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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Russian Support for Putin at 86%

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 01:46 PM PDT

Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015

Straight gangsta.

Straight gangsta.

Since the annexation of Crimea, Putin’s already very high level of support among the Russian people has skyrocketed even higher.

Moscow Times:

Fifty-five percent of the 1,600 adults across Russia polled about their voting intentions by the independent Levada Center last month said they would cast their ballot in favor of Putin if a snap presidential election were held the following weekend. Of those people who said they would definitely turn out to vote and who had already made up their minds who to vote for, 86 percent would choose Putin, according to the poll, which had a margin of error not exceeding 3.4 percent.

Support for Putin has skyrocketed since Russia’s annexation of Crimea last March. In January 2014, 29 percent of Russian voters said they would vote for Putin in a snap election. In April, after Crimea had joined Russia’s federal fold, 49 percent of Russians were ready to cast their ballots in his favor.

Putin’s approval rating currently stands at 86 percent, according to the Levada Center. The president’s approval rating hit a historic high of 88 percent in October, amid intense fighting between pro-Russian rebels and Ukrainian military forces in eastern Ukraine.

The latest Levada Center poll also revealed that 57 percent of Russians would like to see Putin re-elected in the 2018 presidential election. One-quarter of the population would like to see another candidate assume the presidency, according to the poll.

This is while the Ruble has collapsed.

Can you imagine a Western leader ever having this kind of support?  After having ruled the country for fifteen years?

Whatever you think of the guy, he is doing something right.

Victory of Whiteness: NYF Continues Their Brave Actions Against Anti-White Terrorist Robert Poe

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 01:25 PM PDT

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015

Sick tattoo freak and complete faggot bitch Robert Poe.  Note the Antichrist t-shirt.

Trying so very hard: Sick tattoo freak and complete faggot bitch Robert Poe. Note the Antichrist t-shirt. Also note that his parents are rich, lol.

The ongoing situation at Arizona State University – where a spineless fatboy with a Negro maid for a wife is teaching a class entitled “The Problem of Whiteness” – is heating up.

Lee Bebout’s anti-White class first made the media a few months ago, and was eventually covered by Fox News.

"Married to the Maid: The Lee Bebout Story"

“Married to the Maid: The Lee Bebout Story”

Following the mainstream coverage, the National Youth Front, led by Angelo John Gage, began an operation to protest it on the ASU campus.   This was entitled “Operation: Bad Teacher,” and included passing out fliers to students.

This led to the sick tattoo faggot Assistant Professor Robert Poe giving an open talk on campus about the necessity of bringing down the White race.  During the talk, Poe was baited by NYF member John Hess into admitting that he was supportive of using violence to silence people who disagree with his radical genocide scheme – but only if they “organize politically,” mind you.  He gave the example that he believes it is okay to use violence against people who support “anti-gay legislation.”

He then said “that’s the whole idea of White nationalism, to mobilize political power,” thereby indicating that he supports using violence against White Nationalists.

Conversely, White Nationalists do not support using violence against him – I have never met any racist who believes we need to use any form of violence against SJWs, Jews or the hordes.

Gage then emailed the school, and got this response from Patrick J. Kenney, who is the “Vice Provost and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a professor in the School of Politics and Global Studies”:

Screenshot from 2015-03-08 14:43:12

I see…

The single line reply reads “I appreciate your thoughts and assessments regarding Mr. Poe’s comments on the video circulating on YouTube.  Thank you for your interest.”

Gage encouraged others to email the school.

Though it isn’t completely clear what exactly happened, ASU took some form of disaplinary action against Poe for having made these statements calling for a race war against Whites during his open session.

The SJW website Down and Drought claims he may have either been fired or they’ve deferred his firing, but he is no longer on the class list as teacher:

According to information provided to Down and Drought, as threats poured in, the university told both professors to be quiet, likely hoping to hunker down and avoid controversy at a time when they were negotiating looming budget cuts with a Fox News adoring far right governor and legislature who might be agitated by the idea that such ideas are being taught on campus.

Our sources tell us that the university administration told both Poe and Bebout to stay quiet. Bebout was reminded that he is up for tenure and Poe was essentially issued a delayed termination, with the university removing his name from the class, forcing him to get class materials approved weekly, and forbidding him from teaching next semester. This looks a lot like ASU hoped to shift his official firing into the future, when there would be less eyes on it.

