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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Townhall PM - TSA Failed 96 Percent of Security Tests - June 2, 2015

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Accountability? Acting TSA Head Reassigned After Agency Misses 96 Percent of Attacks During Test
Katie Pavlich
As reported yesterday, a series of undercover agents recently conducted a series of security tests on TSA agents and protocol around the country. Those tests included smuggling in fake bombs and weapons through security checkpoints at major airports around the country. TSA failed 96 percent of the tests.
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FIFA President Sepp Blatter Resigns Amid Corruption Scandal
Christine Rousselle
Family of American Prisoners in Iran Denounce Nuclear Deal: 'Either Way We Lose'
Cortney O'Brien
CNN/ORC Poll: Rubio Emerges as Frontrunner; Ugly Internals for Hillary
Daniel Doherty
After TSA Fails 96 Percent of Tests, Obama Continues to Have Confidence in "Security" Agency
Katie Pavlich
Author Of Original Patriot Act: No, The Law Was Never Intended to Collect Data On All Americans
Katie Pavlich
Hollywood Actor Vince Vaughn: We Have The Right to Bear Arms to Resist Corrupt and Abusive Government
Katie Pavlich
Paying the Price
Thomas Sowell
Baltimore is now paying the price for irresponsible words and actions, not only by young thugs in the streets, but also by its mayor and the state prosecutor, both of whom threw the police to the wolves, in order to curry favor with local voters.
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VIDEO: Bomb Threats Made Against At Least Five Airliners
Government sources told NBC News, At least five bomb threats were phoned in Tuesday against flights originating or landing in the United States.
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South Dakota "Voter Fraud" Case Deserves More Attention
Armstrong Williams
Former South Dakota U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworths trial started Tuesday, May 30, 2015.
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VIDEO: "National Leave Work Earlier Day" is Today
Statistics show we work 49 hours/week on average-- so go home on time!
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Leftist Censors Strike Again
David Limbaugh
Angelique Clark, a sophomore at West Career and Technical Academy in Las Vegas, says the Clark County School District denied her application to charter a pro-life club as a chapter of Students for Life of America, the nation's largest youth pro-life organization.
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VIDEO: NewsBusted: America Divided, Obama Library, MSNBC
NewsBusted's Jodi Miller brings you the headlines with a comedic twist.
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WaPo/ABC News Poll: Jeb Leads GOP Field, But Would Still Lose to Hillary
Daniel Doherty
The latest Washington Post-ABC News survey is almost laughably skewed towards Democrats. The D/R/I split is 34/21/32—or D+13. But maybe the poll is instructive nonetheless.
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Oh Boy: Iran's Enriched Uranium Stockpile Grows 20 Percent During Negotiations
Guy Benson
Exhibit Z: Iran's illegitimate, terrorism-abetting, American-killing and -imprisoning regime is despotic, anti-Semitic and thoroughly untrustworthy.
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