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Wednesday, June 03, 2015 - Wednesday Jun 3 2015

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Wed Jun 3, 2015 - 9:44 am EST

Vatican official to pro-life leader: ‘You and your cohort [are] out in the cold’

By Pete Baklinski

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Wed Jun 3, 2015 - 4:00 pm EST

Pope Francis on abortion: ‘Never, never does killing a person resolve a problem’

By Thaddeus Baklinski

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Wed Jun 3, 2015 - 3:41 pm EST

Making Bruce Jenner the transgender poster boy is harming youth and demeaning women

By John-Henry Westen

Top News

Breaking: Catholic Relief Services slams critics of gay 'married' VP as he resigns

The U.S. bishops' relief agency said it 'detest[s] hurtful campaigns' like the one that called for Estridge's dismissal.

By Lisa Bourne

Family beat 14-year-old to force abortion, grilled baby’s body: Police

Police say the girl's cousins first forced her to take 'multiple doses of birth control pills' and Plan B.

By Ben Johnson

Teacher takes preteens to sex toy store: parents outraged

Several of the children purchased condoms there, according to the school.

By Dustin Siggins

World Health Organization promotes abortifacients for new mothers around the globe

Many African and Asian nations may change their laws to allow the usage, according to medical experts.

By Drew Belsky

The family is Christianity's strongest defence, and the devil knows it: Bishop Schneider

The faithful need not fear the 'Goliath' of anti-Christian ideology, but can bring him down with 'the five stones of David,' says the bishop.

By Steve Weatherbe


Anti-life global agenda threatens Namibian families

Regrettably, it is considered a human right in many nations to kill the weakest of us– the unborn children, the sick, the handicapped, and the elderly.

By Emil Hagamu

How we hijacked one of the abortion lobby's defining moments in Canada

The New Abortion Caravan has been successful in impacting not just the present discussion, but the discussion of past historical events regarding abortion rights as well.

By Jonathon van Maren

Help stop Ontario’s discriminatory ban on gay therapy

Young people's lives are not playthings to be used in a cruel and tyrannical game of political correctness such as this.

By Campaign Life Coalition

The New York Times throws in the towel on ‘overpopulation’

The grim game of controlling human numbers continues, but now under the name 'reproductive health' programs.

By Steven Mosher By Anne Roback Morse

Canada’s first conference on men and abortion next week in Niagara Falls

Men who have experienced abortion are a cohort that we have unwittingly ignored, but now is the time to stand in solidarity with these fathers.

By Jakki Jeffs

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