We received a screen shot of the class that Poe is teaching this semester and his name has been removed from it. In his place is the name of the head of his department school, the School of Social Transformation (SST).  Is the head of department  SST now teaching Poe’s class? Meanwhile, a search for Poe’s name on the faculty website turns up no results. Where did he go? What happened to him? Did ASU throw him under the bus?

It appears that ASU has caved in to Neo-Nazi demands. Which, in essence, means that Neo-Nazis basically are making hiring and firing decisions at ASU, and have imposed some measure of veto power over curriculum. At today’s protest, various members of the NYF ranted about eugenics, about biological differences between races and about their deep hatred for Jews. Will the biology department be the next target? You have to wonder where it will stop now.

If Poe has actually been fired, this will be one of the most successful pro-White actions in the last half a century, yet again proving that the NYF is the number one pro-White organization operating in these United States.

When asked if the course would be held again, the terrorist Poe’s associate Bebout said “probably not.”

The SJW supporters of Poe are claiming that a high-profile donor has pulled strings to have Poe removed.  But given that he was caught advocating race war terrorism, it seems that any normal person would be uncomfortable being directly associated with him.

On March 3rd, the faggot Poe held a demonstration against the school for having taken action against him.  NYF staged a counter-demonstration.

It was glorious.

The Edge-Master Poe then advocated for violence again, this time through a loud-speaker, telling the NYF boys: “yeah I fucking advocate violence against pieces of shit like you.”

(More videos of the confrontation here and here.)

This was five days ago.  Presumably, Poe will be fired, because the school simply cannot have its employees advocating open race war against Whites.  At the same time, they are surely hesitant to make it look like they are supporting the “Nazis” of NYF (I am not sure if they are actual Nazis, but they, like every White advocacy group save the Daily Stormer, obviously don’t publicly identify that way).

Silenced for violence???  But - Nazis and Hitler!

Silenced for violence??? But – Nazis and Hitler!

NYF is encouraging people to call or email the university’s President, and make it clear that it is wacky to have a man openly advocating for violence against a racial group teaching on campus.

We encourage those of you to call and email the school and let them know that Robert Poe is a loose cannon and should be removed from ASU for advocating violence and threatening White people, religious leaders, and an NYF activist with violence. Make sure you also let him know that this class is unacceptable.

Call President Crow's office – (480) 965-8972

Or email the president by going here

This is far from over, and if ASU believes they will be able to continue teaching this hate-class unopposed, the are very mistaken. We at the National Youth Front will continue to fight for the rights of the White European peoples against this defamation!

When you send emails to the president of any of the other staff of the school, include this video, where the advocacy of violence is at the beginning.

The Terrorist Robert Faggot is a Poe

I just want to close here by noting how completely uncool Robert Poe is, as he is a fitting representative of the entire SJW movement.

Poe is the definition of trying too hard, what with the obvious obsession with his appearance.  This is not in any way hip, in fact it is emasculated and pathetic.  Look at this picture he posed for “holding his favorite book“:

Yep.  That's the collected works of the Jew Spinoza.

Yep. That’s the collected works of the Jew Spinoza.

Now he has even more tattoos on his neck!  And it is pure tribal!  Can you even quantify these edges????

Now he has even more tattoos on his neck! And it is pure tribal! Can you even quantify these edges????  Not without a quantum computer!

Beyond his womanlike obsession with his personal image, his ideology is definitively un-hip.  He has to get all of those tattoos and threaten people with genocide to appear edgy because the reality is that his beliefs are the exact same as those of the “most powerful man in the world,” Black President Barack Obama.  Sure, Obama doesn’t always follow his stated belief system, caving to the warmongers and capitalists, but the belief system as it is stated is almost identical to that of SJWs like Robert Poe.  And that is in no way cool.

Note: Poe identifies as an “anarchist,” which makes his views more extreme than those of Obama and other SJWs, but all this amounts to is “I’m more Obama than Obama,” and gives him an excuse to pretend he is some type of outsider fighting against the system.  That is also why he and other anarchists advocate violence – they need to prove they are not complete fags who spew the exact same thing as the mainstream media and the government – it’s like “oh, well, he advocates rushing restaurants and beating old people with hammers, I guess that’s sort of edgy, Obama doesn’t quite go that far.”

