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Thursday, June 04, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 06/04/2015

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WaPo: Say, those Qatari donations to the Clinton Foundation seem suspect
6/4/2015 10:01:59 AM  Ed Morrissey
You don’t say! Actually, Rosalind Helderman does, and the Washington Post reporter notes that the smell around the Qatar-Clinton Foundation relationship isn’t just a case of hindsight. Even at the time that the Qataris poured cash into the

Hillary Clinton's big rally manages to boot long planned children's event out of park
6/4/2015 9:21:14 AM  Jazz Shaw
The world’s best gosh darned campaign team seems to have managed to stick their foot in it again. Later this month Hillary Clinton will be “officially” launching or relaunching or coming out of the closet about her presidential

Video: Perry announces presidential run
6/4/2015 8:41:58 AM  Ed Morrissey
The 2016 election will be one in which “voters will look past what you say to what you’ve done,” Rick Perry says in a new video on his website. The former four-term governor of Texas will put that to the test, as he announced on his

Marilyn Mosby seeks to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy report
6/4/2015 8:01:12 AM  Jazz Shaw
The story coming to us out of Baltimore in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray just gets stranger and stranger. Once State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby had brought a gaggle of charges against the six police officers involved in the incident, the

Quotes of the day
6/3/2015 10:41:20 PM  Allahpundit
By and large, Huckabee’s comments [about Bruce Jenner] have been portrayed as out of touch and out of date… Yet, despite the apparent tide of opinion seeming to shift in favor of transgender rights, there’s a sizable, mostly silent,

Let's just run through the facts of Billy Jeff's Great Swedish Caper
6/3/2015 10:11:51 PM  Mary Katharine Ham
The only surprise in this story is that Bill didn’t find a way to rope in a Swedish women’s Olympic team of some sort. But even if the conduct herein isn’t all that surprising, given it’s the Clintons we’re talking about,

The first official Fallout 4 trailer features a post-apocalyptic Boston
6/3/2015 9:31:30 PM  C.T. Rex
After a 24 hour countdown gimmick, Bethesda Softworks has finally released the first official trailer for the highly anticipated Fallout 4: The landmarks confirm it is set in and around the Fallout universe’s post-apocalyptic version of Boston, an

The DEA is going around regulations to read emails
6/3/2015 8:31:47 PM  Taylor Millard
Everyone who gets the Hot Air notifications in their inbox every day, be sure to say, "Hello" to the fine DEA agent who may have read it first. USA Today got a hold of records indicating the DEA is using state and local courts to skip past the Justice

Police: Original target of Boston terror cell was Pamela Geller
6/3/2015 7:36:00 PM  Ed Morrissey
CNN’s update this evening is worth noting even without any other major updates to the case of Usaama Rahim.  Pushing First Amendment issues in this context is not a risk-free enterprise, which isn’t the fault of the speech. Rahim originally

ADP shows 201,000 private-sector jobs added
6/3/2015 6:51:48 PM  Ed Morrissey
Earlier today, ADP announced that their survey showed that the US economy added 201,000 jobs in May. It’s the best report since January and hit analysts’ expectations, but revisions to previous months shaved 33,000 jobs off of the cumulative

Hillary supporters launching massive assault on voter fraud legislation
6/3/2015 6:01:11 PM  Jazz Shaw
Maggie Haberman and Chozick have an article at the New York Times which details an upcoming battle plan “by Democrats” to wage war against what they refer to as voter restrictions in states across the nation. What they’re talking about

Video: 101 arrested in massive Florida child-prostitution sting
6/3/2015 5:21:49 PM  Ed Morrissey
Consider this Chris Hansen … on steroids. A task force composed of Florida law enforcement agencies netted 101 arrests in a child-prostitution sting, including would-be pimps and johns. Also included in the arrests, uncomfortably so for the resort

Cameron Crowe: Sorry that my make-believe required you to make believe Emma Stone was a quarter Asian
6/3/2015 4:41:36 PM  Allahpundit
To cleanse the palate, I like what commenter Flange said: “You're doing something wrong if you're apologizing for putting Emma Stone in a movie.” This so-called apology isn’t him saying “sorry that I offended you” so much as

Is Jeb Bush violating campaign finance laws?
6/3/2015 4:01:34 PM  Jazz Shaw
There is little doubt that there are more than a few people at the offices of the New York Times who would like to see Jeb Bush knocked out of the 2016 race. With that in mind, I took it with a grain of salt when I noticed an article of theirs implying

CNN: Get ready for steep ObamaCare hikes to premiums in 2016
6/3/2015 3:21:52 PM  Ed Morrissey
Anyone who understands risks pools and pricing opacity could have seen this coming all along … and many of us did. Those who insisted that forcing everyone into insurance would lower costs, or at least those who believed that promise, are in for a

Guess who's now more popular than Obama?
6/3/2015 2:41:20 PM  Jazz Shaw
This has to be a particularly depressing day for the current President of the United States, assuming somebody bothers to bring a summary of the morning headlines out to him on the golf course. The latest set of approval ratings for all the living

So evading government scrutiny is a crime. Why?
6/3/2015 2:01:01 PM  Jazz Shaw
Yesterday I started to delve into the Dennis Hastert case, paying particular attention to the specific crimes with which the former Speaker is being charged. But even after I finished writing about it and reading some of the comments here, I wasn’t

Republican free market vs Democratic mandate? Bring it on!
6/3/2015 1:21:53 PM  Ed Morrissey
There has been plenty of handwringing over the wide Republican field for the 2016 presidential nomination, but it’s not clear why that’s such a problem. No clear front-runner has emerged, which means that GOP voters have plenty of opportunity

Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner: "I'm the new normal"
6/3/2015 12:41:43 PM  Allahpundit
I can’t tell if he/she means that personally or culturally, i.e., “the new feminine-looking me is normal to me” or “the new feminine-looking me should be normal to you.” Big difference. At one point Jenner says,

State Dept boosted chemical arms sales to nations underwriting Clinton Foundation?
6/3/2015 12:01:38 PM  Ed Morrissey
This quid and quo seem awfully proximate to the pro here. A team from the International Business Times has worked on the movement of cash to the Clinton Foundation by nations benefiting from Hillary Clinton’s State Department, and while they

Texas legislature approves campus-carry
6/3/2015 11:21:46 AM  Jazz Shaw
The Lone Star State was already busy with their open carry law this year, but over the weekend they doubled down and expanded Second Amendment rights for Texans in another area. Dubbed “campus-carry” by supporters, under new legislation

Abadi: The world is not doing enough to fight ISIS
6/3/2015 10:41:39 AM  Ed Morrissey
No kidding, but Haider al-Abadi may be kidding himself if he thinks Western nations will do much more than airstrikes and tongue clucks against ISIS. The Iraqi Prime Minister went to Paris to complain that his army was “going it alone,” and

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

"Game of Thrones" is secretly all about climate change or something
Rand Paul's dark vision
What if the White House wins the Supreme Court Obamacare case?
Yes, Iran's still working on its nuke program
The Human Rights Campaign has some serious human rights problems
Marilyn Mosby will seek order to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy report
Religion of peace: Boston suspects wanted to behead officers
Newest trend in fonts: Mimicking the handwriting of the famous
Coming soon to Japan: Toilets in elevators
California's sexual re-education camps are coming soon


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