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Friday, February 20, 2015

Meet Michael McDougall and Kona Haque

New York - Sugar & Etanol Conference 2015

New Speakers Announced

With expertise in Economy with emphasis on ethanol and sugar, Newedge´s Senior Vice-President, Michael McDougall, is another confirmed Speakers at the Ninth Edition of the ISO DATAGRO New York Sugar & Ethanol Conference, to be held on May 13th in New York City. McDougall is one of the icons of these markets, with a vast experience on price and risk management of agricultural and financial products, in charge of one of the of the companies in his segment. McDougall will take his expertise to debate on the important subject "Messages learnt from the US-Mexico dispute".
Along with McDougall, the specialist on agricultural markets, Kona Haque, also honors the rank of Speakers of the Conference. With over 10 years market experience, Kona recently joined the ED&F Man team as Head of Research, bringing her views about the perspectives of the European market on the subject "E.U.: Rebirth of a Giant & Its Increasing Role as a World Sugar Hub".
Save $70 on registration until March 31st.  
Exclusive discounts for ISO Members and DATAGRO Markets Clients!
  • Official Technical Event of the New York Sugar Dinner  
  • 15 Speakers
  • Simultaneous Interpretation in English, Portuguese and Spanish
+ Enjoy a special rate at Waldorf = Astoria New York Hotel, for reservations between May 9th and 15th !! RESERVATION
More than 380 delegates on last edition from over 200 companies!
list of previous participants: Abengoa Bioenergy; Adecoagro; Adecoagro Vale do Ivinhema S/A ; ADM do Brasil ; Advance Trading ; Advanced Biofuels ; Agencia Estado ; Agrilion Commodity Advisers ; Agrivida, INC. ; AgriWatch; AGROFIELD; Alliance Bernstein ; American Sugar Alliance ; American Sugar Refining ;Araporã Bioenergia S/A ; Archer Consulting ; Argus Media ; ASR Group; Associated Press; Astenbeck Capital Management LLC ; Atlantic USA ; Azucarera Paraguaya S.A ; BAF Capital S/A ; Banco Citibank S.A; Banco Credit Agricole Brasil ; Fator ; Itau BBA ; J.P Morgan S.A; Pine ; Rabobank; Santander ; Bank of America; Bank of American Merrill Lynch ; Bank Of Tokio Mitsubish ; Barclays Capital ; Bayer CropScience ; BF Capital ; Bioagencia ; Biosev S.A ; Black River ; Blehheim Capital Management ; Bloomberg News ; Blu Logistics S.A ; BM&F Bovespa; BMS Consulting ; BNP Paribas; BP; BRASSCOM ; Brazil Business Link ; Brazilian Chamber ; BUA Sugar Refinery ; Bunge ; Bunge Alimentos S/A ; California Energy Commission ; Camara Nacional de las Industrias ; CAMDA ; Canex Exportação ; Cargill  ; Cargill Agricola S.A ; Carval Investors ; Central Açúcareira Sto Antonio S.A. ; Central Romana Corp. ; Cevasa ; CHS ; Cicco Commodities LLC ; CMA; CMAA - CIA Mineira de Alcool e Açucar  ; Coca Cola FEMSA ; Commodex ; Commodities Brazil ; Compañia Agricola Industrial Santa Ana  S.A ; Consorcio Azucarero Centra ; Consulado Geral do Brasil em Nova York ; Consulate General of Brazil ; Control Union ; Coopercitrus ; COPERCANA ; Copersucar ; Copertrading  ; COPLACANA ; Corporation Rcc ; Correspondent Latin America ; Cosan ; CSJ Metalurgica  ; DACALDA Açucar e Alcool ; DATAGRO Alta Perfornance ; DATAGRO Conferences ; DATAGRO Financial ; DATAGRO Group ; DATAGRO Markets ; DATAGRO Strategic Consulting ; Delta Bank ; Deutsche Bank ;  ; Distribuidora Nacional Cooperativa Multiactiva ; DMGI ; Dow Jones ; Eco-Energy  ; Ecoflex Trading & Logistica ; ECOM – EISA ; Ecom Trading ; ED&F Man