Conversely, we Nazis are on the edge of hip, given that we stand in direct opposition to the entirety of the system.  We believe homos should go to camps, we believe all immigrants should be deported, we believe the banks should be nationalized.   Our belief system is completely different than any presently being presented by the system.  Republicans might be nominally anti-gay, pro-family and pro-gun, but that is where the similarities end.

And we don’t prance around trying to look like faggots who spend three hours a day in the mirror.

SJWism is the system.  Nazism is the rebellion.  And the youth is seeing it.

Hail the National Youth Front.

Hail the White Race.

Hail Victory.

White Unity and Agreeing to Disagree

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 12:46 PM PDT

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015

But - you're on the same team!

But – you’re on the same team!

Currently, we as a race are being genocided.  As such, I don’t feel we should be bickering.

Sometimes, people get offended by articles on this site.  This week, one I wrote about Anglos offended both Anglos and non-Anglos, and I wrote about the biological inclination of women to mate with Arabs who are seen as dominating, and was accused of justifying this behavior.  Today, Ben wrote about Aldous Huxley, and offended many conspiracy theorists.   Over the last couple weeks, some disagreed with Michael’s strategy of trolling that towelhead woman, just as some had disagreed with the strategy of trolling Berger.  A bunch of people complain that I am too supportive of Putin or Le Pen or whoever.

Criticism is fine, and it usually is mostly criticism.  I believe people have a right to express their opinions, if they can remain civil.  I don’t expect people to agree with everything I say, and with the article on Anglos, I wrote something which I should have figured beforehand would be unnecessarily divisive.

For me, the idea of getting people agree with exactly everything I believe strikes me as nutty, and it is not one of my goals.  We all need to understand that it will probably never happen, ever in our lives, that we meet someone with whom we agree on every single issue.  Unless you join a cult.  Running this site, however, I have a responsibility to avoid things which cause unnecessary division, but I’m not always going to be perfect.

What I want to point out is that disagreeing about things should never get in the way of White Unity.  Because this is the thing we need most.

This is not just about the Daily Stormer.  It is something I practice myself.  I refuse to attack anyone who identifies as pro-White, even people such as Jared Taylor who refuse to address Jews.  I simply see no benefit in it.  I can criticize them, if they say something I disagree with, but I don’t believe it is appropriate to deny that they have a place in working to fix things.  Taylor wakes people up to the race issue, and I seriously doubt that anyone who is aware of the Jew issue hears him and is like “wow, I guess I should quit talking about Jews.”

I stand guilty of making this meme.  But I did it without malice.

I stand guilty of making this meme. But I did it without malice.

Last year, I wrote a piece called “Infinite DramaQuest” about ongoing infighting, and I believe this had an effect.  People seem to be doing it much less now, and for this I am thankful, and proud to have played a part in demonstrating how dumb it is.

Besides the issue of personalities clashing with one another, there is also an issue of people trolling each other in the comments sections of every pro-White site in a way that is wholly unhelpful.  This is often related to religion, and it is silly.

Any time you see people arguing vehemantly about anything on the internet, know that they are either trolls, women, emotionally unstable men or some combined group of these person types.

What we need to understand is that not only do Jews not attack one another, no one on the left does.  I’m sure they do it sometimes, but it is very rare.  They understand they have a shared agenda, despite whatever details, and so they focus all of their rage on the enemy.  We must learn to do the same.

Things That are Not Okay 

This week I also got this comment on an article I wrote about Bill Nye the Science Guy denying the existence of race:

With this post Andre clearly shows us that he's a tool (or worse psyop) being used by his so called enemy "the Jews".

Ask yourselves this question: What is the most important notion that "the Jews" need everybody to believe?

Answers: That race exist and that one race is superior to another (i.e. the "Jews" are superior and the chosen one). Without our belief of race, they (the "Jews" would lose all power and legitimacy over their fictitious claims of being "chosen".

Jew is not a race it's a religion; a dangerous mind f*ck.

Only one race: the human race. All the rest is cultural differences. Yes there are big differences in cultural traits, and yes this can cause serious social difficulties, but NO this is not a question of genetics or even problems of phenotype (i.e. the superficial manifestation of genes).

Andre cannot see that he is playing in the hands of the "Jews" by fully supporting their racial agenda.

