A Message from the Editor Dear readers, This evening, we're sending out again yesterday's article about the priest appointed to oversee the investigation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. We had to take it down last night after realizing there were some factual errors in the original version. Those issues have been corrected, and so we wanted to draw your attention to the updated version. Have a great weekend! Patrick Craine Associate Editor & Canadian Bureau Chief LifeSiteNews.com | Featured | | Fri Feb 20, 2015 - 10:48 am EST By Susan Yoshihara | | Fri Feb 20, 2015 - 3:26 pm EST By Judie Brown | | Fri Feb 20, 2015 - 7:37 pm EST By John-Henry Westen | | |
| The program gives the 'c-cards' to boys and girls as young as 13. By Thaddeus Baklinski | The parish is urging Pope Francis to 'defend the authentic teaching of the Magisterium against those within and without the Church who seek to misrepresent, dilute or contradict the truths relating to marriage and family life.' By Lisa Bourne | State officials said the facility's 'noncompliance is detrimental to the welfare of' women who obtain abortions there. By Ben Johnson | This groundbreaking research with ethical stem cells provides promise for treatments for other heart disease patients in the future. By Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. | The latest official statistics show a drop in abortion numbers, but the report admits it only gives part of the picture. By Lianne Laurence | My favorite moment is when a child, likely one of Sherine's other children says, 'OK, now I'm gonna love you!' By Christina Martin | 'One of [the donors] looked like Tom Brady and had a Ph.D. I added him to my cart.' By Wesley J. Smith | A Chinese court refused to hear the case, in what may be the first time a citizen has sought legal damages against the government over forced sterilization or abortion. By Wendy Wright | 'He, Jesus, says that the one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. Those are Jesus's words, now, how we mitigate the truth of that is beyond me,' said Bishop Robert Morlino. By Voice of the Family | We urge you, Cardinal Dolan to immediately step down as Grand Marshall of the St. Patrick's Day Parade. By Judie Brown | Canada's judges have become lawmakers - yet they are appointed, not elected—and for life. By Steve Weatherbe | 'Dialing 911 is the fastest way to get help, but lately we have noticed that abortion clinics have been avoiding 911 in order to keep information about a botched abortion from the public eye,' said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. By Cheryl Sullenger | It's sad that in the 21st century so many people still believe these old, outdated myths. By Kristi Burton Brown | |
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