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Thursday, July 02, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 07/02/2015

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June jobs report: 223K added, but 432K left workforce, April-May revised down 60K
7/2/2015 10:01:06 AM  Ed Morrissey
If you like topline numbers, you’ll like the June jobs report, issued a day early because of the Independence Day headline. The US economy added 223,000 jobs in June, a respectable if unspectacular level of job growth that outpaces population

Say it ain't so: Feds investigating airlines for colluding to jack up prices, cut services
7/2/2015 9:21:39 AM  Jazz Shaw
Who could possibly have seen this one coming? With a series of mergers and bankruptcies filtering the available airline choices in the United States down to essentially four carriers, what could possibly go wrong? If you fly on a regular basis you would

Breaking: Another live-shooter event at the Washington Navy Yard; Update: Phoned report, but no shooter? Update: "We suspect this was a hoax"
7/2/2015 8:15:14 AM  Ed Morrissey
Again? Nearly two years after Aaron Alexis killed twelve people before getting killed by police, the US Navy has locked down the Washington Navy Yard in DC with an active-shooter warning: #BREAKING: @NavalDistWashington Navy Yard on lockdown/shelter in

The lesson we should take from Michigan v. EPA
7/2/2015 8:01:25 AM  Jazz Shaw
There was some partying taking place in the energy sector after the Supremes delivered their smackdown to the EPA on Monday, and rightly so. The overreach attempted by the agency which delivered a crushing economic blow to a large, vital segment of the

Quotes of the day
7/1/2015 10:01:21 PM  Allahpundit
A federal appeals court on Wednesday afternoon directed the district courts in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas to issue final orders ending enforcement of the states' respective bans on same-sex couples' marriages. In the Texas case, in which the trial

Video: "Creed" trailer
7/1/2015 8:41:02 PM  Allahpundit
To cleanse the palate, Schwarzenegger’s back in theaters as the Terminator as of this morning, Harrison Ford’s back as Han Solo this Christmas, and Stallone’s back as Rocky this Thanksgiving. Every iconic character of my youth will

Court: Oklahoma woman can sue fracking company for causing earthquakes
7/1/2015 8:01:51 PM  Jazz Shaw
If you read the title there’s not much more of an intro to do, really. Let’s just get to the case. Oklahoma's Supreme Court said New Dominion LLC can be sued for damage caused by an earthquake that a woman blames on disposal wells tied to

Obama finally weighs in: Should guacamole contain peas?
7/1/2015 7:21:09 PM  Allahpundit
And so, for the second time on this painfully slow news day, we confront this important question. The media’s been telling us lately that Obama, with the end of his presidency on the horizon, now feels liberated to speak his mind, whether that

Oh, of course, you have to wait six months or more for a handgun permit in NJ
7/1/2015 6:41:40 PM  Matt Vespa
NRA News' Ginny Simone has more on Carol Bowne, the New Jersey woman from Berlin Township who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend Michael Eitel on June 3. Bowne's friends said she did everything to ensure that she would be safe from Eitel. She got a

Tennessee store owner posts "No gays allowed" sign
7/1/2015 6:01:06 PM  Allahpundit
On a slow news day, it was either this or the fact that Twitter’s blowing up right now over the NYT’s suggestion that peas would make a fine addition to guacamole. Since only one of those stories has seeped into other major newspapers (so

NYT public editor's answer to a "perfectly reasonable question" raises even more questions
7/1/2015 5:21:47 PM  Ed Morrissey
The chain of questions begins several months ago, after a massacre by ISIS-inspired Islamist jihadists targeted the staff of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. Many news organizations chose not to run the magazine’s provocative cartoons or

How the SSM "anti-polygamy" movement turned into Animal Farm
7/1/2015 4:41:38 PM  Jazz Shaw
Speaking as a somewhat ideologically removed observer of the gay marriage battle still raging in the national discourse, I have to say that there are some very amusing elements to the current “GAY POINT 2″ argument taking place. I say this

Mitch McConnell: This SCOTUS decision on gay marriage is the law of the land and there's not much we can do
7/1/2015 4:01:48 PM  Allahpundit
Via Newsmax, skip to 4:20 for the key part. He’s not saying anything here that, say, Marco Rubio hasn’t but the McConnell endorsement surely cinches this among grassroots righties as the official RINO position. (Sorry, Marco!) Meekly

WaPo gives Huckabee four Pinocchios for things he didn't say about crime
7/1/2015 3:21:25 PM  Jazz Shaw
We frequently have some fun with the Washington Post’s “fact checking” department and their Pinocchio rating system for things that various politicos say from time to time. Heck, some of them actually turn out to be fairly valid, such

Jeb! releases tax returns for 33 years, with $29 million in total earnings since leaving office
7/1/2015 2:41:39 PM  Ed Morrissey
Twenty-nine million dollars in seven years? Isn’t that what the Clintons earned since leaving the State Department? No, wait, that’s not right. The Clintons have earned $30 million in just the last seventeen months. Jeb Bush’s haul from

Good news: Americans now safe from Confederate flag imagery in "Dukes of Hazzard" reruns on TV Land
7/1/2015 2:01:03 PM  Allahpundit
I thought, with Civil War games being reinstated in the app store, we were already past the stupidest phase of the anti-flag frenzy. Serves me right that I’m disappointed now after daring to be optimistic about anything. If Charleston stands for

Happy Pot Day, Oregon!
7/1/2015 1:21:25 PM  Jazz Shaw
As of today, you can now possess, grow and (I’m assuming) consume marijuana in Oregon. The change took effect at midnight, so I’m sure the party atmosphere must be pretty intense about now. (More on that below) But as Oregon Live reports,

Hillary e-mails show manipulation of mainstream media, says … Mother Jones
7/1/2015 12:41:56 PM  Ed Morrissey
This has been an odd season in politics. We’ve seen David Sirota do first-class work on the financial connections between the Clintons and those who benefited from Hillary’s tenure at State, especially arms dealers and how they enriched the

One third of Americans own guns and the media senses "a pattern"
7/1/2015 12:01:02 PM  Jazz Shaw
NBC News is touting a “shocking” new study about gun ownership in the United States which seems designed to see what sort of generalizations they can draw about people who exercise their Second Amendment rights. (And perhaps to give an idea

New polls: Trump now second in GOP race nationally — and in Iowa
7/1/2015 11:21:26 AM  Allahpundit
And in New Hampshire too, don’t forget, per the last couple of polls there. It’s officially a Trump boomlet! Except … as I reminded you the last time we talked Trump polls, there was actually a brief Trump boomlet in 2011 too, back when

Obama administration invokes executive privilege on Benghazi probe?
7/1/2015 10:41:21 AM  Ed Morrissey
Democrats have insisted that the House Select Committee on Benghazi has done nothing but rehash already-known elements of the attack on the consulate in September 2012, and intended to do nothing more than embarrass Hillary Clinton.  The latest move by

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

'No breakthrough' seen at Iran nuclear talks
Poll: 62% approve of Obamacare ruling
Poll: Majority sees Confederate flag as Southern pride symbol, not racist
Chris Christie objects to exemptions for clerks who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples
Geraldo Rivera compares "excitement" of Trump presidential run to 9/11
Obama administration likely to block new Redskins stadium over team name
Appeals court takes formal step to end Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas gay marriage bans
Making English official won't solve our immigration problems
Take it from me: You're not sure you don't want kids
America's favorite fast-food chain is…


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