Either Andre is a tool or he knows what he is doing… :(

The real fight is not race, but emancipation of mental slavery and this includes being brainwashed by ALL forms of political and social agendas.

Fear will always hold you back… No matter how you justify it!

Presumably, the vast majority of all readers disagree with this, and I believe this is the type of sentiment that needs fought against.  This is not only objectively wrong – Whites alone pioneered race theory and Jews alone pushed “race does not exist” – it is completely incompatible with working towards any type of solution to anything at all.

This is something, then, that we can say is not okay.  Holding such a position as this removes any room for common ground.  This is something categorically different than what religion you have or what your opinions on various politicians are.

You Don’t Have to Like Me or Anyone Else

What we are doing is not about being friends and liking each other.  If you don’t like me, or some other pro-White figure, that’s fine.  Don’t like them.  Don’t go to their website, don’t share their website with your friends.  There are plenty of people involved who I don’t personally like, and whose websites I don’t recommend to people.  That’s the way it goes.

But there is no need to attack.  That is simply foolish.  Comments sections are now often getting out of control with attacks on various people, and I am considering simply shutting them down.  It is one thing to attack me and my people on the site, but to begin attacking others who are working in the White cause on my site is really unacceptable.  That pulls me into the whole ordeal, and as I have said, I’ve no interest in any of it.

I understand that the internet breeds anger.  I believe this is due to the tendency to completely misunderstand where people are coming from, due to the written word being a relatively low form of human communication when it comes to emotional content.  So we all need to be aware of it, and take heed.

Typical WN behavior.

Typical WN behavior.

I created the second biggest White Nationalist website in the world (SF is number one and always will be) by continually saying what I believed to be true, and surrounding myself with people who agreed.  As the longtime reader is aware, there are people I used to associate with and then broke-off from because they refused to stop focusing on attacking others working for the cause.  These people now have few followers because people are much more interested in goal-oriented operations than those which are drama-based.

So, I ask you, please ask yourself what it is you want, and if what you want is for the White race to continue, stop attacking others with the same goal.  If you see someone saying something you don’t like, ask yourself if there is something you can positively contribute to the discussion in a civil manner before you start typing up a comment.  If there isn’t, and you are just posting to negatively contribute, then don’t post at all.  I am sure there are other places where your energy can better be spent than by creating drama among people you agree with on 95% of the issues.

Learn to agree to disagree.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Why was His Final Book Never Translated into English?

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:52 AM PDT

Irish Savant
March 8, 2015

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Image-Quote

Of course you all know of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Who doesn’t?  Legendary Russian dissident during the Soviet era, prisoner in the gulags, starved, tortured, ostracised.  But never broken. He spoke truth to power like few have ever done. His novels such as The Gulag Archipelago, The First Circle and Cancer Ward were not only brilliant literature but offered the rarest of insights into the life of a dissident in the USSR.  He came to be regarded as one of the most eminent writers and philosophers of his age.  Which contributed to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970 “for the ethical force with which he has pursued the indispensable traditions of Russian literature”.

Feted wherever he went, his books became international best sellers, translated into dozens of languages, the world was at his feet.  Then almost overnight it all stopped. He became a non-person. The transformation was virtually unprecedented in the field of literature. Why did this happen? Because Alex stepped on the Third Rail.  Well he didn’t so much step on it, rather dived on it full length. You see he wrote a book called 200 Years Together that traced the Jews’ colourful relationship with the Russian people and especially their role on the Bolshevik Revolution and its ensuing murderous tyranny.

He didn’t pull his punches.  He placed Soviet Jews centre place in perpetrating the worst mass murders of the 20th century. While acknowledging that some Jews also suffered under this tyranny he clarified that it was not as Jews per se, rather that they were in the wrong faction at the wrong time. Solzhenitsyn’s own estimate for the number of Christians (his word) who died was 60 million.

He documented all of this in meticulous detail…. names, dates, times. But he did something else, something more insidious and dangerous. Something that had strategic international consequences for the Tribe. For a start he shone a light on the extraordinary Jewish capacity to magic themselves into the position of victimhood irrespective of their actual accountability. This in turn depended on – as he pointedly noted – their uncanny ability to seize control of media outlets.  “There are pages of this history which one does not open without trembling. And these are the pages that are systematically and purposefully eradicated from the consciousness of the Jews.”

