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Friday, March 06, 2015 - Friday Mar 6 2015

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Fri Mar 6, 2015 - 3:49 pm EST

St. Thérèse of Lisieux's parents to make history as first married couple to be canonized together

By Thaddeus Baklinski

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Fri Mar 6, 2015 - 3:04 pm EST

Ontario College of Physicians approves policy compelling doctors to abort, euthanize in some cases

By Steve Weatherbe

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Fri Mar 6, 2015 - 8:00 pm EST

Critics fire back with new evidence after CRS denies it ran sex ed program pushing abortifacients

By Lisa Bourne

Top News

City of San Fran. tells archbishop his school reform is discriminatory: considering legal action

A reported 80 percent of teachers in the archdiocese's Catholic high schools have sent the archbishop a petition accusing him of fostering 'mistrust and fear.'

By Lisa Bourne

West Virginia passes 20-week ‘fetal pain’ abortion ban: overrides governor’s veto

'We condemn Governor Tomblin for his cowardice and indifference toward the innocent, unborn child who is capable of great suffering from the violence of abortion.'

By Ben Johnson

Psychology Today bans ads for treatment of unwanted same-sex attraction

The magazine initially balked at removing the ads, but backed down after a story at the Huffington Post.

By Kirsten Andersen

What? These Florida crisis pregnancy clinics rejoiced when their number of saves dropped last year

In 2013, two Community Pregnancy Clinics in Florida, had an astounding 90% success rate and saved a total of 1,211 babies from abortion.

By Pete Baklinski

One of the leading gay ‘marriage’ activists in Ohio faked his own abduction: police

'Such events are troubling, because the sheer volume of calls could possibly prevent dispatchers from answering other emergencies.'

By Ben Johnson

The Pulse

Pray to end abortion wherever you are

There are some folks for whom it is simply impossible to pray at the abortion centers. If that's you … please know that your prayers are still incredibly valuable!

By Steve Karlen

Campus pro-life activism: Meeting pain with compassion

No matter how much pain one might see in the world, there will always be more. And some of this pain must exist so that good may eventually come out of it.

By Roland Verhey

The Carter decision: Not safe for doctors

No doctor who assists a suicide, can be assured of his or her safety to do so. Even after the 12 month suspension period, doctors are at risk of homicide charges.

By Alex Schadenberg

Pro-lifers plan sit-in at Speaker Boehner’s office to #FreeTheBan on late-term abortions

Pro-lifers are saying ENOUGH ALREADY. Pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act!

By Jill Stanek


Why Obama’s lie on marriage matters

Voters have a right to true information not only about a presidential candidate's public policy positions, but also about his character and worldview, because such information is necessary to their ability to govern themselves.

By Carson Holloway

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