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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Rush Limbaugh Made a Startling Announcement About a 3rd Term for Obama and more...

Rush Limbaugh Made a Startling Announcement About a 3rd Term for Obama

A solid majority of Americans are impatiently waiting for January 2017, when President Barack Obama will be forced to leave the White House, as per the two-term limit set by the Twenty-second Amendment of the Constitution. However, there has been a bit of speculation, most often on the fringes, that Obama could somehow try to


BREAKING: Guess What Obama Was Doing While US Troops Were Under Attack in Yemen?

Just six months ago, President Barack Obama held up the unstable and failed state of Yemen as an example of his successful foreign policies in what used to be called the War on Terror. But in truth, Yemen is far from a success story, as evidenced by the fact that the U.S. Embassy was hurriedly


Black Teen Executes Newlywed Soldier and Pregnant Wife… No Media Outrage [VIDEO]

After a trial that lasted 12 days, Macyo Joelle January, a 19-year-old black teen, was found guilty of the double murder of a white couple who had recently married. January executed the couple by shooting them in the back of the head after they walked in on him burglarizing their home. The jury only took three


VIDEO: This 33-Second Hillary Ad Could Be What Destroys Her in 2016

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has long been viewed as the inevitable choice for the Democrat nomination for president in 2016, but her candidacy might already have been derailed before it really even started. The Clinton camp has been rocked with scandal, which is nothing new for them. But the timing of the leaks


Wow. Here’s the Maddening Place Where Obama’s Paying for Welfare Abusers to Live

Fair warning to our readers — this story of President Barack Obama providing a life of luxury to people who are perfectly capable finding jobs but choose instead to abuse the welfare system is going to infuriate you. Right this moment, in places like Arlington, Va., welfare leeches are living in luxury high-rise apartments that


BREAKING: Open Rebellion Against Obama Launched With 367 House Members in Defiance

President Barack Obama’s ill-conceived negotiations with Iran over their nuclear weapons program have angered a great many in Washington and abroad, not the least of these, members of Congress. Now, the House of Representatives is striking back with a harshly-worded letter to the president that could serve as an opening salvo in another painful conflict


URGENT: Rush Limbaugh Makes Major Announcement About Ted Cruz

On Monday, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz officially announced what many conservatives have been hoping for, that he would be running for president in 2016. Following a major speech at Liberty University, Cruz received a hearty dose of support from a rather surprising source: conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh. Although Rush is generally looked at


BREAKING: Democrats Launch THIS Gun Control Legislation… Where’s The Media?

Democrats are continuing their attempt to criminalize gun ownership by reintroducing legislation that would create a “universal” background check requirement to make the transfer of firearms between friends and even one’s own family an illegal act. California Democrat Rep. Mike Thompson and a host of other anti-gun lawmakers have introduced H.R. 1217 — legislation that echoes


BREAKING: Michelle’s School Lunch Program Just Got Slammed by the Last People We’d Imagine

The state of New York has often been touted as one of the furthest left in our Union, mainly because it runs amok with liberal policies and politicians. You would think that such a state would favor First Lady Michelle Obama’s nanny-state Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, but you would be incorrect. One New York school district, New


VIDEO: Ex-Muslim and Harvard Historian Sums Up Islam With 1 Devastating Quote

As the world watches in abject horror while radical Islamic extremists wage a brutal jihad around the globe, more and more ex-Muslims and experts on Islam are warning as many as will listen about the deadly threat. One of those warning voices is that of Ayann Hirsi Ali, a formerly Islamic woman who suffered female


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