Other observations that cut to the bone included their practice of manipulating the legal framework to reflect Jewish interests. "Russian people are now confronted by a Jew both as their judge and hangman. Why was it that anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka could count with high probability on standing before a Jewish investigator or being shot by a Jew?” He meticulously debunked Jewish writers who sought to portray Soviet Jews as having no choice in what they did. ‘Just following orders’  How ironic is that? He carefully traces the ways in which Jews, both within the USSR and internationally, favoured and supported Jewish interests under the cloak of universalistic altruism.

Sound familiar?

I haven’t even begun to describe what he wrote in ‘200 Years Together‘ not least because I haven’t read it, only certain chapters.  So why have I not read it? Aha, therin lies a tale!  You see, Solzhenitsyn’s legendary status and guarantee of vast sales would in normal circumstances have had international publishers slavering at the prospect of getting their hands on the rights. But none did.  None wanted it. It was never published in the West. In fact, incredible as it seems it has never been formally translated into English! Given that English translations exist for almost every half-assed writing in the most obscure of languages the disappearance of 200 Years Together is mind-blowing. The author himself became a non-person just as he had in the USSR.

Think about it. It is, as I said, mind-blowing. What sort of pressure could have resulted in every Western publishing house, every Western TV company, every Western magazine being so fearful as to pass up a unique and hugely profitable publishing coup?  How exactly was this Jewish power exercised?  Was it overt, subtle, physical, financial….or what?

It truly is frightening.

Is it any wonder the American armed forces were afraid of commemorating the attack on the USS Liberty? Or that the country’s so-called legislators should prostrate themselves before their true rulers in the sight of all?

You Think You Know Adolf Hitler?

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:45 AM PDT

Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015

Everything you have been told about Adolf Hitler is a lie. Find the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Russia: Priests Undergo Parachute Training So They Can Drop into War Zones

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:42 AM PDT

Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015



This is from waaaaaaaay back in April of 2013, but I post it as it demonstrates quite explicitly the difference between the West and Russia.

Around this time, the US was making a gigantic ordeal of men who engage in anal sex with other men being allowed in the military.


On a snowy field in the Ryazan region, 100 miles south-east of Moscow, five burly, bearded Russian Orthodox priests fall to the ground, arms held skywards. They're not praying, but preparing for their next parachute jump.

Soon, the chaplains will take to the skies with regular military cadets in an air force plane, jump and pull the cord – hoping that God is watching over them, and that their parachutes open.

The priests are the latest recruits to the growing army of military chaplains – now almost 1,000 – who serve with Russia's armed forces, including abroad at bases across the former Soviet Union.

The recruitment of military chaplains has been stepped up in recent months, as President Vladimir Putin has increasingly put traditional Orthodox values at the heart of his administration's policy since his return to the Kremlin last year. He has also unveiled plans to increase Russia's defence spending by a total of 11pc a year.

The chaplains' mission – to boost soldiers' morale and reinforce a sense of patriotic duty in society – comes as Mr Putin is seeking to build support for a conservative coalition to counter the influence of Western liberals on his critics, including the anti-Kremlin street protesters, foreign-funded NGOs and the Pussy Riot rock group.

On the field with the parachuting priests is Father Mikhail Vasilyev, 41, a veteran chaplain who has served alongside Russian troops in military conflicts in Kosovo, Chechnya and Kyrgyzstan, and is now in charge of the Church's relations with the parachute forces.

BNP: Will This Madness Ever End?

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 10:20 AM PDT

Austen Davies
British National Party
March 8, 2015

Meanwhile, in Britain...

Meanwhile, in Britain…

Interesting bit of ‘buried’ news not released this morning that I can expand upon just a little more than Not The Today Programme did:

POPULATION GROWTH 2011 to 2014 = 565,000 NET.


1. Traditionally, it is the total UK population increases that are banded about; that increase in population has been borne by ENGLAND alone – that has caused our population to explode by MORE THAN 10% in just 3 YEARS.

2. It is a NET figure i.e. it is after DEDUCTING the number of Brits who have abandoned GB; Almost 6 MILLION as at 2013 – and rising.

3. “Two-thirds of the figure are EU migrants” – so we’ve gained another 190,000 who are NOT EU migrants.

That means South-Asian and African – and it means Muslim.

