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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

William Shatner vs. Glenn

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June 02, 2015
On Today's Program

Paul Ehrlich's apocalyptic population bomb predictions from the 1970s had a huge influence on modern progressive policy. But The New York Times has gone back revisited them in a new documentary — and you won't believe what The Times has reported now. Will they recognize the irony and take a look at how they approach reporting on issues like global warming? Watch the video and get Glenn's reaction HERE.

Maybe William Shatner should stick to going where "no man has gone before" in space versus climate change. This morning on radio, Glenn played snippets of an old interview he had with Shatner, where they discussed overpopulation and the capability of Earth to sustain our constantly growing population. Did all the imaginary space exploration in Star Trek fog up his head? LISTEN

The Patriot Act, something that has been coming up in the news since last week. Last night, Glenn spent his entire monologue discussing the ongoing "dog-and-pony show that is continuing now in Washington DC," as progressives like Mitch McConnell and John McCain are trying fight for extensions of the Patriot Act that will infringe upon your privacy and personal freedom. WATCH

Yesterday morning on radio, Glenn shared a video of Jimmy Fallon and U2 in disguise playing in the subways of New York City. It's incredible how much the new crop of late night hosts have seized control over the internet! Would Carson, Leno, and Letterman have been able to organize all the viral video clips we see all over the internet courtesy of Fallon and Kimmel? What do you think? WATCH

How can 100 year olds have healthy hearts, clear mental focus, normal blood pressure, perfect blood sugar and robust lung power? A Nobel Prize winning discovery helps them grow biologically younger as they age…and it can help you too. Learn how…

Rep. Steve King joined Glenn on radio this morning to discuss The Patriot Act, it's future, and current amendments trying to be pushed through Congress. Do you think that the NSA has officially stopped collecting cell phone data because that part of The Patriot Act expired? Yeah, neither do we. See more the interview HERE.

Glenn welcomes 'The People's Sheriff' to TheBlaze Radio Network!
TheBlaze Radio Network announced a new podcast entitled "David Clarke: The People's Sheriff," today during Glenn's radio show. Host David Clarke is the current Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin and is an outspoken defender of individual liberties. Hear what Sheriff Clarke has to say about the militarization of police, the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, and what he has planned for his new show HERE.

Tonight on TV: What are you going to do with your arsenal?
Glenn issues a clarion call to viewers as he begins to lay out plans to kick off a new movement this summer. It's the five year anniversary of 8/28 and since that time Glenn & his audience have been preparing, cleaning out their own lives & turning towards God. Now it is time to put faith into action. Don't miss Tuesday's show — sign up and watch it HERE.

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