Brasil S/A ; ED&F Man Sugar ; Edeniq ; Energia Business ; Energy Comercial Importadora e Exportadora ; Energy Information Administration ; Export Trading Company Group ; FG Agro - Finanças e Gestão do Agronegócio ; FG Agro Investimentos e Participaçoes Ltda ; Fiesp ; Financial Times ; FMS Logistics ; Fortune ; Forum Nacional Sucroenergético ; General Eletric  do Brasil ; General Mills ; Genscape ; Geoenergética ; Global ; India Government ; Greenergy Brasil Trading S.A. ; Grupo Andrade ; Grupo Cassa ; Grupo Cosan e Raízen ; Grupo MAUBISA ; Grupo Nutresa ; Grupo USJ ; Hassad Food ; Heb Grocery Co. ; H-E-B Grocery Company ; HighLine Capital ; Hipercom  ; Hogan & Company ; Hogan CO ; HSBC Bank  ; ICAP North America LLC ; Ice Futures U.S. ; Ing Bank NV ; Ingenio La Union S/A ; Ingenio Madre Tierra ; Ingenio Mayaguez ; International Finance Corporation ; INTL FCSTONE ; ISO - International Sugar Organization  ; J.P. Morgan ; Jalles Machado S/A ; Jamison Capital Partners ; Jenkins Sugar Group   ; JP Morgan ; Kellogg Company ; Kenana Sugar Company Obaid Khitim Street ; Kingsman  ; Knox & Co ; Kolmar Trading ; Kondor Invest ; Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa S.A ; LAICA ; LMC International Ltd. ; Louis Dreyfus Commodities ; Luft Agro ; MacQuarie Brasil ; Malayan Sugar Manufacturing Co Bhd; Man Brasil ; Maubisa ; MAYAGUEZ  ; MCAC LLC ; Mercol Valle E.P. ; Merrill Lynch Commodities ; Monsanto ; Nafora S.A. ; National Assembly ; Natixis Brasil S.A. Banco Multiplo ; Nelgo Assessoria e Consultoria ; Nestle Mexico S A de CV ; Newedge ; Nexteppe ; Nile sugar ; Nortrop GMBH ; NovAmérica ; Nytimes & Mathew Wald ; O.M. Corretagem de Seguros ; Oceanus - Lachmann Group ; Odebretch Agroindustrial  ; Olam / Invenio ; Olam do Brasil ; Onda Verde Agrocomercial S/A ; Pado ; Pantaleon ; Passos e Stica Advogados Associados ; Patriot Renewable Fuels, LLC ; Perennial Management ; Petojam Limited ; Pfeifer & Langen ; PINE ; Plaenge ; Platts  ; Prime BioSolutions ; PwC ; R.J. O`Brien & Associates ; Rabobank ; Raízen ; RB Internacional Finance  ; RC Brazil ; RCMA Sugar ; Redwood ; Renewable Fuels Association ; Riopaila Castilla ; Rumo Logistica ; Santa Cruz S/A ; Sao Martinho S.A ; SCA Trading   ; Schroders ; SEABIRD do Brasil ; Secretaria de Estado de Industria e Comércio ; Self ; Senato Della Repubblica ; Servicios Nutresa ; Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural ; Shree Renuka Sugars  ; Sindaçucar – AL ; Sindicato da Indústria do Açucar e do Alcool do Estado de Alagoas ; SOCICANA ; SóEconomia ; Sorus Fund Management LL ; SRB ; StrategComAmericas ; Sucden Americas ; Sucden Brazil ; Sucden Mexico ; Sucden Russia ; Sucroliq ; Sudzucker AG Mannheim/ Ochsenfut ; Suedzucker ; Sugar Club New York ; Sugar Conections Inc ; Sugar Importers Association ; Sugar Institute ; Sugar Journal ; Sweetener Users Association ; Syngenta; Tate & Lyle Sugars / Asr Group ; Technopulp; Tecnologia Agricola ; Thomson Reuters ; Tonon ; Triple Point Technology   ; U.S.J - Açucar e Alcool ; UBS ; UBS Bank Brasil ; UBS Brasil Corretora ; ÚNICA ; Usina Coruripe ; Usina Delta S.A. ; Usina Ester ; Usina Santa Cruz S/A ; Usina Santa Fé S.A. ; Usina Santo Antonio ; Usina Vale ; V&A Commodity Traders ; Veirano Advogados ; Vicini ; Vital Correto ; Wall Street Journal ; Washington Post ; White Nile Sugar Company ; XP Securities LLC ; Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange.
+ For Producers. For Traders. For the Industry.
Great networking opportunity!
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