4. NO ACCOUNT WHATSOEVER was taken of ‘illegals’ who arrive here on a DAILY BASIS and ‘disappear’ into whichever replica of a Karachi slum is appropriate to them.

And a couple of supplementary statistics to think on:-

1. More people came to Britain in 2013 than in the period 1066 – 2012.

2. There are 200 countries in the world; just 10 of them are subjected to 50% of ALL the World’s immigration.

We are No. 5 of that 10.

Britain is only the 80th largest country, yet Britain is the 5th largest recipient of immigrants (1 & 2 are the USA & Russia – but they might be bigger than us are they?)

And one more for luck:

In 2013 ALONE Europe was ‘blessed’ by the arrival of 72 MILLION immigrants – the majority of whom are – – – -; go on – I’ll give you three guesses.

And, sadly, you’ll be right on all counts.

European Countries by Second-Largest Nationality

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 07:22 AM PDT

Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015

Showing the biggest minority population of each nation.

Showing the biggest minority population of each nation.

Above is a map showing the largest groups of non-natives in each European country.  It isn’t looking good.

Sometimes I fear these liberals supporting this Jew plot to bring all of these Moslems to our countries really aren’t thinking it through very much.

But I’m sure it will all work out.

The Moslems would never hurt the feminists and homosexuals who are lobbying for them to come to Europe... would they?

The Moslems would never hurt the feminists and homosexuals who are lobbying for them to come to Europe… would they?

Meanwhile, in 80% Black Selma…

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 06:00 AM PDT

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
March 8, 2015

80 percent black Selma: can they keep a Sonic open?

80 percent black Selma: can they keep a Sonic open?

It’s a black city. As the Washington Post notes about 80 percent black Selma in 2015, a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new Sonic restaurant is cause for celebration in a city where the Visible Black Hand of Economic has otherwise chased away commercial interests:

…a ribbon-cutting at the local Sonic drive-up restaurant. In the past few months, Selma has lost two of its biggest department stores: J.C. Penney and Goody's. The restaurant event offered a rare bit of good economic news.

"Technically it's more of a reopening than an opening," KimbroughBallard said. "The place looked terrible. Thank God Sonic saw fit to invest thousands of dollars in it instead of picking up and leaving." The restaurant was festooned with balloons and a big red ribbon.

Today, almost all the top elected officials in Selma and surrounding Dallas County are black. Ballard, who is white, stood next to Mayor George Evans, who was elected in 2008 as the second black mayor in Selma's history. Also in the ribbon-cutting line was Benny Lee Tucker, a City Council member and one of the heroes of the Bloody Sunday march. The mayor snipped the ribbon, and a Sonic regional marketing executive handed out raspberry and lime sodas.

It’s a black city, dominated by black elected officials and a government seemingly run for black people, of the black people, and by black people. Yet businesses continue to flee across the famed Edmund Pettus Bridge, which attracts a few out-of-towners every March to walk across it like an American version of Hajj.

A holy pilgrimage to bathe in the eternal waters of white guilt pumped continuously by images of “Bloody Sunday” from Selma in 1965…

One day those waters will stop flowing.

Perhaps it will be the day when the celebrated Sonic closes, another business fleeing 80 percent Selma…

Or, perhaps one day it will become illegal for a business to close up shop in 80 percent Selma… [Selma, 50 years after march, remains a city divided, Los Angeles Time, 3-6-15]:

“Some people have a need to not be satisfied,” said Jamie Wallace, who in 1965 was an editor at the Selma Times-Journal. He stood on the Edmund Pettus Bridge with civil right marchers when they were attacked on Bloody Sunday. He and other newspaper staffers resisted enormous pressure from advertisers, subscribers and the Selma elite to ignore the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the marchers.

This weekend, he will be presented a Living Legend Award by Selma’s mayor, a black man. Things were bad in 1965, Wallace said. They are still bad.

“But I dispute anyone who claims we didn’t change anything,” he said. “We went from an all-white power structure to all black. That means something.”

The Rev. Jesse Jackson sat nearby on a wicker sofa, watching Sanders and her volunteers work. “People coming to Selma in a celebration mood should be in a protest mood,” he said. Sanders agreed.

“Sixty percent of Selma’s children live in poverty,” she told him. Jackson nodded.

“People assume there is a correlation between political power and economic power,” he said. But a black power structure — mayor, city council, police force — is not enough.

