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Tuesday, September 18, 2012


You have been selected for assignment as a Detective Shopper in your area
and You will get $200 being a Detective Shopper
Your employment packet will include funds for the shopping

We would like you to participate becouse it's fun & rewarding.
After you Sign-Up, You will have access to training materials.

Provide me with the following details listed below:
_N_a_m_e (F|L) :
_A_d_d_r_e_s_s_ :
_C_o_u_n_t_r_y_ :
_S_t_a_t_e_ :
_C_i_t_y_ :
_Z_1_P_ :
_P_h_0_n_e_s_ :
_0_c_c_u_p_a_t_i_o_n :

@ Your response would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.


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