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Bruce Rauner is "Scott Walker on steroids" 2/19/2015 10:01:13 AM Jazz Shaw 14 Comments Longtime Windy City op-ed writer John Kass probably deserves some sort of an award just for this headline about Illinois’ new Republican governor. Bruce Rauner is Scott Walker on steroids. But is that bad? It’s somewhat encouraging to see More... Theology Professor Obama declares America is 'at war with people who have perverted Islam' 2/19/2015 9:21:13 AM Noah Rothman 80 Comments On Wednesday, Obama gave the nation exactly what it never knew it needed: Another self-indulgent, pedagogical lecture from the president on the roots of religious violence. In that approximately 30-minute speech, Obama meandered aimlessly all over the More... NBC: US to hold direct talks with Afghan Taliban today in Qatar 2/19/2015 8:41:16 AM Ed Morrissey 65 Comments Did the US release five Taliban commanders in order to sit down with them and negotiate a withdrawal from Afghanistan? Perhaps, perhaps not — but that’s what will happen anyway, according to NBC’s Taliban sources. Direct talks between More... Former Oregon First Lady won't release her emails 2/19/2015 8:01:12 AM Jazz Shaw 36 Comments Even though John Kitzhaber has resigned as Governor of Oregon, we were assured that when all the investigating came to a close he and his fiance (and former First Lady) Cylvia Hayes would be vindicated. A good first step in clearing the air regarding all More...
Quotes of the day 2/18/2015 10:21:29 PM Allahpundit 225 Comments Former Florida governor Jeb Bush on Wednesday promised to chart his own course on foreign policy — though one that would rely on the advice of a cadre of well-known figures who represent most strains of mainstream GOP philosophy regarding national More... Norwegian Muslims plan 'ring of peace' to protect Oslo synagogue 2/18/2015 9:41:10 PM Mary Katharine Ham 90 Comments After a rash of deadly attacks, and clear evidence of a steady rise in dangerous anti-Semitism all over Europe, it is nice to see a demonstration from anyone across the pond whose purpose is to embrace the Jewish people. In the wake of a deadly shooting More... How scientists lose the average layman 2/18/2015 8:41:09 PM Jazz Shaw 110 Comments I had occasion to read a rather lengthy essay this week by the Washington Post’s science reporter, Joel Achenbach, which left me feeling not only annoyed but somewhat insulted. Titled, “Why science is so hard to believe” the article More... Surprise poll: Republicans in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina open to candidates who back gay marriage 2/18/2015 8:01:47 PM Allahpundit 58 Comments Via Scott Shackford and Aaron Blake, I’m skeptical but it’s hard to argue with results from Marist that are this consistent across three very different states. Three very important early primary states, too. We’ll start with Iowa. More... Condi Rice (for Senate), 2016? 2/18/2015 7:21:11 PM Noah Rothman 38 Comments Now this is a genuine surprise. The respected public opinion firm The Field Poll recently surveyed California voters ahead of the Golden State's Senate race to replace retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer. Presumably, few assumed that the race would be a More... Ron Paul: The government knew where Bin Laden was but they wanted a pretext to invade the Middle East 2/18/2015 6:41:11 PM Allahpundit 114 Comments Fun stuff via BuzzFeed, portending an exciting “whose close relative is more of a devastating electoral liability?” primary for the GOP if the two men left standing are Jeb Bush and Rand Paul. I don’t understand this even within the More... Holder: Let's just put the death penalty on hold 2/18/2015 6:01:41 PM Jazz Shaw 56 Comments Earlier this month I posed the question of whether or not US Attorney General Eric Holder has ever truly understood his job. In that case, it was because he expressed regrets over not ensuring that new restrictions on gun owners’ rights were passed More... Just when you thought ISIS couldn't get any worse, they're allegedly harvesting organs now 2/18/2015 5:21:19 PM Noah Rothman 116 Comments If you invented a fictional terrorist organization as recently as two years ago that takes and holds territory, enslaves minorities and children, destroys 2,000-year-old religious shrines, burns people alive for sport, and sells civilian organs on the More... CNN poll: 52% think NBC should let Williams return as anchor 2/18/2015 4:41:58 PM Ed Morrissey 56 Comments This could be Brian Williams’ greatest triumph since he battled those gangs for control of the Ritz-Carlton in chest-high waters during Hurricane Katrina while waiting for his friends in SEAL Team 6 to arrive. Despite the multiple instances of More... No major scandals: WaPo demolishes VA Secretary's claim to have fired 60 employees 2/18/2015 4:01:20 PM Noah Rothman 15 Comments "Recommending people to receive a letter about their wrongdoing is not the same thing as being fired," read a recent piece in The Washington Post. These are words you would think would never needed to be written, but the Obama administration has opened More... Luis Gutierrez: There will be unprecedented "militancy" among immigrants now that Obama's amnesty has been blocked 2/18/2015 3:21:45 PM Allahpundit 226 Comments Via the Corner, he’s quick to specify what he means by “militancy” — “voter registration, voter participation, voter anger at the Republican Party” — but I think that’s more a case of a savvy politician More... The odd tale of Muslim violence that none dared call by its name 2/18/2015 2:41:09 PM Noah Rothman 64 Comments It seems a straightforward enough of a story, and one that has become lamentably familiar to observers of current affairs. A Detroit man, a self-described Muslim, walked up to a group of individuals at a bus stop and asked them if they, too, observe the More... More Marie Harf: I notice people don't talk much about Joseph Kony's Christian terror group anymore 2/18/2015 2:01:23 PM Allahpundit 189 Comments Via the Free Beacon, she’s having a big week. I don’t know where to begin. For starters, I guess, the only reason most people ever talked about Kony was because he became a hashtag fad on Twitter for 10 minutes in early 2012. Remember More... Jeb Bush: I'm my own man on foreign policy 2/18/2015 1:21:47 PM Ed Morrissey 41 Comments Earlier today, former Florida governor Jeb Bush attempted to address one of the biggest hurdles for his presidential aspirations — his last name. Even after six years and some improvement in how Americans see his older brother’s presidency, More... Forgiving Brian Williams 2/18/2015 12:41:24 PM Jazz Shaw 95 Comments Earlier this month, I asked the question, Should we really be glad to see Brian Williams go? In response I certainly got an earful of reasons why I “just don’t get it” along with some admittedly cogent arguments about the underlying More... Obama: It's up to all of us to build a better hashtag 2/18/2015 12:01:26 PM Ed Morrissey 61 Comments Give Barack Obama credit for a couple of points in his Los Angeles Times op-ed today, part of his new effort to push back on violent extremism. Unlike the summit, Obama actually mentions Islam in the context of violent extremism, and catalogues some of More... Polls: Jeb Bush seen as representing "the past" more than Hillary Clinton 2/18/2015 11:31:24 AM Allahpundit 63 Comments Interesting and important to Jeb’s candidacy. One of the arguments for biting the bullet on Bush 3.0 is that Hillary is running as Clinton 2.0, and therefore the dynasty factor for each kinda sorta cancels the other’s out. That’s a More... U.S. is pretty concerned about Egypt, UAE taking fight to ISIS in Libya 2/18/2015 11:01:36 AM Noah Rothman 65 Comments When Egypt and the United Arab Emirates secretly launched a series of coordinated airstrikes against Islamist targets inside Libya in August, the news went off like a guided munition inside the foreign affairs community. Few outside of it were, however, More... |
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HotAir Daily Express 02/19/2015
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