assignment last week described Republicans as opposed to helping the

Earnest: Not sure if Jews are terror targets, and climate change is a bigger threat anyway Update: Backtracks
2/10/2015 4:41:04 PM  Noah Rothman
It seems like at least a few members of the press corps watched President Barack Obama pander gracelessly to progressive sensibilities in an interview with's top personalities. On Tuesday, ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl and Fox News

GOP's path to holding Senate majority not looking quite so rough
2/10/2015 4:01:14 PM  Jazz Shaw
Going into the 2014 election the Democrats (at least the ones being honest about it) knew that they had a problem. They were defending far more seats than the Republicans, their approval ratings were in the tank and youth turnout in the midterms is

Jon Stewart sacrifices his remaining credibility in defense of Brian Williams?
2/10/2015 3:21:54 PM  Noah Rothman
It was not so long ago that Jon Stewart was the undisputed voice of the progressive conscience. To single out any one conservative writer who has exposed the hollowness of the left's infatuation with this liberal comedian is to unjustly rob others of

Civil war: Democrats spoiling for fight with Obama over ISIS war authorization
2/10/2015 2:41:10 PM  Noah Rothman
More than six months after President Barack Obama ordered the first combat operations against Islamic State forces in Iraq, the White House is finally preparing to send language to Congress that, if passed, would legally authorize the new campaign.

Tuesday TEMS: Andrew Malcolm, Jim Geraghty (Updated)
2/10/2015 2:11:31 PM  Ed Morrissey
Update: Due to a combination of weather conditions and technical problems, we could not do the Relevant Radio hit today, but I’ll return to guest host for Drew in March. Instead, we have Andrew and Jim at our normal time of 4 ET — and

Katrina hotel manager: Maybe Williams "misremembered" that too
2/10/2015 2:01:55 PM  Ed Morrissey
Another of Brian Williams’ courage-under-fire stories continues to unravel. After Williams admitted that the story he’d told for more than a decade about coming under fire in Iraq was untrue, people began questioning his recollections from

The Democrat stampede from the Netanyahu speech grows
2/10/2015 1:21:15 PM  Jazz Shaw
At this point I’m starting to wonder if this speech is even going to happen. One thing is for sure, though… the Democrats are lining up to turn this into the biggest political football possible, even as they decry the injecting of politics

Another exciting game of "Where's Hillary?"
2/10/2015 12:41:55 PM  Jazz Shaw
The candidates for President in 2016 are all busy running around, talking to the press, rounding up donors and generally doing whatever they can to raise their profiles. Well… almost all of the candidates. Careful observers will note that

Clintons got $81 million from HSBC tax-avoidance figures
2/10/2015 12:01:34 PM  Ed Morrissey
Paging Elizabeth Warren … Senator Warren, please pick up the red emergency progressive phone in the lobby … The charitable foundation run by Hillary Clinton and her family has received as much as $81m from wealthy international donors who

Obama 2008: As a Christian, I believe marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman
2/10/2015 11:31:51 AM  Allahpundit
Just a little garnish to Noah’s post to remind you how shameless this guy was in lying about gay marriage for his own political advantage. This clip comes from the Saddleback Forum on social issues with McCain held three months before the 2008

CNN's Carol Costello apologizes for providing Moscow with invaluable propaganda
2/10/2015 11:01:06 AM  Noah Rothman
Western observers of the increasingly deadly conflict in eastern Ukraine between the separatist forces armed and supported by Russian troops and soldiers loyal to Kiev have long opposed the practice of dubbing the insurgents "pro-Russian forces." It is

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

The joyful, bloody media circus of bringing down Brian Williams
Jeb Bush's foreign policy seen leaning toward his father's
The case against the case against the Crusades
Marco Rubio: Don't compare me to Barack Obama
Exclusive: ISIS militants drawing steady stream of recruits
Killer of three UNC Muslim students was a hardcore anti-religion atheist progressive
GOP leaders at odds over immigration
Finally: Science discovers how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie pop
People haven't had enough of silly love songs
Your own personal blasphemy


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