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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Townhall PM - FBI Investigating Hillary Clinton - August 5, 2015

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FBI Investigating Hillary Clinton's Use of Private Email To Send and Receive Classified Information
Katie Pavlich
Last week the New York Times reported two Inspectors General recommended the Department of Justice look into the security of Hillary Clinton's private email server and asked it be determined whether she kept, sent or received classified information that could have been compromised by an outside source. Now, the FBI is looking into it.
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That Time Obama Said Harvesting Human Organs Was 'Foolish'
Matt Vespa
Marine Arrested For Accidental Gun Possession in D.C., David Gregory Still On The Loose
Katie Pavlich
Federal Agents Working with Baltimore Police To Curb Spike In Violence
Matt Vespa
NYT Publishes Op-Ed by Zimbabwean Defending Cecil the Lion's Hunter
Christine Rousselle
Selfish Unions Fighting London Underground 24 Hour Opening
Andre Walker
Hot Pursuit: Bernie Sanders Tied With Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire
Katie Pavlich
Defunding Planned Parenthood Not the Same as Repealing the Right to Abortion
Jonah Goldberg
The GOP-controlled Congress is taking up the cause, once again, of defunding Planned Parenthood.
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VIDEO: Obama: World 'Has to Step Up' on Climate Change
President Obama met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the White House where the two discussed ongoing efforts in the US and abroad to tackle climate change.
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Mark Levin Worries About the Young
Brent Bozell
Arrogant liberal journalists naturally assume that conservative talk radio only succeeds in making Americans dumber. They reach this conclusion by avoiding conservative talk radio entirely.
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VIDEO: GOP Candidates React to Prime-Time Debate Exclusion
With the final lineup set for the first Republican presidential debate, the lowest polling candidates are reacting, some angrily to being left out of the main event.
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Mega-Rich Hillary Cares Oh So Much for Nation's Poor
Star Parker
Hillary Clinton just spoke, along with Republican presidential contender and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, at the National Urban League Conference.
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VIDEO: Republican Candidates Are Talking About the Koch Brothers
Over the weekend, Charles and David Kochs Freedom Partners hosted five Republican candidates at the St. Regis Monarch Beach resort in California. Heres some of the praise the presidential hopefuls lavished on their billionaire hosts.
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Obama: Without My Iran Deal, "Some Form of War" is Possible
Daniel Doherty
President Obama, not unlike his predecessor before him, traveled to American University on Wednesday to deliver perhaps one of the most important speeches of his presidency.
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Team Clinton Claims Republicans Are Against People Who "Aren't White Men"...Rubio, Jindal, Fiorina, Carson and Cruz?
Katie Pavlich
It seems as if the Clinton campaign is a) not paying attention to the Republican presidential field b) Denies the diversity in the Republican presidential field c) is already running out of talking points.
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City of Houston Wants to Bulldoze One Black Church, Condemn Another
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Obama Keeps His Promises On Carbon
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A Few Tips for the Thursday Debates
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