“You change the political power, and the white business owners just move outside the city. So you have power over a doughnut hole. We need help to climb out of the doughnut hole,” he said.

He went on to describe a plan in which the government would intervene to stop people from relocating their businesses. “It’s the only way,” Jackson said.

A black power structure is Selma, an 80 percent black city, has represented the equivalent of an EMP-blast over the city only allowing one or two days of outside coverage of the city to exist: those days happen to correspond with the anniversary of the famed march across the bridge in 1965; what happens in the city when blacks are in charge the other 364 days of the years means absolutely nothing, unless it can be used to transmit a message of continued white oppression and persecution of defenseless, powerless blacks.

But blacks have all the power in Selma, and the city lights are going out. One wonders if there is even a working public water fountain in the 80 percent black city of Selma in 2015, obviously knowing that when the city was controlled by evil whites in 1965, at least a “colored” water fountain worked…

So now the black power structure wants to consider putting in place a plan to prevent individuals from closing the doors of their privately-held businesses, if they plan to relocate them outside the 80 percent black city of Selma…

Again, blacks secure control of the city of Selma, and yet no one wants to be there save a few politicians and white journalists every March when the annual pilgrimage to this religious icon commences…

Selma is 80 percent black; by 2020, the city will likely be 90 percent black.

They control the city’s present and will determine it’s future, free of white people obstructing individual black people’s collective drive… and yet the city celebrates the opening of a Sonic as if its a favored son returning from war a great hero.


The perfect embodiment of what individual black potential collectively manifests in America

Black Child Tony Robinson was Completely Innocent of Any Wrongdoing When He was Murdered by Racist White Cop

Posted: 08 Mar 2015 04:51 AM PDT

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015

Tony Robbins was an inspiration to millions, giving motivational speeches across the globe.  We will never know for certain why he was running back and forth across the street and attacking cars, or why he chose to assault the police officer who was trying to apprehend him.

Tony Robbins was an inspiration to millions. We will never know for certain why he was running back and forth across the street and attacking cars, or why he chose to assault the police officer who was trying to apprehend him.  All reports show that the officer was acting in self-defense when Tony attacked him -

Wait, sorry, there's been an editorial mistake.  This is Tony Robinson, who is not a Croatian motivational speaker but a Black convicted felon.  Also, he is completely innocent and the cop killed him because of hate for the color of his skin.

– Wait, sorry, there’s been an editorial mistake. This is Tony Robinson, who is not a Croatian motivational speaker but a Black convicted felon. He is clearly completely innocent and the cop killed him because of hate for the color of his skin.

Well, things are heating up in Madison, Wisconsin, where an innocent Black child was brutally murdered by a vicious racist White police officer. Protesters have taken to the street to demand an end to White-on-Black crime in America.

This video pretty well sums things up.

Will these evil White bastards ever truly learn that Black lives matter, and they cannot simply go around murdering Black people for no reason without any cause, even if they attack you after having assaulted multiple people already?

The Smoking Gun:

The unarmed Wisconsin teenager who was shot to death last night during a confrontation with a Madison cop pleaded guilty last year to armed robbery and recently began serving a three-year probation term for that felony conviction, court records show.

According to police, an officer responded Friday to a 911 call about a man who had assaulted a victim and was dodging cars in traffic. The cop followed the suspect into a nearby apartment, where the man allegedly struck the officer in the head, knocking him to the ground. During an ensuing struggle, patrolman Matt Kenny fatally shot the suspect.

Family and friends have identified the victim as Anthony "Tony" Robinson, a 19-year-old Madison resident. "The initial finding at the scene did not reflect a gun or anything of that nature that would have been used by the subject,” said Madison Police Chief Mike Koval.

Robinson's mother, Andrea Irwin, said that, "My son has never been a violent person. And to die in such a violent, violent way, it baffles me."

Robinson, pictured above, was arrested last April following an armed home invasion at a Madison residence, according to police records. Cops were called to the scene around 6 AM by a neighbor who "spotted several men, one of them armed with a long gun, entering an apartment building," according to a police report.

Police arrived at the home "just as the armed robbery was ending" and a group of suspects was fleeing "with electronics and other property." Cops subsequently recovered a shotgun and a facsimile handgun used during the robbery, as well as some of the stolen property.

