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Monday, July 20, 2015

It’s time to prepare again...

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July 20, 2015
On Today's Program

"I want to invite you to join me in a historic journey that begins 40 days and forty nights from now in Birmingham Alabama," Glenn writes. "On the same streets once filled with Martin Luther King and thousands of Americans willing to stand for the hard and unpopular truth, we will launch a new movement, one based on the rights for all mankind and based on the same self evident truths that motivated our country's past civil rights icons." MORE

We are now 40 days away from the 8.28 event in Birmingham, Alabama. Glenn wants as many people to join him there as possible. What's being planned for the big event? Take a look and make sure you don't miss out! MORE

While Glenn has been resting his vocal cords this month, he has done his best to stay away from too much news and politics. He finally weighed in on the Iran nuclear deal Sunday night, calling it "madness." He also criticized the Obama administration's overall foreign policy and our coziness with Iran, Cuba and organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood. Read the full post HERE.

Martin O'Malley spoke at the progressive Netroots Nation over the weekend and found himself under fire from Black Lives Matter activists. The activists interrupted the presidential hopeful as he tried to answer questions. O'Malley was pressed to give specific examples of how he would end police brutality, and—most shockingly—was booed when he tried to say "All Lives Matter." Watch the video and get reaction from Pat and Stu HERE.


TRENDING: Americans vanishing

309 U.S. millionaires recently vanished. Their cars are still there. No savings withdrawn. The NY Times, LA Times, and Fox have all reported on this story. But they missed the big picture. Where did these folks go?

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To Trump Disciples: You're embarrassing conservatism and yourselves
"Conservatism has a problem," Matt Walsh writes. "This problem seems to be metastasizing rapidly, and we've seen it manifest itself at numerous points in the last few years. It always goes like this: Some person comes along and says, like, one thing conservatives agree with, and next thing you know he or she is being hailed as the right wing messiah, and all who oppose the new savior must hand over their conservative membership cards and be cast out into the desert." MORE

'Subversion of democracy': The consequences of the Iran deal won't be felt by the Obama administration
The hallmark of the modern Democratic party has to be passing legislation and instituting policy that makes everyone feel really good for a moment but pushes massive consequences down the road. The Obama administration has done it with growing entitlement programs like Obamacare, increasing the national debt, ignoring illegal immigration and more. The Iran nuclear deal will end up being the latest in a long list. Buck Sexton has the story and reaction on today's radio show. MORE

MLK Jr.'s 'Guidelines for a Constructive Church' are as relevant today as they were in 1966
The writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. have shaped Glenn's thinking in a major way over the past five years—and they're going to play a big role in what he does in the months and years ahead. In order to get a look into what Glenn is thinking, he has decided to share some of the readings that are having a huge impact on his thinking, as well as some of the key passages. The first piece can be found HERE.

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