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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 02/18/2015

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Elizabeth Warren and the new PUMAs
2/18/2015 10:31:04 AM  Jazz Shaw
Once upon a time, back in the old days during the end of W’s second term, there was a presidential primary election taking place among the Democrats. Hillary Clinton was in a pitched battle with Barack Obama which stretched very late in the season

Marie Harf: My comment about ISIS needing jobs was 'too nuanced' for you boors
2/18/2015 10:01:05 AM  Noah Rothman
This is precisely how any organization would hope their spokesperson might respond when entangled in a controversy of their own making: Doubling down and petulantly insisting that your many critics are idiots. On Monday, Harf was the subject of criticism

Walker: Those elite snobs seem a little nervous about me, huh?
2/18/2015 9:31:03 AM  Ed Morrissey
They certainly do, if the deep dive into Scott Walker’s thirty-year-old academic record is any indication. Walker may become the most famous college dropout since Bill Gates — or maybe Steve Jobs — or perhaps Mark Zuckerberg. Walker

Anti-energy media pretty excited about oil train accident
2/18/2015 9:01:47 AM  Jazz Shaw
There was a serious train wreck this week, and this one was a literal train wreck as opposed to somebody’s political career imploding. It took place near Mount Carbon, West Virginia, where a CSX train went off the rails during a snowstorm, though

New Gov't Programs Threaten to Confiscate Citizen Savings

FREE BOOK: Defend Your Money against Gov't Confiscation

Largest Banks Conspire with Gov't to Confiscate Accounts

Video: Kurds repel major ISIS assault near Irbil
2/18/2015 8:31:27 AM  Ed Morrissey
Have US and coalition airstrikes stopped the growth of ISIS? They don’t appear to think so. ISIS launched an attack on a key defense of the Kurdish capital of Irbil, nearly overrunning the major defensive outpost that protects the regional

ISIS burns 45 more to death
2/18/2015 8:01:29 AM  Jazz Shaw
I hate to admit it, but it’s getting to the point where this headline is no longer shocking enough to generate something new to say. The monsters have continued their march toward The End Times and have burned dozens more people to death in

Quotes of the day
2/17/2015 10:11:22 PM  Allahpundit
President Barack Obama’s administration on Tuesday delayed implementing his unilateral steps to shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation after a judge blocked the actions at the urging of 26 states accusing Obama of exceeding his

Of course: Police tell smiling kids to go home because sledding on Capitol Hill is outlawed
2/17/2015 9:41:25 PM  Mary Katharine Ham
It is perhaps the most parodically kill-joy practice of nanny-state American city officals of late, banning sledding on any public property to cover their legal derrieres lest someone bust their literal derriere on a hill that is supposed to be owned by

Video: 10 hours of a Jewish man walking in Paris
2/17/2015 8:41:42 PM  Mary Katharine Ham
Just like Joe Biden’s wandering hands, this is certainly nothing worthy of the attention of, say, #manspreading or catcalling. This is just the inexorably rising tide of anti-Semitism in Old Europe. What could go wrong? The video is filmed in the

Take David Axelrod's word for it: Obama's White House remains untouched by any 'major scandals'
2/17/2015 8:01:10 PM  Noah Rothman
Both President Barack Obama and the administration he leads are ethical paragons. Don't believe me? Ask former White House advisor David Axelrod. Speaking to an audience at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics during an event promoting the

Ethics: De Blasio's ID program for illegal immigrants has self-destruct option if GOP wins in 2016
2/17/2015 7:21:23 PM  Noah Rothman
This is not how republican democracy is designed to operate. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's controversial program that would create new municipal identification cards for illegal immigrants so they can take advantage of city services just got a

Marco Rubio's likely replacement in the Senate: Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
2/17/2015 6:41:36 PM  Allahpundit
Second look at giving Rubio anything he wants to run for Senate again instead of running for president? The bad news: Debbie Downer is better positioned here than you think. The good news: Six more years of “Debbie Wasserman Schultz said

Financial backer of Chevron Shakedown abandons ship, settles in court
2/17/2015 6:01:03 PM  Jazz Shaw
The dawn of 2015 has proved to be a busy period in the Great Chevron Shakedown case. Having already beaten the Ecuadorian officials who began it and the environmental activists in the United States who supported it, Chevron went after New York attorney