Robinson was one of five suspects (each of whom was 18 at the time of their arrest) busted for the home invasion. In October, he pleaded guilty to armed robbery and was later sentenced to six months in jail, though a judge stayed the exection of the custodial term. Robinson was also placed on three years probation, which he began serving in late-December.

Robinson was also the defendant in a paternity action filed last year by a 24-year-old Madison woman. The civil matter ended with a paternity judgment being served on Robinson with regard to the child, a boy who just turned one. A judge ruled that, "parties will have joint legal custody; no placement order and no child support order entered as neither party appeared to provide info."

On his Twitter account, Robinson yesterday included a link to a story about the scathing Department of Justice probe into the Ferguson, Missouri police department. On Thursday, he tweeted, "I need a bae to take care of me when I’m off the drugs." In other tweets, the teen–whose handle included the name "Tony Montana"–frequently referred to marijuana and described himself as a "Real nigga from the start till the casket shut." Last June, Robinson made reference to the ankle monitor he was outfitted with after being released on bond in the armed robbery case. "Big bro wants me to come to new york and live with him after my bracelet comes off, hey why not," he wrote.

In posts this year to his Facebook page, Robinson appeared troubled, writing, "I hate my mind" and "I don't need help im not crazy." In a January 19 post, he declared, "My soul is dying." In a series of messages on February 11, Robinson wrote, "You arent shit to your family when you grow up," and "Iv been getting lied to my whole life… Mostly by famliy members." In December, a day after linking to a video showing a police officer applying a chokehold to a man, Robinson wrote, "The only thing cops are getting trained for is to shoot first and ask questions later."

Any objective person can see that this child was a very good boy – or “goo-boy” – but the problem is, we do not have objective people running police departments these days. We have White serial killers completely filled with hatred for the color of a man’s skin, who prowl the streets looking for Black children to murder.

What is even worse is that the justice system in this racist country is so corrupt that it let’s the White murderers of these innocent Black children walk free.

In 2012, Trayvon Martin, a Black child with his whole future ahead of him, was brutally murdered by a White man who was also Hispanic.

In 2012, Trayvon Martin, a Black child with his whole future ahead of him, was brutally murdered by a Hispanic White supremacist.  His crime?  Buying Skittles.

Last year, a blonde-haired police officer hunted down Black child Michael Brown and murdered him on the street while his hands were up in a gesture of surrender.  His crime?  Borrowing cigars.

Last year, a blonde-haired police officer hunted down Black child Michael Brown and murdered him on the street while his hands were up in a gesture of surrender. His crime? Borrowing cigars.

Blaming the Victim

In the case of Tony Robinson, we see again the same pattern which took place with the murder of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown: the racist media and police are trying to place blame on the innocent Black child.

Instead of focusing on the cop, who was clearly a racist and murderer, they are bringing up the fact that just before the murder, Robinson was running back and forth across a street attacking cars and then assaulted people before fleeing into an apartment and then assaulting a cop.

But is an assault on a police officer really an excuse for the cold-blooded murder of an unarmed child?  Or is this yet another excuse by White racists who have institutionalized a program to commit a genocide against Blacks?

What’s worse is that racists in the media are now using the fact that Robinson was a convicted felon and gang-member against him.

The mainstream media is focusing on images of Robinson throwing up gang signs.

The racist mainstream media is focusing on images of Robinson throwing up gang signs and using drugs.

They also note that he was wearing a house-arest anklet as a result of having been convicted of a violent felony - a fact completely irrelevant to his brutal racist murder.

They also note that he was wearing a house-arest anklet as a result of having been convicted of a violent felony – a fact completely irrelevant to his brutal racist murder.

Some Fighting Back

If this had been a case of a Black man murdering an innocent White, there would be thousands rioting and burning down local establishments.  In this case, there are only a couple hundred people gathered on the streets of Madison to declare that Whites do not have a right to murder innocent Black children because of the color of their skin.

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Media Refuses to Acknowledge the Reality

The media, like the police and Justice Department is run by Black-hating White racists.  As such, most media outlets are refusing to acknowledge that Tony Robinson had no arms.

What the racist media isn't telling you: Tony Robinson was unarmed.

What the racist media isn’t telling you: Tony Robinson was unarmed.

Thankfully, in order to preserve their journalistic credibility, a few sources are willing to acknowledge the armless reality.

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