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Tuesday, June 02, 2015 - Tuesday Jun 2 2015

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Tue Jun 2, 2015 - 12:55 pm EST

Gay atheist rips into Irish bishops' weak response on gay 'marriage'

By Steve Weatherbe

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Tue Jun 2, 2015 - 2:19 pm EST

Poland's new president lifts pro-life, pro-family hopes

By Natalia Dueholm

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Tue Jun 2, 2015 - 4:20 pm EST

Bruce Jenner wanted to abort his oldest daughter

By Ben Johnson

Top News

Call him Caitlyn? Bruce Jenner makes a record-setting debut as a ‘woman’ in Vanity Fair

'What we need to do is help people from the inside out, not turn society on its head because of the very real struggles of perhaps seven out of 1,000 people,' Dr. Michael Brown told LifeSiteNews.

By Fr. Mark Hodges

Understanding the kerfuffle in the German Catholic Church - interview with Mathias von Gersdorff

The German Catholic journalist and pro-life activist explains the significance of the recent stir caused by prominent Catholics in Germany calling for change on Church moral teaching.

By Maike Hickson

Online dating services increasingly being used for one-night stands: Poll

A French survey had some eye-opening details.

By Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent

High schoolers' powerful new pro-life film compares abortion to Boston bombing

'Where are the responders? Who is coming to the rescue?'

By Pete Baklinski

Obama to speak at Catholic Health Association’s annual meeting

'The Catholic Health Association and other so-called Catholic groups provided cover for those on the fence to support Obama and the administration,' Cardinal Francis George said at the time ObamaCare passed.

By Lisa Bourne


Catholic paper drops Michael Coren after pro-abortion piece – but he wasn't the real problem

Dropping Coren was good, but it's time to clean ship at the Prairie Messenger.

By Pete Baklinski

5 emerging issues that threaten women's health and safety

Globally, the health and safety of women is being threatened by a corrupt industry that exploits them and devalues human life.

By Julie Klose

Gay atheist rips into Irish bishops' weak response on gay 'marriage'

'Can't these Christians see that the moral basis of their faith cannot be sought in the pollsters' arithmetic?'

By Steve Weatherbe

Attacks on pregnancy centers parallel Fugitive Slave Acts

The true object of this new California law is neither safety nor legal protection; it is death.

By Dr. Marc Newman

Mad Men and Christian chivalry

he male chivalry toward women portrayed in shows like "Mad Men" doesn't even get close to the heart of Christian chivalry.

By John Stonestreet

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