Are you ready for … Senator Jon Huntsman? Update: Not in 2016, Huntsman says
2/17/2015 5:21:40 PM  Ed Morrissey
At this point, we don’teven know if Jon Huntsman is ready for Senator Jon Huntsman. CNN’s John King reported this on Sunday, and Salt Lake City’s KUTV picked it up this morning. Former Republican governor and Barack Obama appointed

Unreal: College blocks man from housing access for reminding student of her rapist
2/17/2015 4:41:55 PM  Noah Rothman
As a nation, we spent last week debating whether or not it is possible for someone who lacks a college degree to perform the duties required of an American president. At the same time, we pondered an educator's impassioned case for treating college-age

Eric Holder: "We're not at a time of war"
2/17/2015 4:08:52 PM  Allahpundit
Didn’t his boss just send a very open-ended war authorization request to Congress last week? Did I dream that? I can’t tell anymore if the White House’s weird pronouncements on ISIS and radical Islam are examples of fine lawyerly

Houston Islamic center fire and the anatomy of "hate crime" coverage
2/17/2015 3:21:55 PM  Jazz Shaw
You may have missed it last week, but there was a fairly serious fire in Houston which caused significant damage to an Islamic center there. Fires are, unfortunately, not all that uncommon, but given the nature of the building there were immediate

Tuesday TEMS: Andrew Malcolm, Conn Carroll, Jay Cost
2/17/2015 2:51:13 PM  Ed Morrissey
Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day! Andrew Malcolm joins us for Tuesdays with Andrew! The Prince of Twitter and I will discuss all of the hot political stories of the day. Townhall’s Conn

Poll: GOP is losing the messaging war over DHS funding
2/17/2015 2:41:12 PM  Noah Rothman
The countdown clock to a "shutdown" of the Department of Homeland Security is ticking relentlessly toward zero. Meanwhile, the political press is not doing Republicans any favors amid the party’s effort to use their newfound political leverage to

DHS Secretary: Yeah, we have to put off our executive amnesty for now
2/17/2015 2:01:23 PM  Ed Morrissey
Looks like DHS will be a little less busy than planned tomorrow after all. The injunction issued by a federal court in Texas has blocked Barack Obama’s attempt at executive amnesty, and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson says his office will not ignore the

Minnesota, Detroit newspapers not exactly enamored of Obama's BuzzFeed moment
2/17/2015 1:21:20 PM  Ed Morrissey
And that’s putting it mildly — unlike the reaction from St. Paul Pioneer Press sportswriter Kevin Cusick. He put together a slideshow of images from Barack Obama’s BuzzFeed photo shoot for the Pioneer Press website, with one caption

Time for Joe Biden to creep on another woman
2/17/2015 12:41:51 PM  Allahpundit
The victim this time is Stephanie Carter, wife of incoming defense secretary Ashton Carter, seen here holding forth on ISIS while his better half suffers the ritual indignity of the vice presidential droit de seigneur at swearings-in. Silver lining:

White House summit on violent extremism and social media missing one element
2/17/2015 12:01:39 PM  Ed Morrissey
When one thinks about violent extremism these days, what core causes and catalysts come to mind? In the past few weeks, massacres have occurred on the streets of Paris and Copenhagen, videos have been released showing beheadings

Jeb Bush doesn't have a foreign policy problem
2/17/2015 11:31:37 AM  Noah Rothman
It's been said before, but it bears repeating: The 2016 candidate with the biggest liability on matters relating to foreign affairs is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Having served for four years as America's chief diplomat, she has a record

State Department spokesman: We need to go after ISIS's root causes, like lack of job opportunities
2/17/2015 11:01:06 AM  Allahpundit
Via Newsbusters and Powerline. “We cannot kill our way out of this war,” says Marie Harf, reciting a bit of wisdom so conventional among America’s ruling class since Vietnam that it might as well be etched in granite above the entrance

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Poll: 50% see Hillary as the future, 64% see Jeb Bush as the past
Rand Paul is looking to April to announce plan to run for president, associates say
Many Dutch doctors OK with euthanasia for nonphysical suffering
Top GOP donors on conference call: Be like Jeb on immigration
Official: U.S. to equip moderate Syrian rebels
Scott Walker leads big in Iowa
Our fight against violent extremism
Cryotherapy: Would you freeze yourself fit?
If it's not right to rape a rapist, how can it be OK to kill a killer?
"I am going to Mars to die"

New Gov't Programs Threaten to Confiscate Citizen Savings

FREE BOOK: Defend Your Money against Gov't Confiscation

Largest Banks Conspire with Gov't to Confiscate Accounts


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